Land expropriation without compensation is a massive argument between politicians and the black majority. Take back the land, redistribute to the poor, the disadvantaged and is often an election promise. The argument that white people “stole the land” is an ongoing cry from the African National Congress (ANC) and Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) who promise to take back the land.
Now the Daily Mail in the United Kingdom has published an article, about South African black farmers cashing in on their once “white-owned” farmlands, by selling it back to the original owners.
The article details how the government, the ANC, have spent a fortune trying to redistribute the land from the white minority and give it to the black majority. Thousands of hectares of once white-owned farmlands have been either given or sold to poor blacks.
According to the Daily Mail, the South African Minister of land reform admitted that black farmers only resell the land back to the original owners, they do not want to farm. Apparently, nearly 30 percent of the once white-owned farmland bought by the government has been sold by black farmers.
Land economists said the redistribution policy was highly inefficient as the white-owned land was sold to the government at an above the market value. The land is either given or sold to black farmers at a discounted price; it is sold back to original owners. Both farmers black and white are profiteering from the government’s involvement.
Land expropriation is a grave concern for the black majority who want the land back. The claim that the “white man” stole the land and it must be returned to its rightful owners. Now that the government has given or sold some of the land back to the “rightful” owners, who actually owns the land. If the white farmer bought the land from a black farmer is he not the “rightful” owner. It is not about land, its all about money.
South Africa Today – South Africa News