How can anybody pay attention to the racist rhetoric Julius Malema leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) expresses? Nobody can take Malema seriously, and one needs to understand that he makes comments out of desperation to win votes in the municipal elections. The comments spoken by Malema are not in the best interest of the country, it is not to build up South Africa or grow the economy, and it is all about the survival of Malema.
Malema is telling supporters at a KwaZulu-Natal celebration of the Freedom Charter that they can occupy land illegally and not apologize. Malema went on to say that no white person in the country can claim ownership. The black majority are the legal owners of all the land in South Africa, and if a black person likes any piece of land they must occupy it because it belongs to them, that is according to Malema.
Surprisingly Malema agrees “that the land belongs to all who work and live on it” a clause in the Freedom Charter, but he stated that this clause does not apply to white people. Malema told his crowd of supporters that whites brought no land when they came to South Africa. Therefore Malema said they cannot say that South Africa belongs to whites as it would be defeating the purpose of fighting for what their forefathers have been doing all along.
Malema did say, that white people will be given land, but only after all the land is returned to the black majority. Once in power, the EFF government would determine how to give some land to the white minority. Malema mentioned that the ruling African National Party (ANC) had failed the majority and did not uphold the Freedom Charter. He went on to say it was now up to the black people to take back the land.
Previously Malema said that he was not waging a war against white people but rather fighting for the black majority. He did say the EFF are here to crush white dominance and want an equal society. Crushing white dominance does mean there is a hatred of white people. It means there will be a deliberate action to empower the black majority. It is the masses who are oppressed, and that is not division. Malema went on to say that division is when you protect white privilege at the exclusion of the black majority.
Malema is a dangerous deceiver who speaks to the disgruntled, uneducated and ignorant black majority. Using the weakness of ignorance to agitate the masses all for the sake of power and never thinking of the consequences of their actions.
South Africa Today – South Africa News