Posted January 24, 2013 by
Cape Town, South Africa
By LucAversa | Posted January 24, 2013 | Cape Town, South Africa
South Africa is the only country in the world where the government has passed laws that go far beyond ‘Affirmative Action’ to oppress its white minority in areas of employment, education, and business.
Black Economic Empowerment is having a devastating effect at a social level that is likely to affect future black and white South Africans alike.
Under the guise of helping the ‘previously disadvantaged’ the government is systematically eliminating the white minority from having a sense of pride and belonging in South Africa, thus creating a ‘currently disadvantaged’ race group within its society and further strengthening the racial divide in the country.
This is a sentiment shared by all educated South Africans of all races and this only proves that BEE is a political move put in place by the ANC to secure votes and appease the uneducated masses into believing that it is now their turn to sit at the head of the table, that is is now their time to take revenge on the white oppressors of bygone years.
Racism hangs over every political and social conversation like a blanket of smog on industrialized cities and easily erupts into confrontations among citizens.
Everybody in South Africa knows it is wrong but nobody will say anything about it in fear of disturbing the status-quo and triggering a backlash that might lead to a full blown genocide of the white minority by the black majority.
While the world thinks that South Africa is a new fledgling Democracy, the reality on the ground is very far from that.
The ANC has ruled since the fall of Apartheid and there is no worthy opposition to take over the reigns should the people of South Africa wish to have a Democratic choice.
Oscar Wilde wrote that “Democracy is the bludgeoning of the People by the People for the People” and it couldn’t be more true than in South Africa.
The architects of Apartheid are long gone, most of them are deceased and yet the white minority is accepting a sentence for a crime that it did not commit but was born into, like slaves.
Apartheid was abolished 19 years ago, we now have a youthful generation that has never experienced Apartheid and yet they claim their place in society not through merit but through the color of their skin.
Truth is that Apartheid was never abolished, but a monument was build where it once stood and the flame of racism is burning bright in South Africa, it has little or no opposition and it has been endorsed by the ANC and baptized under the Black Economic Empowerment Act.
My efforts with this ‘plea’ will most likely do nothing to change or undo the long term damage that BEE is doing to the South African people and the natural path of South African culture stemming form different races standing side by side and working towards a unified country.
BEE is destroying the fabric of our communities and it will in time, leave a legacy of a country in disrepair and perpetual racial divide.
We might measure the worth of a country and its people through its GDP, but there’s a lot more to it.
South Africa might be the strongest economy on the African continent, but that doesn’t really say much about the African continent and the state of affairs in South Africa as a whole.
We can do better and we should do better regardless of past aggressions towards the color of our skin, because we never partook in those ideals and we still don’t.
I Love South Africa for what it wants to be and not for what we allow it to be.