FNSA to press criminal charges against Wits University ‘terrorists’

FNSA to press criminal charges against Wits University ‘terrorists’
Unconstitutional, racist, insulting and boils down to hate speech

Front National South Africa is not prepared to accept the condemnable attitude of Universities and other institutions in South Africa to accept blatant black against white racism as “freedom of speech”, while non-relevant incidents such as the “purple-face” incident in Stellenbosch is blown out of proportion because a white person is involved.


The actions of a number of students of Wits University who started a “F*ck white people”-campaign cannot simply be ignored or regarded as freedom of speech. It is unconstitutional, racist, insulting and boils down to hate speech. The fact that such actions against a minority of the South African population is not only tolerated, but in fact promoted due to the lack of resistance by the University, makes this nothing else than an act of terrorism.

Professor Habib of Wits University is creating an environment conducive to racial hatred and hate speech by his lack of action against the students who make themselves guilty of such behavior. Consequently we will now deal with it ourselves.

As a first step we intend to press criminal charges against professor Habib, all members of his management and the Senate of the University as well as against identifiable perpetrators. These charges will include racism, incitement to violence, incitement to genocide, hate speech and crimen injuria.

The charges will be reported to the South African Police, Brooklyn, 119 Duxbury Rd, Hillcrest, Pretoria on 10 February at 12:30.

Front National will no longer accept the double standards which is applied when it comes to racism. You have insulted this nation enough now. It will not be tolerated any longer.

Unconstitutional, racist, insulting and boils down to hate speech

Unconstitutional, racist, insulting and boils down to hate speech


