29 June 2012
By Mike Smith
29th of June 2012
The Saudi Arabia and Arab hipocracy as a case study
Since Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on the 23rd June 1894 and the first Modern Olympic Games held in Athens 1896, Saudi Arabia has never sent a single female athlete to the games. Until now (2012), Saudi women were forbidden from participating in any public sporting events.
But it changed this year after King Abdullah announced that Saudi women will for the first time take part in the London Olympics. But three days ago the only female Saudi Arabian athlete to have qualified for the upcoming Olympic Games in London, show jumper Dalma Malhas, has had to pull out due to “an injury to her horse”. This followed after the fanatical Wahhabi school of Islam who run Saudi Arabia strongly resisted the participation of their women in the Olympics.
The oppression of women in Saudi Arabia is legendary as much as it is shocking. They have a “Gender Apartheid” called “Purdah” or a curtain between the male world and the female world that is so fanatical that private homes have separate entrances for males and females. One woman took 60 Minutes on a tour of her house, and showed a separate entrance and living room for men.
Saudi women make up only 5% of the workforce. The lowest in the world. Sports events like football are strictly for men only.
Most offices, banks, and universities have separate entrances for men and women. According to law, there should be physically and visually separate sections for the sexes at all meetings including weddings and funerals. Companies traditionally have been expected to create all-female areas if they hire women. Public transportation is segregated. Public places such as beaches and amusement parks are also segregated, sometimes by time, so that men and women attend at different hours. Violation of the principles of sex segregation is known as khalwa.
Policy in Saudi Arabia is decided by King Abdullah who decides everything from what kind of clothes women may wear to whether they are allowed to drive cars, which is incidentally also forbidden although nowhere in the Koran does it state that a woman is not allowed to drive a car.
Political parties are banned and only men can vote, and then for only half of the seats. Any public criticism of the government is met with a sentencing of public lashings.
Women can be charged with prostitution for socializing with a man who is not a relative or husband.
In 2008 Khamisa Mohammad Sawadi, a 75-year-old woman, was sentenced to 40 lashes and imprisonment for allowing a man to deliver bread to her directly in her home. Sawadi, a non-citizen, was deported.
60 Minutes: Women speak out in Saudi Arabia
Gender Apartheid in Saudi Arabia
Saudis order 40 lashes for elderly woman for mingling
The regime in Saudi Arabia is every bit as oppressive as the Taliban, but because they own a vast deposit of that magical black liquid called Crude Oil, they are the allies and darlings of the West and the West turns a blind eye to the human rights abuses in that country. The MSM is almost completely silent about it and never has the world threatened to ban Saudi Arabia from participating in the Olympics due to discrimination and their human rights abuses. Neither have they banned Qatar or Brunei who also decided to let women partake in the Olympics for the first time in 2012.
But with South Africa it was a different story…
During the Apartheid era in South Africa, Saudi Arabia was one of our biggest critics, along with other champions of democracy and human rights such as Iraq, Syria, Kuwait and caste ridden India.
But how was it in other countries in 1960?
At the time of 1960 when South Africa was castigated for “racism in Sport”… Richard D. Mandell wrote in The Nazi Olympics about the treatment of blacks in sport in the USA:
“Negro athletes who were winning sometimes had to defend themselves against interference on the part of resentful spectators…When the negro amateur boxer travelled with his team, local mores in the United States usually required that he eat apart from his mates and, if he was allowed to use the same hotel as they, to use the back entrance established for cleaning women and garbage men. There were of course, no Negroes on any major league baseball team…the happy situation described above existed in the enlightened far North. Things were worse in the South.”
South Africa and the IOC
Due to the great climate, South Africans have always been outdoors people, fond of sports not only as spectators but as active participants.
South Africans of all races and backgrounds play everything from soccer, tennis, badminton to touch Rugby on the beach. School sports are big events and National sports such as Rugby, Football and Cricket have a following bordering on the fanatical.
South Africa became a member of the IOC in 1908. In that year she also won her first gold medal at the London Olympiad when Reginald Walker streaked across the finish line in the 100 meters ahead of James Rector of the USA and Robert Kerr of Canada.
Four years later in Stockholm, South Africa’s Kenneth McArthur and Christopher Gitsham finished first and second in a grueling marathon race.
Until 1960, when South Africa last participated before her ban, this would be the pattern. At every event, she would win a few golds, some silvers and some bronzes. Modest compared to the USA and Russia, but for such a tiny nation respectable when compared to her peers.
The Olympic Charter
What we need to remember is that it is not countries and their governments who belong to the IOC, but National Olympic Committees.
The Charter of the Olympics states in Chapter 1, Article 6, page 19 that, “The Olympic Games are competitions between athletes in individual or team events and not between countries.”
And under fundamental principle 6 (page 10)…
“Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, religion, politics, gender or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the Olympic Movement.“
Yet South Africa’s sports administrators were expelled because of a vendetta against their government.
A history of political interference in the Olympics
Politics in the Olympics is not new and neither is the hypocrisy of the IOC to uphold their own moral standards.
In 1920, just after WWI, Germany and Austria were not invited. In 1936 some countries threatened to boycott the Berlin Olympics in view of Hitler’s exploitation of the event and his discrimination against Jews and Negroes.
In 1948, the vanquished Axis powers were snubbed again and at the same time the state of Israel could not participate because it was not yet a member and averted a walk out by the Arab states…those champions of democracy and human rights who supported the Black September Organization who killed 11 Israeli athletes and a West German policeman at the Munich Games in 1972.
In 1952 in Helsinki several Western countries threatened with withdrawal if the Communist bloc countries were invited.
The games of 1956 in Australia was a particularly good one. Communist Red China withdrew from the Melbourne Games when the flag of Nationalist China (Taiwan) was raised. At the same time Spain, The Netherlands and Switzerland withdrew in protest to Russia’s savage quelling of the Hungarian anti Communist uprising. Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq walked out in protest to the Israeli attack on Egypt and the British and French occupation of the Suez Canal area.
At the time, the fifth president of the IOC, Avery Brundage complained: “In ancient days nations stopped wars to compete in the Olympic Games. Nowadays we stop the Olympics to continue our wars.”
South African sports would soon become just another battle ground in the Communist onslaught against South Africa.
Isolating South African sports by bullying and blackmail
Membership of the Football Association of South Africa (FASA),was suspended by FIFA in 1961. White South Africans especially, were not too upset, because to them, Rugby and Cricket were National sports, not soccer, but it did make them think about the possibility of South Africa being barred from the Olympics and possibly International Rugby and Cricket games as well.
In 1962 South Africa had an officially recognized South African Olympic and National Games Association (Saonga)
Then came a Rhodesian born coloured teacher by the name of Dennis Brutus and launched the South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee (Sanroc) in opposition to Saonga.
Brutus was a radical Trotskyist Communist educated at Fort Hare University and the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). He intended for South Africa a People’s Revolution and a Communist backed Socialist state at the height of a global Cold War that saw severe human rights abuses and mass murders in Communist run countries such as the USSR, China, Cuba, etc.
Under the suppression of Communism Act he was imprisoned for 18 months in a cell next to Mandela on Robben Island. Upon his release he fled to the UK where he continued his campaign against South Africa and tried to get her booted out of the Olympics and international sports.
He left behind his deputy John Harris in Sanroc. Harris was a keen man who added his contribution by planting a bomb on the Johannesburg train station that killed a woman and maimed 23 innocent passengers.
Harris was tried, convicted and sentenced to death. His wife drew up a petition for clemency, but only about 300 people signed it and Harris was hanged at 5.30 am on 1 April 1965. His body was taken to the Pretoria West cemetery and cremated.
Harris was a family friend of the Liberal Hain family a bunch of leftist radicals who were imprisoned in 1961. Peter Hain’s mother, Adelaine, took food to the convicted terrorist, young Nelson Mandela in prison.
At the time, Peter Hain was a schoolboy of 15 years. Dressed in a school blazer and grey flannel trousers the pimply teenaged Hain spoke in a quivering voice at Harris’ funeral, saying farewell to the terrorist by quoting John Donne and Matthew 5, “blessed are they who are persecuted for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.”
The liberally brainwashed Peter Hain failed to see that the innocent victims of John Harris’ bomb were the real persecuted ones. The Hains and their four children left for England in March 1966.
Nevertheless, due to Dennis Brutus’ activities…South Africa was barred from taking part in the Tokyo Olympics. The charge was led in 1963 by Sanroc and its Afro-Asian Communist allies.
South Africa’s Saonga was put to an ultimatum: Integrate or be banned. If the IOC’s demands were not met by 16th of August 1963, SA athletes would be banned from Tokyo. Saonga responded by including at least 7 non white athletes in its team of 62 Olympic hopefuls. But the IOC was not satisfied. It then insisted that Saonga publicly denounced the South African government before they could qualify for the Olympics. This was one demand Saonga could not comply with.
That is the problem with giving in to coercion, blackmail and paying Danegeld. Once you have paid the tribute, the Dane does not go away.
Can you imagine what would have happened if they asked the Russian sports ministry or the East German Dynamo Club to publicly denounce their governments? Yet these were the ones shouting the loudest for South Africa’s expulsion.
South Africa banned by IOC in 1964
In 1967 Saonga assured the IOC in Rome that it accepted the Olympic charter unconditionally and the IOC sent a fact finding mission to South Africa under Lord Killanin to investigate sports facilities available to blacks.
Remember that this was the time that the government of Verwoerd won an international court case in the Hague that South Africa was oppressing blacks. The world was upset that SA won.
How bad was the situation in SA at the time?
The mission to SA was critical on a few points but they noted for the greatest part that they were impressed with the steps the SA government took to ensure fully representative Olympic teams were selected. One thing they specifically noted was that most black sportsmen and administrators did NOT want South Africa to be banned.
When the IOC convened at Grenoble, France in February 1968, three representative of Saonga and four from Sanroc turned up. Saonga undertook to have mixed trials and select teams purely on merit and to have them travel, march and compete under one flag.
The IOC voted 38 to 27 for South Africa’s re-admission. The votes against came from the Afro-Asian Communist Bloc.
As we have seen so many times in the UN, the blacks simply refused to accept a vote that went against their wishes. So they applied their favourite trick that rarely failed at such international gatherings: Blackmail. They were backed by the Communists and many Western countries followed suit.
One after the other they announced that they would boycott the 1968 Mexico City games if South Africa Participated. Needless to say, come 1968, South Africa was not invited to the games.
Instead the IOC decided to launch another vote to invite South Africa and with 46 votes to 14 and 2 abstentions decided to kick South Africa out.
As Les de Villiers said in his book “South Africa. A skunk amongst nations” (page 121)…about the kicking out of South Africa: ”Metaphorically speaking, it was a question of the church choir being led by the town harlot – and no one daring to protest for fear of being roughed up by the local mafia.”
In South Africa there was big disappointment especially amongst black athletes.
In Amsterdam on Friday, 15 May 1970, South Africa was finally expelled from the IOC. The charge sheet was drawn up by the Supreme Council for Sport in Africa and cited racial discrimination in sport and failing to provide adequate facilities for black athletes.
Most of these black countries had cruel and despotic regimes with one party states and atrocious human rights records. In their countries millions of dissenters were simply murdered en masse or citizens deported like the Indians in Uganda, and Kenya and their relatives murdered in Nigeria.
As I have mentioned in Part 9 of Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box, At the height of Apartheid the city of Soweto, the biggest black city on the continent next to Lagos in Nigeria, had 115 Football fields, 3 Rugby fields, 4 athletic tracks, 11 Cricket fields, 2 Golf courses, 47 Tennis courts, 7 swimming pools built to Olympic standards, 5 Bowling alleys, 81 Netball fields, 39 children play parks, and countless civic halls, movie houses and clubhouses…(source: Verrat an Südafrika, Klaus D. Vaque page 40)
…How adequate is adequate?
Still believe the liberal lies?
…If you still believe that the mass media, countless multinational church organizations and the anti-apartheid movements presented an objective view of Apartheid South Africa and that South African whites exploited blacks, then read further…
Let us look at the humanitarian aid from South Africa to black African countries during this period of time.
• In 1964 A South African Air Force Hercules C-130 landed in the Congo with urgently needed medicine and food parcels at the request of Prime Minister Tsombe.
• In 1965 at the request of Prime Minister Jonathan South Africa sent 100,000 bags of maize to Lesotho to fight the famine there.
• In 1966, when a famine was threatening Botswana, South Africa donated $50,000 to them. At the time enough to buy 50,000 bags of maize.
• At the time of the Biafra war in Nigeria, SA donated $3,000 to the International Red Cross to help victims there.
• In 1968, 12 South African farmers made 230 tractors available to plough the fields of nine black Lesotho border towns for the coming maize planting.
• In 1969 South African Airways Dakotas flew emergency supplies to 30,000 people facing starvation in the Kwagga’s Nek area of Lesotho.
• In 1976 South Africa sent highly qualified doctors and specialists to Zaire to help fight the feared Marburg disease.
• In 1977 South Africa sent a team of specialist to Moatize in Mozambique when the coal bunker suffered severe methane gas explosions.
• In 1979 South African firefighters were sent to Beira in Mozambique and Salisbury in Rhodesia to put out petrol fires at their depots.
• In 1976 after the civil war broke out in Angola, South Africa established 4 refugee camps in SWA and SA for 11,000 refugees who fled to the Apartheid country, at a cost of more than two million dollars. A further two camps were erected and maintained by the SA army in the south of Angola.
• In 1980 South Africa supported the Transkei with a donation of $3,5 million in drought relief and created jobs for thousands of families by letting them improve roads and dams.
• In 1987 South Africa was supporting 200,000 Mozambiquen refugees who fled the civil war there. Many of them Communist Frelimo soldiers who were supported by the World Council of Churches who hated Apartheid South Africa. About 2,000 refugees, most carrying malaria, were fleeing through our electrified border with the Kruger Park, facing wild animals and risking landmines to make it INTO the hated “evil” Apartheid country.
• In 1983 the total amount of aid to SA’s neighbouring countries was in excess of $200 million per year. The development programs were running to $300 million a year.
Source: Verrat an Südafrika, Klaus Vaque page 27,28
Spreading the liberal lies
But this is not what people like Dennis Brutus and Peter Hain told the world. They travelled the globe to tell their myths and fairytales to gullible uninformed liberal listeners who have never been to South Africa.
During the 1970’s South African golfer Gary Player invited many deserving black golfers like Lee Elder to come and play in South Africa while assisting black South African golfers like Vincent Tshabalala to participate overseas. In the South African PGA there were more black golfers to be seen than any comparable US tournament. Until 1974 the Augusta Masters in the USA was an all white tournament.
In 1969 Peter Hain and some supporters disrupted a cricket match between an English side and a visiting South African side. Later that same month he stopped play when he ran onto the tennis courts at Bristol between SA and England in a Davis Cup match. He obviously had no problem to trample on other people’s rights to push his fanatical leftist anti-South African agenda.
Peter Hain was also the father of the slogan “Kill the Boers!”
That is right. At Twickenham during the 1969 Springbok Rugby tour of Britain he and his hippie supporters, who have never been to South Africa, carried placards and shouted, “Get out”…”Go Home”…”Sack Vorster”…and “Kill the Boers”. Later they broke through a police cordon and harassed the Springboks.
In Swansea they managed to provoke violence between policemen and spectators in their “Bash a Boer” campaign. They blackmailed the UK government of Harold Wilson with threats of violence and disruption to call off the 1970’s cricket tour in public interest.
They then set their eyes on banks, airlines, businesses and hotels that were dealing with South Africa, flying or accommodating her athletes…and threatened them with violence. Such were the tactics of these fanatical liberals…Mob Law rules and violence is justified when THEY use it. But when it comes to anybody else, they use clichés like, “Violence doesn’t solve anything…”
Hipocracy Down Under
The next goal would be to disrupt the 1971 Rugby tour to Australia with the same threats and acts of violence. So bad were the demonstrations against the Springboks in Australia that Queensland declared a State of Emergency. The cricket tour the following year was cancelled.
Next was the 1973 Rugby tour of New Zealand. Threats of violence and even dynamite explosions forced Prime Minister Norman Kirk to ban the Springboks. In addition he also banned the women’s bowls team calling them “racists” for being all white. When it was pointed out to him that in South Africa and other African countries blacks simply do not play bowls and that Kenya and Zambia also fielded only white bowls teams, he refused to listen. Besides, New Zealand fielded no Maori, and Australia no Aborigines, in their line ups.
Kirk further had no problem to sanction a Maori Rugby team selected on racial grounds to tour Fidji. If a black Maori team was not racist how could a white Springbok team be?
It was pointed out to him that South Africa had a coloured Rugby team called the Proteas and a Black team called the Black Leopards. He was asked if such teams would be welcome in New Zealand. He said yes, because they would be the same as the Maori team.
It was clear that Prime Minister Norman Kirk considered a team only racist when they were white. A black team and a coloured team were non-racist, because racism is a white phenomenon.
At the same time in Australia (1974), Aboriginal football and cricket teams, selected purely on race, where sent to Papua New Guinea.
Such was the hipocracy Down Under. Whilst being opposed to any non-integrated sports in South Africa, the leaders of Australia and New Zealand fully encouraged separate sports for different races in their own countries.
The rest of the world
Despite extreme protests by Peter Hain and company, the British Lions tour of South Africa went ahead. They played four matches against the Springboks, one against Rhodesia, one against the Coloured Protea Team and one against the Black Leopard team.
Willy John McBride’s rugby team was the first in almost a century to return undefeated from South Africa. Back in Britain they were heroes and when they returned they were met on the airport by Opposition Leader Edward Heath. Also waiting at the Airport Hotel was Hain and a few of his ultra radical liberal followers. His sister stepped forward and threw a flour bomb at Heath.
In the late sixties, American Negro tennis player, Arthur Ashe applied for a visa to play in South Africa. It was refused, because Ashe told his supporters he wanted to come to South Africa to “put a crack in the Apartheid Wall”. He added that “I would like to drop an H-bomb on Johannesburg”.
His visa refusal was milked by the anti-Apartheid lobby for every drop of propaganda to show how blatantly racist the South Africans were. It went on for months.
Colour had nothing to do with it. Can you imagine what would have happened if a South African tennis player made such a threat about Washington DC or New York?
In 1973 Arthur Ashe applied again. This time he was allowed in. He played, passed criticism and lost in the finals against fellow American Jimmy Connors. He quickly toured SA, loved it and then left. The next year he wanted to come back.
At the time South Africa had 60,000 registered white tennis players and 22,000 black, coloured and Indian players, 20,000 of which were affiliated to the White union. The famous Sugar Circuit and other major tournaments were open to all races. Davis Cup selection was strictly on merit.
At the same time that Ashe played in SA, the American black boxer Bob Foster came to defend his light-heavyweight title against Pierre Fourie whom he narrowly defeated. He enjoyed the hospitality amongst whites and blacks alike. When asked about South Africa he said: “Before I came here I was cold towards South Africans. I thought in a different way. Now I love this place. It’s great! I’ll be glad to come back.”
The Pakistani cricketer Billy Ibadulla said: “I have read much about the country in newspapers and magazines, but I don’t think you can get true impressions until you come here.”
He further said that foreign black visitors should be encouraged to come to South Africa.
Nevertheless…The true impressions are what I think they were scared of.
There were many more violent demonstrations against South African sportsmen and women. In Australia at a surf-lifesaving contest a South African flag was ripped to shreds. In Stockholm demonstrators invaded the tennis courts at the Davis Cup tournament and in 1981 the Springbok rugby players who included a coloured player called Errol Tobias, were flour-bombed from airplanes in New Zealand and had to train in horse stables.
What were their true intentions?
Neither Brutus nor Hain were sportsmen deprived of participation in South Africa. They were leftist radicals backed by fanatical Communists who used sport to attack, isolate and bleed South Africa to death. They knew full well how fanatical South Africans were about sport and they would do anything to compete internationally.
As Abdul Minty of the Anti-Apartheid Movement summed up their true intentions: “Even when South Africa has integrated Sport, we would not be satisfied. What we want is a Black Government.”
Now I ask you…Who are the real racists here?
Nevertheless, the decision by whites to vote “yes” in the 1992 referendum to hand power over to the ANC was greatly influenced by their hopes to partake or see their teams partake in international sports again.
Their true characters
But in the end their true characters comes out. In 1975 Hain was arrested for a bank robbery and the Old Bailey later acquitted him after he claimed he was framed by the South African Bureau of State Security (BOSS). He said that they used a look-alike to pull off the job.
Yeah right…
In 2008 as a politician he was charged for not declaring campaign funds to the tune of £103,000. After ten months his file was handed to the Crown Prosecution Services, who decided not to prosecute him after Gordon Brown personally intervened. Hain called his failure to declare donated funds an innocent mistake.
Hain’s past saved his job
Hain not charged over donations
I just wonder how Peter Hain can sleep at night,…now that his darlings the corrupt ANC government is in charge of South Africa and stealing the country into bankruptcy. Is he proud of their racist policies of racial quotas in sport and university entry? Is he proud of their racist policies such as Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment?
Or how about the 50,000 whites including more than 3,000 white farmers who have been murdered since 1994? Hain was the one who chanted “Kill the Boers”, remember…?
Today the Springboks and other sports teams are permanently playing with a handicap. They can never put a full team together on pure merit. Racial representation is the first concideration, not merit. That the Springboks actually still win games is a miracle.
People like Peter Hain, Abdul Minty and Dennis Brutus were directly responsible for the situation in South Africa today.
If Hain is so proud of his Rainbow Utopia that he helped to create why does he not come back to South Africa and live here? Why does he not buy himself a nice shack in the middle of Khayalitsha?
Main Sources:
South Africa, A skunk amongst nations, Les de Villiers, 1975.
Verrat an Südafrika, Klaus Vaque, 1988.