December 23, 2015
It is a matter of distinguishing between CLEVER PEOPLE AND WISE PEOPLE:
CLEVER PEOPLE needs racism or any other excuse to hide their incompetence or to justify their sinister agendas when exposed. In the liberal world racism is a tool to win any argument or hide embarrassment when confronted with the truth.
CLEVER PEOPLE use racism to exploit and enslave the uneducated masses and to manipulate them into chaos.
CLEVER PEOPLE and their followers don’t progress and blame their lack of prosperity on those who do, by destroying everything that reminds them of that difficulties in the past.
CLEVER PEOPLE spend most of their time and money to deny racial differences or their hate for others who are not like them and the liberals among them are willing to sacrifice their happiness to have the broader community deny that different races actually exist. They don’t believe in taking responsibility unless it suits their agenda and has no value for history – they choose to cling only to that part of history that suits them and use the other part to attack or destroy others who are not like them, yet they constantly feel threatened by that part of history.
CLEVER PEOPLE are self-centered, whether as an individual or a specific group and would often “bite the hand” that feeds them.
WISE PEOPLE don’t bother with issues that cannot contribute to their success. They are the ones the CLEVER PEOPLE like to call racists and blame them for the dire situation of the poor no matter how much they spend annually on charities. All efforts by WISE PEOPLE to educate the CLEVER PEOPLE and their followers are always regarded as racism, especially if and when the WISE PEOPLE are from a different culture, ethnic group, gender or race.
WISE PEOPLE appreciate the significance and unique value of different races and acknowledge their right to exist – they only dismiss the fallacy that every living thing has equal rights simply because they breathe and know that life itself is a huge responsibility.
WISE PEOPLE cherish every moment of history, good or bad, analyses it and learn from past mistakes, but they are never offended or feel threatened by it as they recognise the fact that history is in the past and therefore always behind them. WISE PEOPLE respect their enemies, present or past and they create and share wealth and opportunities for all, regardless of who they are.
It is therefore a simple choice:
– Do you want to be CLEVER and destructive or are you WISE and progressive?
– If you are WISE, do you make any effort to educate others and help build a progressive society?
– If none of the above, are you following/admiring a CLEVER or a WISE person?
By Willem C Rossouw.
South Africa Today