President Jacob Zuma has been under some intense pressure to resign. There are lots of things that contributed to this increase call for his resignation. The state capture, the Nkandla saga, leaked e-mails, cabinet reshuffle, junk status, recession, 783 corruption charges just to name a few.
The likes of EFF leader and Pres. Zuma have openly called for expropriation of land without compensation. Malema has been making court appearances for his land invasion calls but the president seems to be safe.
Will there ever be a future for whites in South Africa considering immigration and emigration in the country?
The only solution for the diminishing white population is to try and realize self-determination within the next five years, according to Front National leader Hannes Engelbrecht. If this cannot be accomplished, the Afrikaner will be a nation in true diaspora.
According to latest figures from Statistics South Africa show that another 95 158 whites emigrated between 2013 and May 2017.
It means that close to a million whites have already sought their livelihood outside SA and the trend is continuing.
Some are saying that this is because of high rate of crimes, malicious attacks on farmers, ruined economy and repeated calls of land invasion.
Also, according to latest figures from Statistics South Africa, during the same four year period 1 067 937 blacks from Africa and 40 929 Asians immigrated to South Africa, making it impossible for the remaining whites to maintain their demographic rights.
Hannes Engelbrecht said the remainder of whites are subjected to more racially discriminatory laws than during Apartheid.
Engelbrecht said self determination was putting a lot of pressure on those whites trying to maintain their own language, culture and outlook on life when all the odds were stacked against them.
“I honestly believe we only have five years left. If white South Africans don’t put their money and votes into the ideal of self-determination now, the sell-out of 1994 will be complete, he said”
”The situation is expected to be worse as President Jacob Zuma has promised to take land from the whites and give it to ANC supporters this year to try and gunner up support for the elections,” he concluded.