Police negligence in farm-murders a large problem:
Caption above: two of the five farm-attackers went on trial: they were acquitted and can never be tried again, because somehow, the SA Police Service (SAPS) ‘had lost the forensic evidence’. The widow testified that she was ‘treated like a criminal by the court’ . She was never informed of her rights as a witness before or during the trial… Now, the widow often sees her husband’s murderers in town, she testified to the South African Human Rights Commission on 15 September 2014.
by Ernst Roets, Afriforum, 17 September, 2014 –
“FOCHVILLE — 20 February 2012 began as an ordinary day in the lives of David and Bernadette Hall. The Halls were milking cows on their farm, Buffelshoek, near Fochville. There they were overpowered by five black male attackers at 6am.
Bernadette was tied up and assaulted with a blunt object. David was less fortunate.
- After a fight with the robbers, who were just too many for him, he was finally on his knees. The lawn outside the dairy is where David breathed his last breath. (Bernadette testified in court that two shots were fired through his brain while he sat on his knees in front of his murderers).
- The community was furious. Lt-Gen Zukisa Mbombo, Commissioner of Police for the North West Province, said at the time that ‘the police would not stop their search until the suspects were behind bars.’
“He will never have the privilege to stand back and see what he achieved in his life,” said Bernadette this week, testifying at the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC). “He will not see his children get married and he will never meet his grandchildren.”What is even worse, is the fact that the assailants are still walking around as free people and that Bernadette sees them from time to time.Below: she testified that ‘their faces are engraved in my brain”….The case was not thoroughly investigated. Several forensic pieces of evidence, including a jacket, cigarette butts and the cables that were used to tie up Bernadette, were found at the scene. Initially, the police did not confiscate these items until they were confronted about it by farmers in the community. This proved to be in vain …(Two of the ) attackers were caught and charged with murder in court. (above) There, however, the State could not prove a case against them because there was “no evidence against them:”Nobody knows what became of the (forensic) evidence that was found at the scene. Virtually the only evidence against the attackers was the fact that Bernadette identified them during an identification parade. “I was there. I saw how they murdered my husband. I know who they are,” she later said. “
The Halls’ vehicle in which the attackers fled, was also found, but no fingerprints were taken on the vehicle.
The two assailants were acquitted. And – because of the legal principle “autrefois acquit” (double jeopardy) these assailants can never be charged with the same crime again, even if the evidence should suddenly emerge.
Above: Bernardette Hall testifying at the Human Rights Commission, 16 Sept 2014 (video on YouTube Afriforum)
“I was treated like a criminal during the trial. It was very traumatic,” she explained. Her rights as a victim were never explained to her. Nobody helped her to prepare for the trial. In the court, she was attacked and humiliated by the assailants’ legal representatives.
But Bernadette is still on the farm. “Why do you not move to town?” one of the human rights commissioners asked her. “To farm is in my blood,” she replied.
“Since I was a little girl, I told my parents that I wanted to be a farmer. Nothing can replace the smell of rain and soil on the farm. One does not suddenly decide that you want to farm. “Farmers are born; people are not made into farmers.”
And then the dramatic statement: “I would rather stay on the farm and be killed than stay in town. I will not survive it.”
Today Bernadette is actively involved with AfriForum’s campaign against farm attacks. She not only supports it, but also takes initiative and arranges her own actions.
It is clear, though, that the police are not the only culprits in the fight against farm murders, but that the prosecution authority is just as guilty. The SAHRC was very much aggrieved by Bernadette’s story. Yet, she is no exception.
Nearly all the victims with whom AfriForum are communicating, complain that their cases are not followed up, that files and evidence disappear, that investigators do not answer their phones or do not return calls and that victims are treated like criminals in court. AfriForum has undertaken to submit a further report in this regard to the SAHRC.
Autrefois acquit: double jeopardy: “ Double jeopardy is a procedural defence that forbids a defendant from being tried again on the same (or similar) charges following a legitimate acquittal or conviction. In common law countries, a defendant may enter a peremptory plea of autrefois acquit or autrefois convict (autrefois means “in the past” in French), meaning the defendant has been acquitted or convicted of the same offence.[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_jeopardy
ANC-regime ignores trauma of Somali ex-captives
ANC regime ignores trauma suffered by Somali captives Debbie Maritz and Bruno Pelizzari
– Their Somali captors ‘abused the captured Afrikaner Christian woman while the couple were held captive from Oct 26 2010 to June 21 2012
Nothing illustrates the ANC-regime’s lack of compassion towards its 3,4-million Afrikaner citizens better than the uncaring way in which they treated Somali captives Debbie Maritz and Bruno Pelizzari – showing no concern for their well-being during their captivity; refusing the prosecute the Somali pirates when they were captured by the Dutch Navy – and ignoring the couple’s traumatic plight thereafter…
September 22 2014 – by Adriana Stuijt a.j.stuijt@knid.nl ” The lack of compassion with which this white couple was treated by the ANC-regime after their 20-month ordeal at the hands of Somali pirates, is indescribable.
They were simply expected to ‘get on with their lives’ – even though they are poor. The couple did not even get sufficient trauma-treatment from their ‘government’ nor did they receive any financial compensation for their ordeal.
The couple have since split up, undoubtedly from the stress: as ‘whites’ they have to somehow survive in a country where ‘whites’ like them aren’t even allowed to hold down fulltime jobs – by law.
Debbie Maritz has been particularly traumatized: she told the Afrikaans news media that she was raped repeatedly by her captors and that they never gave her anything to wear except the swimsuit she was captured in. They treated this kind-hearted Christian Afrikaner woman with contempt. The Afrikaans woman reportedly now is in dire straights, trying to survive on the tough streets of Boksburg, unable to forget the terror of her ordeal.
Yet when the Dutch marines moved in and rescued Peter Eldridge – the Richard’s Bay-based owner/skipper who had lodged himself in a tight corner of tchained himself to the yacht, determined not to get captured, the impoverished couple were worked for him as the crew were marched off at gunpoint during the firefight. Now that five of the Somalis, captured during the firefight, have been convicted and sentenced ten years in a Dutch prison, shouldn’t the Dutch government also be held partially responsible to try and get the couple – but especially Debbie – back on their feet?
Then there’s the South African regime – which has refused to prosecute the five captured Somali pirates after the Dutch Navy had offered to turn the pirates over to the South African authorities. That’s not surprising: the ANC regime also openly refuses to help any Afrikaner even when they are slowly starving to death in little squatter camps. At least one-third of the Afrikaner nation of 3,4million people are suffering severe poverty, according to Solidarity Helping Hand charity, which is struggling to keep these families alive.
These ‘whites’ are not allowed to work, not allowed to own land, must hand over any meagre profits of businesses they may be running to “ANC-cadre partners”, the Afrikaners are not allowed to even educate their own children in their home language of Afrikaans… Nothing highlights the lack of concern shown towards the Afrikaners by the ANC regime better than their horrendous neglect of the badly traumatized Debbie Maritz after she and Bruno were rescued by Somali military forces.
The South African regime couldn’t even be bothered to negotiate for this impoverished Afrikaner couple’s release.
I call on the international community to please help Debbie Maritz and Bruno Pellizari. Debbie is a badly traumatized woman whose ordeal was described far too briefly to the international community: after they had made their money out of the dramatic story of their release… everybody just ignored her, including her own government…
‘Somali security forces have rescued a South African couple kidnapped by pirates in the Indian Ocean’. http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/06/21/12343356-south-african-sailors-freed-by-somali-pirates-after-20-months?lite
Court orders 300 homeless Afrikaners to crime-ridden township
Video: Cruel court order forcibly removes 300 homeless Afrikaners to a rubbish-tip without clean water or schools – in high-crime Muncieville where they are threated with rape and murder…
Afrikaans story on http://krugersdorpnews.co.za/239694/video-hof-beslis-wit-plakkers-moet-uit/
What the court-order entails is that 122 very poor white families with an average monthly income of R300 from private donors, and without transport, will have to move with their 74 children and 24 elderly, first watching their well-built shacks being demolished — and upon arrival have to raise corrugated iron shacks overnight at a trash-dump in Muncieville, where there is no running water, no electricity nor any safety for the group.
- To add insult to injury, this highly vulnerable group of Afrikaners must be moved by December 16 – renamed to “Reconciliation Day,’ under the ANC-regime but which the Afrikaners however commemorate as the Day of the Vow:
- The Krugersdorp News interviewed the group shortly after they got the news of the shock-court order and their confusion, deep anger and outright fear is seen clearly on this video http://youtu.be/Wzj1CliwNvo
These 122 Afrikaner families which have fought since 2009 to try and stay together as a cultural Afrikaans community, now are being forcibly removed. The ANC-regime now is going to force these Afrikaners to go and live on a rubbish-tip at the high-crime black squatter camp of Muncieville.
- Importantly, as has happened before at other forced removals of whites into black townships, the black residents of Muncieville also are ‘not pleased’ and have been threatening the Afrikaners with murder and issueing threats that their ‘women and children will be raped’. There was only one Afrikaner man seen on the video clip at Coronation Park squatter camp in Krugersdorp who said it may be a ‘good thing to be moved to Muncieville’.
Whites not welcome in Kagiso: http://www.sowetanlive.co.za/news/2010/11/17/whites-blacks-fight-over-rdps
The threats of murder and rape also are based on fact: many black townships like these are infamous for its ‘jackrolling’ youth gangs which roam the streets looking for vulnerable young girls to rape, impregnate and infect with AIDS -deliberately. They call it their ‘fun’.
jackrolling youth gangs: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/teenage-soweto-girl-filmed-gang-rape-shows-330499
Valiant, disabled gold-medalist athlete Irene van Niekerk, 16, has lived at Coronation Camp for past 7 years:
One of the residents of the Coronation Park internal refugee camp for homeless Afrikaners in Krugersdorp camp is the valiant young Afrikaner athlete Irene van Niekerk – direct descendant of the South African boxing champion Jimmy Abbott. Irene, despite having lost 8 toes in a fire-accident, still is a star athlete at her school.
She has been interviewed often by foreign journalists and is a charming girl, a natural story-teller. Her motto is: ‘ never give up’.
The Van Niekerks are the direct descendants of the Welsh goldminers who worked at the Witwatersrand mines from the 1920s and were imported by the British colonial government. Their extended family used to live at the Honeydew smallholdings near Randburg, north of Johannesburg. They have always been known as the ‘ultimate survivors’ who were never wealthy, but formed a tight-knit community which helped each other in their daily battle to survive their tough working-class lives. Many ‘upperclass’ Afrikaners look down on them – often deriding these less-educated Afrikaner groups with the name ‘ma-plotties’ which translates to ‘lowlife black smallholders’ — for their survivalist, non-conformist lifestyle. It would be similarly derisive to calling white working-class people in the USA ‘trailer trash”.
News also arrives from other areas in South Africa that the ANC-government has clearly taken a high-level policy-decision to remove many of the sonamed ‘poor white squatter camps’ out of the public eye as much they can: the estimated 900.000 to 1million ‘poor whites’ are beginning to draw a lot of unwanted, international attention. There are ethnic-cleansing plans for ‘poor whites’ in other municipalities in South Africa such as Reitz in the Free State and Boksburg (below) – forcing these ethnic-Afrikaners from their life-long cultural areas into cultural groups where they are not only hated and being threatened, but their children also lose their links to their cultural heritage.
ANC is breaking the International Genocide Convention:
It is against the International Genocide Convention of the United Nations to deliberately alienate the children of cultural minorities – such as the Afrikaners – and force them to accept the culture of the majority. But that’s exactly what the ANC-regime is doing through their deliberate impoverishment of the Afrikaners – which forces them out of their own cultural backgrounds.
- They are denied any means of survival under their Black Economic Empowerment Laws which each year bar more and more ‘whites’ (ANC-code term: “Previously Advantaged Race Group”) from formal employment.
Ablution block at Kroningspark was their lifeline: now being taken away
Yet the tough-minded Van Niekerks and the 122 families who depend on them, all managed to survive everything thus far: because they could fight it out together at the Kroningspark – with the local ablution block with its clean water as their lifeline to survival and staying healthy.
- It is very clear that the ANC-regime is busy with a massive ethnic-cleansing campaign against the most vulnerable, poorest segment of the Afrikaner community. Exactly how how vulnerable and endangered the Afrikaners like the Van Niekerk’s extended clan have already become – read our daily updates on http://www.censorbugbear.org/farmitracker/reports Following is the translated report from the Krugersdorp News:
South Gauteng (‘Transvaal’) High Court orders forced removal of 300 poor Afrikaners to a rubbish dump:
August 7 2014 – 300 poor Afrikaners -including 74 children and 24 elderly – forced to move to garbage-dump at violence-driven Muncieville squatter camp: The Van Niekerk clan – descendants of boxer Jimmy Abbott of Randburg – have heard in the High Court that all 122 households will have to move to the garbage-tip at Muncieville by December 16, 2014, sonamed ‘Reconciliaton Day”. The Krugersdorp ANC-officials have allocated a garbage-dump at the crime-ridden black Muncieville squatter camp where they will be given some building materials so that they can ‘rebuild their community’.
— Reported by Krugersdorp Daily newspaper Jacobus Myburgh en Amoryn Golden 7 August 2014 “What future will our people have here? We are going to die of misery (at Muncieville)’, said Kroningspark resident Maryna Lin. Some of the camp-residents attended the court hearing on August 4 2014 where the unidentified judge ruled that ‘all 122 households have to be moved by Reconciliation Day 16 December 2014.’ The Van Niekerks have fought their legal battle since 2009 to keep their community together at Coronation Park. The local ANC-regime wants to turn the site into a R22million ‘dreampark’. “We have been allocated a garbage dump at Munsieville. Give us rather another piece of land such as the Donaldson Dam near Randfontein where there are trees and playgrounds for the kids,’ said George Abbott. His wife Irene said ‘even that large open piece of land next to the Afrikaans High School Bastion would be suitable’. An atmosphere of fear now hangs over the camp residents. Several mentioned that Muncieville is far away from hospitals and schools, and that the white children would be at danger, having to walk long distances to school. There are no water- or toilet-facilities. What kind of future will we have there. We will die of misery.’ The residents also face having to lose all their basic donations for food and clothing. George van Niekerk says he gets about R300 a month and is afraid that their donors would not want to support them at Muncieville – a place where they know they are not safe: they have received death-threats from Muncieville residents before, and threats that ‘we will rape your women and children.” Adri Prinsloo 54 has lived at Kroningspark for more than a year and said she’d rather to to sleep ‘hungry’ than dirty – there are no ablution facilities at the garbage dump where the government wants the Afrikaners to go and rebuild their shacks. The oldest resident is the (grizzled, weather-beaten) Hannelie Grouws – she’s lived there for 15 years. She fears for her life and said the Muncieville squatters ‘will not accept us’. “Poverty doesn’t mean we aren’t proud, we want to keep ourselves clean at least’.
Her biggest worry is where they will sleep the first night after their first removal. “They are breaking down your whole house here at Kroningspark and then you have to rebuild it on the dump-site at Muncieville,’ she said. Residents are also expected to pay for their own transportation costs to the site – and none of them have that kind of money. Kroningspark was conveniently located at walking distance to town facilities. Some still have subsistence jobs which helps them survive nearby — and will have to try and find the money to transport them to work somehow if they are dumped in Muncieville. Mr Van Niekerk said the ‘municipality has undertaken to provide corrugated iron sheets, nails and tools to ‘help them rebuild a new life’.
Afrikaners of South Africa face genocide: http://beforeitsnews.com/survival/2013/03/afrikaners-of-south-africa-face-genocide-2467028.html
jackrolling youth gangs: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/teenage-soweto-girl-filmed-gang-rape-shows-330499
Whites not welcome in Kagiso: http://www.sowetanlive.co.za/news/2010/11/17/whites-blacks-fight-over-rdps
Court orders forced removals of 122 Afrikaner squatter families to rubbish-dump in Muncieville – http://krugersdorpnews.co.za/239694/video-hof-beslis-wit-plakkers-moet-uit/
Amazing South African gold-medalist athlete from a white squatter camp: http://beforeitsnews.com/sports/2013/04/amazing-south-african-gold-medalist-athlete-from-a-white-squatter-camp-2504658.html
Boers are dying in camps – again: http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com/2014/04/boers-are-dying-in-camps-again.html
Child murders soar in S-Africa
Murdered South African children are shot, stabbed, torched, hacked with machetes, bludgeoned with knobkieries, girl-babies are abandoned and toddlers die from sexual-abuse…
— In 2013, South Africa was rated as having more than double the world average for child homicides by the World Health Organization.
Above: Yet South Africa has signed and ratified the African Charter for the Protection of Children – but clearly are not protecting their children…
In 2011 and 2012 only 1,720 child-murder cases actually reached South African Law Courts:
During 2011 and 2012, only 1,720 child-murder cases actually reached South African law courts. Many cases never are investigated after the post-mortem, reported the South African Medical Research Council: noting that ‘child-murder cases following a post mortem investigation often end there — and are not investigated by the police’.
— While South African children already are being murdered at a rate more than twice the world’s average by 2009, many cases are never even investigated by the SA Police Service after the post-mortem findings.
— Some of these facts were revealed on 5 August 2014 in a reply to a parliamentary question, asked by Mike Waters MP of the opposition Democratic Alliance party.
The reply from the ruling ANC-party’s Minister revealed that the number of murder cases reported against children in the law-courts have soared:
— In the 2011/2012 SAPS-bookyear a total of of 793 child-murder cases were heard. But last year these rose to 827.
— The Minister of Police, Nathi Nhleko also shockingly revealed in his reply, that these child murders were committed using firearms, knives, knobkerries, fire, machetes (he didn’t say, but should have said, that many girl-babies were abandoned or died from sexual assault due to witchcraft-practices).
— Important to note here is that ANC-minister Nhleko’s sampled data only takes into consideration those child murder allegations that have actually reached the law-courts between 2011 and 2013. It’s not known how many people were actually sent to prison from those cases – that’s the next parliamentary question to be posed.
“A Multitude of Child-Murder cases Never make it to Court…”
Above: MP Diane Kohler-Barnard commented that ‘it is certain that there are a multitude of child murder cases that never make it to court due to bungled investigations and a generally over-stretched South African Police Service (SAPS). The true number, including those cases that aren’t even reported, could be significantly higher. In fact the South African Medical Research Council (SAHRC) has found that cases following a post mortem investigation often end there — and do not become subject to police investigation. It is deeply concerning that many parents have to deal with a criminal justice system that does not produce the justice they deserve. Every single one of these murders must reach a court of law and hopefully a successful conviction. We also need to improve the SAPS’ ability to stop these murders from taking place.
“We will be submitting further parliamentary questions to ascertain:
— How many of these murders resulted in successful convictions;
— How many were acquittals; and
— And how many never made it to court on account of lack of evidence or bungled investigations?
“We must do everything we can to stop the murders of our children and to ensure that the perpetrators are successfully prosecuted.”
Statement issued by Dianne Kohler Barnard MP, DA Shadow Minister of Police, August 5 2014
World Health Organization: Child-homicide rates in South Africa is more than double the world-average:
(2013) August 2 2013 SAPA and Independent Newspapers
Above: State-Mortuary samples from 2009 already showed that 5.5 of every 100,000 children were murdered in South Africa at that stage. (‘official’ population: 51million)
Pretoria – Aug 2 2013 SAPA – South Africa’s estimated rate of child homicide is more than double the global average, says a study published in the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Bulletin released this week. In 2009, 5.5 among every 100 000 children under 18 were killed. This was double the WHO estimate of 2.4 murders among every 100 000 children, but closer to the rate in other sub-Saharan countries. The samples were from South Africa’s state-run mortuaries between January and December 2009. The WHO conducted a retrospective study of female and child homicide cases.“The epidemiology of child homicides in South Africa” is the first such study in South Africa. Most of the 1,018 children killed in 2009 were boys.
— The authors also said “South Africa was in desperate need of policies that adequately addressed the problem of male teenage violence.
“The most used murder-methods killing South African children were stabbing, bashing with knobkieries, slashing to death with machetes, and among girls: infant abandonment.
And many of the child murders ‘involved sexual assault” (*and baby-rape).
DA statement on Child murders August 6 2014:
Map of African countries which have ratified the African Charter to Protect Children:
Peek inside deserted nuclear bomb-factory where 100 Boers built the Bomb
Die Sirkel – South Africa’s top-secret, derelict nuclear-bomb facility in Pretoria:
PELINDABA, South Africa. During the early 90’s South African President F W de Klerk abandoned his predecessor P W Botha’s top-secret nuclear-bomb production programme.
The 100 Afrikaner scientists and plutonium-enrichment experts who were building nuclear warheads for the country’s Air Force missiles left their top-secret concrete ‘Sirkel’ facility in such haste that some even left behind their uneaten sandwiches. Rapport journalist Journalist Erika Gibson and photographer Alet Pretorius were led around the concrete two-storey building by long-time Armscor worker Tim Smit, who had to light up the scene with a large torch because there’s no electricity inside the building any more.
It’s this torch-lighting which is providing a very dramatic effect – highlighting the dark secrets of this 45cm-thick concrete building perfectly. Alet Pretorius has produced some very powerful pictures in this series:
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67l7Ygg8uAA http://youtu.be/67l7Ygg8uAA
Alet Pretorius published this dramatic photo-series on her blog, writing: ‘phones and furniture were left behind and the building is eerily quiet .”
- http://havecamerawill.wordpress.com/2014/07/31/abandoned-nuclear-facility/
- http://www.rapport.co.za/Weekliks/Nuus/VIDEO-Ou-Suid-Afrika-PW-se-bom-20140726
A book was written called ‘Die Bom’ by retired nuclear physicist Dr. Nic von Wielligh. He was closely involved with the ‘Boerebombs’ programme. “Die Bom’ is published (in English) by Litera Publikasies, it is seen as the most accurate version of South Africa’s nuclear weapons abilities. Von Wielligh’s daughter Lydia von Wielligh-Steyn helped him turn the complicated scientific explanations into layman’s language.
- ORDER FROM: Litera Publikasies, PO Box 14690, HATFIELD 0028, Phone: +27 (0) 12 362 1561
- Fax: 088 012 362 1561 Email:theresap@litera.co.za Cell: 27 0 8330397653039765 http://www.litera.co.za/books
Journalist Erica Gibson wrote in Rapport (July 26 2014):
“Very few South Africans know of the ‘Sirkel-facility’ opposite Pelindaba near Pretoria. And very few people know of the ground-breaking work undertaken in this top-secret facility – to build South Africa’s first nuclear bombs.
Pelindaba is South Africa’s French-built nuclear-research institute. The site used to belong to Afrikaans newspaper editor and historian Gustav Preller – whose deputy, legendary morphine-addicted writer/scientist Eugène Marais committed suicide with his shotgun in the shadow of a Karee thorn tree in 1936.
“The Sirkel building is a grey, windowless, concrete block with one entrance. It’s melting into the rough bush growth and the adjacent koppie next to the Gerotek test-site facility. The name of the building came from the circular track where Krygkor/Armscor, South Africa’s weapons-development company, used to test its military vehicles. The turnoff to the building was indicated with the sign ‘werkswinkel’ (workshop) to try and fool accidental passersby.
The security was tight: workers were driven there in white buses with painted windows which drove into the facility where every worker walked to his werk-station, said Tim Smit, managing director of Gerotek who has been at Krygkor for 41 years.Family and friends were not informed about the true nature of their work other than that the job was classified.
Workers at the Atomic Energy Corporation and Armskor were forbidden to meet socially.And they had to pretend to not know one another if they happened to meet by accident.
The head of security of Sirkel building had mounted an Uzi submachinegun beneath his desk for ‘quick use if it became necessary’. Today it’s very likely the country’s most expensive warehouse, a derelict from the heyday when South Africans were developing and testing nuclear-weapons. There’s no electricity in most of the building so our passage was lit with a flashlight by our guide Smit.
The walls are 45cm thick, with heavy electronically-operated doors to the gigantic safe. Nowhere, daylight could enter.
- This is the place where employees( all Afrikaners ) who specialised in enriching uranium at the Pelindaba facility, where using it to prepare charges for nuclear missiles and floating bombs.
Smit said one safe was still found locked up when ‘his people’ were sent in to find out what had happened to the building after (FW de Klerk) closed down the programme.
- “We drilled for a day and a half to get inside the safe,” he told Gibson.
She wrote: ‘The double-storey building’s ground floor was used to prepare nuclear-warheads and associated systems. There were eight dome-shaped isolated explosion-cells which would shoot open the roofs if anything went wrong with a test. There was very little time for any entertainment. The kitchen was small with a dining room where workers ate their sandwiches inside the building. They were not allowed to smoke: one little flame would have created a catastrophic explosion.
The rooms now contain the remnants of a damaged landmine-resistant Casspir-vehicle and a few written-off Oerlikon air-defence cannons. Its cold inside with narrow, curled passages to bar off the explosion-rooms even more. An emergency shower in one hallway bears silent witness to the radio-active material which was worked into nuclear-warheads.
Every other room is barred with another heavy safe-door. Once workers were inside they were only allowed back out in the late-afternoon when they returned home with the same white buses
with the painted windows.
There were no communication towers outside or on the building to keep the facilitity secret to satellite surveillance.
- Gibson writes; “Die Sirkel was opened in 1981 by PW Botha, then the prime minister, in ‘typical PW Botha style’. He referred to the country’s plow-shares which were being turned into a sword to force the USA and Russia to the negotiation tables. He saw the bombs as bargaining tools and also to help give South Africa the ability to defend itself against the threatening wars along its borders.
Botha wanted to give his country the ability to combat the foreign threat from the power base of nuclear bombs rather than having to rely on a power-base of black-politics.
The nuclear bombs were seen by PW Botha as the key to a peaceful solution from sA’s international isolation. - SA was fighting a war along its borders while the SA Air Force ‘s antiquated airfleet was sweating blood against the then-Soviet Union’s best fighter jets and powerful air-defence cannons.
Gibson wrote that “South africa found an ally when it built its nuclear weapons in Israel,” however she provides no details on what kind of cooperation was given by Israel to South Africa.
She wrote:
- The two countries had been allies during the mid-1970s and helped South Africa develop its own long-distance missiles similar to the Israelis Jericho-range – and South Africa tested its rockets in 1985 to the great consternation by the international community.
Initially it was only planned to build six nuclear warheads here but Eventually 14 were being planned for. Israel had to quit its cooperation due to heavy pressure from the United States of America.
The first nuclear bomb was completed in December 1982 – a Christmas present to PW Botha. Today the only material left in the safe-rooms are two external fuel tanks for a Mirage fighter jet.
When the Soviet-Union collapsed, the Angola border war ended and P W Botha died unexpectedly of a stroke.
- The country’s new president FW de Klerk took very rapid action: in 1989 the 100 workers at the Sirkel facility heard that De Klerk decided to end the nuclear-arms programme.
South Africa thus became the only nuclear-power to voluntarily disarm its nuclear weapons and close down its programme. Decades of hard work ended with one pen-stroke.
It went so fast that some people left there sandwiches behind. - During the following five years, six completed nuclear warheads and one half-complete, were made inoperative and taken apart.
The International Atomic Energy Agency in the USA confirmed in August 1994 that all the bombs were destroyed.
(The nuclear-grade plutonium now is stored at a high-security facility monitored with video-cameras and closed down with safes which are under the direct control of the
IAEA. The facility was broken into three times but the weapons-grade plutonium – enough to build 14 nuclear bombs — remained safe).
Gibson wrote that ‘the last chapter in the nuclear-weapons programme of South Africa played itself out when the SA Air Force which was in control of the programme as its end-user, deciced around 1992 to take the weapons from Die Sirkel to an ammo-depot near Roedtan in Limpopo. The decision was never followed up on.
- The two Rapport journalists who visited the facility and photographed it completed their story with the claim that ‘this plan could have been part of a possible rightwing coup’.
They didn’t provide any proof for this claim either.
A book was written called ‘Die Bom’ by retired nuclear physicist Dr. Nic von Wielligh. He was closely involved with the ‘Boerebombs’ programme. Written in Afrikaans and published by Litera Publikasies, it is seen as the most accurate version of South Africa’s nuclear weapons abilities. Von Wielligh’s daughter Lydia von Wielligh-Steyn helped him to turn the complicated scientific explanations into layman’s language. http://www.litera.co.za/books
“Many rubbish stories have been publishedover the years about South Africa’s nuclear-bomb programme. “I try where-ever possible to provide the necessary documentation to prove the true version of events. Where I didn’t have the answers, I also said so, ” said Von Wielligh about his book.
The entire article can be read in Afrikaans on:
Rapes of white SA men in police-jails is a war-crime pattern
What is Genocide?
and for reports of human-rights violations against South African minorities, including whites, after 2011 see: http://www.censorbugbear.org/farmitracker/reports
see http://www.censorbugbear.org/farmitracker/reports
‘Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves.
The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of personal security, liberty, health, dignity and lives of the members of such groups… ‘
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- ‘black foreigners’ blamed
- #OnsWilOorleef
- #Platinum #Strike #CatalyticConverters #ExhaustSystems #MagnetiMarelli
- 000 compensation for false arrests after farm attack self-defence shots
- 000 demonstrators Oct 13 14 2009
- 000 families inside their homes in 2008
- 000 gunshot wounds treated in South Africa each year
- 000 to SARCS Rynfield
- 000 workers forced into short shifts
- 106
- 127
- 168
- 17
- 17-member gang
- 1956 Hungarian refugee Jozseph Kuli slaughtered in Johannesburg 2009
- 1976 to 2006
- 1977 political murders
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003 farm murders
- 2008 farm smallholdings murders Boers Afrikaners South Africa
- 2008/2009
- 2009
- 2009 Afrikaner medical couple big asset to Saskatchewan communities in Canada
- 2009 report
- 2009 South Africa
- 20090526 Alphabetic list of murdered and attacked white farmers South Africa
- 20090623 Farm murder alphabetic list update
- 2010_April
- 2013 and 2014 stats
- 2013 Jan-Sept Whites Murdered By Blacks in SA
- 2100 UN prediction
- 218 killed
- 23% of xenophobic attacks by black feral SAPS
- 2km behind bakkie bleeding.
- 3
- 3 Afrikaners named Smit attacked
- 3 white youths in custody
- 360 white SA asylum-seekers; 316 cases pending
- 4 Afrikaners arrested for murder Margate
- 5-million Afrikaner exiles
- 500
- 510 attacks against whites by blacks
- 557 whites killed in multiple-family murders by blacks in South Africa 1993-ASug2013
- 5km by feet behind bakkie; Boer Genocide
- 5million condemned shabby houses for the poor
- 5million social welfare recipients
- 5million taxpayers
- 60 whites murdered by blacks in SA in June and July 2013. White Genocide
- 707 since 1994
- 74 people died in SA police custody during apartheid
- 77 Hoedspruit Glen sugar estate shot dead throug window Feb42010
- 80
- 860 people died in South African police custody in 2010
- 9_member_gang
- 906 murder/homicide victims
- Aardskip
- Aboobaker Ismael
- accused murderer George Clarkson
- Adriaan Attie Potgieter
- Adriana Stuijt
- Adriana Stuijt writing on www.digitaljournal.com
- Africa
- Africa conflict
- Africa violence
- African Field writing knowledge save families from armed attackers AKSKA Swart Lukas
- AFrican field-signs
- African National Congress
- African traditional councils
- African witchcraft
- Africom
- Afriforum
- Afrikaans
- Afrikaans artists singers attacked after concerts
- Afrikaans author Andre Potgieter attacked at Bloemfontein smallholding June 2009
- Afrikaans businessman murder
- Afrikaans Centurion kidnap rape gang found guilty Pretoria Reg Court Sept 14 2009
- Afrikaans children targets of kidnapping attempts
- Afrikaans journalists battered.
- Afrikaans journo Yolanda Barnard battered by black cop
- Afrikaans language rights
- Afrikaans language rights education confirmed by Constitutional Court Ermelo ruling Oct 14 2009
- Afrikaans pupil Candy King
- Afrikaans radio world record reads 1650 murder details in one day Sept 17 2009
- Afrikaans student mutilated and raped; Institute Security Studies
- Afrikaans teen saves family with quiet SMS to dad during armed house robbery Aug 2009
- Afrikaans weekly Rapport is an ANC propaganda tool warns Afrikaner academic PRAAG 2009
- Afrikaans will get help from Dutch embassy Pretoria
- Afrikaans women raped 2009
- Afrikaans youth in coma; run down by official BMW of ANC-MEC
- Afrikaanse taalregte
- Afrikaner
- Afrikaner autonomy
- Afrikaner Boer genocide
- Afrikaner Boer genocide 2009
- Afrikaner Boer genocide feiten
- Afrikaner businessmen in Standerton help police protect against 10
- Afrikaner Charity Organisations Lists 2009
- Afrikaner children denied survival rights
- Afrikaner cop writes great action novel RISIKO Sept 2009
- Afrikaner cop’s widow denied death-benefits Van Tonder Sunett Sept 2009
- Afrikaner crime victims trauma pictures 2008 2009
- Afrikaner demoralised
- Afrikaner educator to head Rawalpindi Pakistan academy 2009
- Afrikaner emigration never wanted to leave but have to
- Afrikaner exiles hard-hit 2009
- Afrikaner exodus 2009
- Afrikaner family fights with bare hands against armed black home invaders Krugersdorp Sept 2009
- Afrikaner farmer dies waiting for emergency treatment for 16 hours at Potchefstroom Hospital
- Afrikaner farmers arrested in De Wildt after lodging complaints of attacks Sept 2009
- Afrikaner farmers Volschenk awarded R95
- Afrikaner genocide
- Afrikaner kids starve
- Afrikaner Lambert Theron 20 murder trial of 2 colleagues Wimpy Sept 21 2009 Kempton Park
- Afrikaner language rights taken away at universities Aug 2009 with non-secret voting
- Afrikaner man of Pretoria killed after six attacks within a year 2009
- Afrikaner manager of Wimpy Kempton Park -two black coworkers in court Sept 22 pp to 16 Nov 2009
- Afrikaner manager of Wimpy Kempton Park hacked to death in revenge by two black coworkers Sept 2009
- Afrikaner manager of Wimpy Kempton Park hacked to death in revenge by two black coworkers Sept 6 2009
- Afrikaner minority rights under ANC-regime are under a Total Onslaught Aug 2009 article
- Afrikaner pension rights denied
- Afrikaner plight
- Afrikaner poor Ruyterwacht
- Afrikaner poor squatters in forced removals: Krugersdorp/Mohale City Kroningspark to Munsieville Sept 2009
- Afrikaner poverty
- Afrikaner poverty turning into famine Nov 2009
- Afrikaner regions of greater Pretoria under siege from death-squads
- Afrikaner Rescue Action Fund
- Afrikaner Rescue Action Fund launched; Serbian man murdered Secunda
- Afrikaner security guard Danie Nortje rescues 50 from burning Vereeniging building Sept 2009
- Afrikaner self-rule and the Bashing in of White Heads speech Sam Nujoma Namibia 2009
- Afrikaner squatter camps
- Afrikaner starvation
- Afrikaner students threatened intimidated by black SASCO demonstrators University pretoria SRC Sept 2009
- Afrikaner students threatened with hate speech by SASCO students University PRetoria Sept 8 2009
- Afrikaner teachers shot dead in love-triangle tragedy at Welkom Gymnasium high Sept 1 2009
- Afrikaner volksmoord naby – opinies deur Dr Dan Roodt en Vlad du Plessis 2009
- Afrikaner voting rights denied abroad 2009
- Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging AWB better than ANC claims Thokoza protestor picture Shayne Robinson The Star July 22 2009 protests
- Afrikaner woman forced to pose naked for cops; refused medical help for diabetic coma in police-cell
- Afrikaner youth stabbed after greeting black friend VdBijlpark Technical school Sept 2009
- Afrikaners
- Afrikaners and Boers do not pose a militant threat to ANC-hegemony Oct 2009
- Afrikaners and Jacob Zuma
- Afrikaners and whites murdered in suburban
- Afrikaners are slaves
- Afrikaners attacked in Bronkhorstspruit 2009
- Afrikaners attacked in Farmall AH Fourways 2009
- Afrikaners attacked in Hennops River Erasmia Gerhardsville Rhenosterspruit AH Sept 2009
- Afrikaners attacked in Nelspruit and Naboomspruit
- Afrikaners attacked in Pierre van Ryneveld and Pretoria
- Afrikaners attacked in Pretoria and Krugersdorp
- Afrikaners attacked in Vanderbijlpark
- Afrikaners attacked in Waterkloof 2009
- Afrikaners banned Voortrekker Monument
- Afrikaners besieged throughout South Africa
- Afrikaners Boer facing genocide experts warn links details addresses Oct 2009
- Afrikaners boycot Beeld Burger Media24 newspapers
- Afrikaners chased from gold-fields by destructive gangs
- Afrikaners deliberately ordered into starvation by ANC-regime: proof
- Afrikaners denied all survival rights; Commonwealth human rights; Dan Roodt
- Afrikaners denied public housing rights in long-time Afrikaner suburb Wolmer Pretoria North Aug 2009
- Afrikaners disenfranchised. refused political asylum
- Afrikaners Economic-Rescue-Congress 2009 – Voortrekker Monument Oct 21-23 2009
- Afrikaners face organised Rwandan-style genocide warns Dr Dan Roodt Oct 1 2009
- Afrikaners faced with land-invasions at Elandsfontein
- Afrikaners in ‘n wereld sonder grense Dr Dan Roodt Oct 25 2009
- Afrikaners in Krugersrus Springs live in fear after Gerber murder Sept 19 2009
- Afrikaners Internal Refugee Camps denied food aid by ANC
- Afrikaners leaders Steve Hofmeyer
- Afrikaners live in a genocidal hell Euro-MPs warn
- Afrikaners murdered attacked Jeffrey’s Bay 2009
- Afrikaners murdered in Pietersburg
- Afrikaners murdered in Stellenbosch 2009
- Afrikaners of Ladysmith attacked 2009
- Afrikaners of Pretoria attacked 2009 Pierre van Ryneveld suburb
- Afrikaners of Welkom
- Afrikaners refused immigration Western countries
- Afrikaners robbed at gunpoint in Germiston 2009
- Afrikaners slam SA Human Rights Commission minority-rights report to UN Oct 2009
- Afrikaners traditional authority Namibia
- Afrikaners unprotected while cops protect WC2010 football fans
- Afrikaners will perish without homeland
- Afrikaners worden uitgewist onder die ANC vlag
- Afrikaners: welcome at African Leadership Academy in Randburg 20090418
- Afrikaners: whites growing poor
- Afrykanerzy
- against Afrikaners Oct 2011-Oct152012
- agriculture
- Agriculture: confiscated white farms are NOT owned by black recipients. 2009
- Agriculture: Female Farmer of Year 2008 kicked off her leased State-farm for mismanagement
- agriculture: one-third of Congo-Brazzaville offered to SA farmers April 18 2009
- AIDS 2009
- AIDS infected prisoners in South Africa get multivitamins as treatment
- AidsTB psychotic behaviour black South African men
- Airbrushing Afrikaners from history
- Airfield Benoni
- Airline crash SA Airlink Sept 2009 Aviator Allistor Freeman killed
- Airport road Cape Town
- airspace limits South Africa in June 2009
- Alasdair Sholto-Douglas SC
- Alberton cyclists killed by police van driver; Roodepoort shopkeeper Antonio Rodrigues shot dead
- Alex Newman
- Alexandre Ifi
- All Afrikaners targets of genocide
- All whites will be chased into the sea under Mbeki masterplan
- All whites will be killed – a tsunami of hate-speech sweeps across SA Aug 2009 report
- alphabetic name lists
- Alphabetic name lists murder victims 2008
- Alphabetic name lists murder victims 2009
- Amanzimtoti Dec 23 1985
- Amelia Henning murder Bloemfontein verdict; Thabo Mokoena gouged out Amelia Henning’s eyes; Lucky Nkgwedi stabbed Amelia Henning 34 times
- American woman Nicole Renaye Harris missing in South Africa Sept 19 2009
- anaesthetists fleeing SA enmasse Oct 2009
- ANC and Afrikaners 2009 peace approach by Zuma
- ANC cabal usurps democracy Madibeng Pulse
- ANC dying of AIDS
- ANC evicts Boksburg homeless whites
- ANC fraudsters: convicted Rear-admiral Litchfield-Tshabala gets merit bonus in 2009
- ANC free housing promise backfires with 2
- ANC government in collision course with new US president Obama
- ANC gulpenvlag
- ANC hides its Boer genocide in fake stats
- ANC law suit
- ANC leader called Black Jesus 2009
- ANC meeting in Rustenburg erupts in violence July 19 2009
- ANC MP bullying
- ANC People’s War book
- ANC puts news media in prison
- ANC refusal to feed poor whites
- ANC regime attitude
- ANC regime kicks of propaganda campaign of anti-white hate speech
- ANC strives for black judiciary
- ANC top officials hate speech Sept 2009 Malema
- ANC trains violent youth militias
- ANC use of witchcraft to demonise Afrikaners; withcraft and politics
- ANC uses CRLRC to undermine Afrikaans-language rights
- ANC wages war on Afrikaans children
- ANC youth league
- ANC Youth League lobby group in Londen SAYFA Sept 2009 election meet
- ANC youth league Thebe Meeko hatespeech
- ANC-council
- ANC-government interference
- ANC-president
- ANC-regime
- ANC-regime anti-democratic elections
- ANC-regime racist quotas
- ANC100
- ancestral worship
- and 2 robbers
- and Standerton
- Angel of Hope
- Angelbauer Dianna killed 20090519 killer Tshediso Meschack Nkomo 30 years prison Oct12009
- AngloGold Ashanti
- animal sacrifice
- Anna Velthuysen stabbed to death with 2 children
- Anna-Marie 78 fighters of farm attacker Aug 20 2009
- Annemarie Krugersdorp
- Annie Kalahari
- Another Hungarian 1956-refugee murdered in South Africa
- Anti Afrikaner propaganda City Press Ventersdorp mayor article Andile Mngxitama press ombudsman
- anti white hate speech by ANC leaders
- Anti white hate speech by Cosatu trade union leaders
- anti white hate speech grows in South Africa: summary
- anti white hatred
- anti-ANC business boycot
- anti-ANC riots Zandspruit; black-racist translator sued; homophobe murders; traditional leaders; three more Afrikaners murdered
- Anti-white hate speech South Africa
- anti-white hate-speech: ? Whites killed Jesus”… Zulu prayer 2009
- Anti-white hatespeech by ANC officials – Ventersdorp
- anti-white job-rights laws;
- anti-white racism
- apartheid
- apartheid landscape
- appendix removed through belly-button
- April 5 2011
- Are whites still safe in South Africa
- Arm blankes
- arme blanken Suid-Afrika
- Armed attacks against whites in towns and countryside March 31 2011 summary
- armed crime soars in Alberton
- arrested
- art dealer 3Riviere Vereeniging
- Arte+7 TV
- Artikel7.nu Dutch Free Speech
- artist
- Artists’ Cafe Hendriksdal Sabie Mpuma murdered nothing robbed
- Asian
- assassinated
- Assassination of Dr Hendrik Verwoerd
- asylum
- Asylum INFO source documents white South Africans
- asylum white South Africa Canada Ireland UK USA
- asym
- attack 20091024
- attacked
- attacks
- Attacks against all whites in South Africa p3
- attacks against whites versus black foreigners
- Attacks on whites in cities March Feb 2011
- Aug 2009
- August and September 2013 murders
- Aurora goldmine
- Auroro slave miners try suicide bids after four months of unpaid work
- autonomy
- Aviva French water-cooled power plants
- AWB clash with PAC Andre Visagie vs Liepollo Lebohang Pheko after Terre’Blanche murder
- Baby Rape
- Baker Deane-Peter US Naval Academy WC2010 threat
- Baragwanath hospital problems blamed on whites; ANC thieves Harrismith sell plots
- Baragwanath Hospital Soweto
- Barberton
- Barnard
- Barnard Chantelle 20 raped murdered bathed Benoni AH
- Barnard SAPS capt Renate discrimination lawsuit Labour court
- barred access to labour market
- Battle of Anthems defuses tense confrontation at SA law court April 2009
- Baty Charles Witrivier bagpipe player attacked
- Bedfordview
- Beleggen in zuid-afrika is dat nog wijs
- Ben 74 retired Venda teacher shot injured in bed Pretoria East Bronkhorstbaai Sept 12 2009
- benoni
- Benoni charity worker mystery death
- Berg van den Katrina Hendrika 65 Daspoort smalholding Pretoria Jan142010 murder
- Berman Jack 86 St Albans PE East Cape smallholding survives attack
- Bernadine Kruger’s accused ‘taxi-murderer’heards three witnesses testify to his recklessness Aug 2009
- Bernadine murder taxi-driver guilty of murder Sept 11 2009
- Bets
- Biennale Florence Oct 2009
- Bijkersma Wouda quadruple murder May 1 2008
- biker Diego Singer assaulted
- Bikers
- black Africa
- black economic empowerment
- black economic empowerment Act
- black faced protests by Afrikaner youths; ANC anti-white laws
- black foreigners warned to leave Alexandra
- black hatred of whites
- Black KZN Westville student hatespeech; We are born to kill will wipe out all Indians on campus; anti white hatespeech grows; xenophobia
- black lesbians gang raped to re-educate; Cape Town gays
- black racism
- Black racist ANC regime
- black racist hatespeech causes farm attacks
- black racists
- Black racists threaten black Africans and Boers
- black SAPF elite bullying white cops
- Black South African men most violent in the world
- Black teachers advance racism by slacking off warns Jacob Zuma Aug 2009
- black yoiuth militia
- black-economic empoverment laws cause Afrikaner poverty
- black-economic-empowerment laws bar whites
- black-racism
- black-racism South Africa
- black-racist Blackwash group funded by EU; Asians kidnapped by Ninja gang;
- Black-Racist judge
- black-racist police
- Black-racist terrorist gang targets Afrikaans families. Springs
- black-racists
- Blignaut Mrs 20090919 murdered
- blinkers come off in SA
- Bloedrivier
- Bloemfontein
- Bloemfontein high court
- Bloemhof babies
- blood bank
- blood bank bus route
- blood diamonds
- Blood Sisters
- blood-diamonds
- Bobby van Jaarsveld
- Boer
- Boer autonomy
- Boer farmer
- boer gencoide
- Boer Genocide
- Boer genocide 2009: torture of Allendale women
- Boer Genocide fears
- Boer genocide: muti-killings of two Free State farmers 2009
- Boer girls guty fight against armed attackers
- Boer Republican Brigade
- Boer smallholders
- Boer warrior
- Boer women emancipated since 18th century; Boer women lost voting rights under British occupation
- Boere Krisis Aksie
- Boere-Afrikaner Vryheidsinisiatief
- Boeremag fraud
- Boeremag issue 2009 Vlad du Plessis
- Boers
- Boers cannot physically survive ANC rule
- Boers face ethnic cleansing from Pretoria
- Boers in Exile protest
- Boers in Stage 6 fullblown genocide Greg Stantone mail to Adriana stuijt
- boilermaker Hendrik Grobler paralysed
- Boiling anger at ANC-blue light convoy killer-drivers
- Boksburg
- Boksburg metro-cops
- bomb threat
- Bonaero Park; Benoni principal Dian Cockcroft assaulted
- Booysens
- Boschkop smallholdings crimes;
- Boshoff Zelda
- Bosma Martin. Dutch parliament
- Botha
- Botha Alice and Jack Benoni; six elderly Afrikaners murdered in Pretoria;
- Botha Brink
- Botha Robert Kameeldrift
- Bothaville farmer killed for muti
- Bourke’s Luck potholes
- boycot
- Brad Bennetts
- braindrain
- Brainwashing
- Brakpan
- Brakpan and Port Elizabeth 2009
- Brakpan.
- Bravoland
- Breaking news Help needed
- Breedt Johanna Bloemfontein torched
- Brendan Kretzmann attacked; Welkom
- Brenner Linden murder February 2011
- Brent Meersman
- Breyten Breytenbach
- Brink Botha boerbull-breeder murdered
- Brits
- Brits farmers
- Brits under siege
- Britzz Hettie raped Centurion; Scrooby John teacher murdered Norwood;
- broad-based black economic empowerment laws bar all whites
- Broederstroom
- Broederstroom longtime Islamic trading family Jalalpor attacked Oct 12 2009
- Bronkhorst Chris tortured Walkerville dies of neglect government hospice
- Brown James Kriel police station murder
- Bruno van Staden 66 Kameeldrift Leeufontein
- brutal beatings by SA cops
- brutality
- Buffelsdrift
- Buildings and homes take over by crime syndicates in hijacking campaign
- bull sacrifice WC2010
- bullets fly in Krugersdorp
- bullion heads to $900
- Burgher family
- bush fighter
- Butchered Rainbow
- Buys family attacked Free State;
- Buys Raymond
- by black male perpetrators
- call for genocide of whites
- Canada
- Candy
- Cape Bar Council
- Cape Town
- Cape Town High Court
- Cape Town nuclear emergency evacuation route
- Cash Transit heists and bogus pickups by fake security guards growing 2009
- cash-transit van
- Catholic Priests: 4 priests murdered in SA 2009
- Cellphones must be registered by owner name in SA RICA law 2009
- Censorbugbear
- censorbugbear.org May 2011
- censorship of critics of Islam – Ayaan Hirsi Ali
- censorship ofcritics of islam – Geert Wilders
- Census 2011 starts Oct 2011
- Centurion
- Centurion Hercules High School
- Ceval Mills severely disabled July 19 2009
- Chaplin Brian_Andrew_twins; Claremont cop-brutality
- Charity worker Ingrid Anna Niebuhr killed
- Charl
- Charl van Wyk
- Charlene Smith
- Chatterton
- Child Murders Soar
- Child-rape epidemic in South Africa; sex-pest teachers exposed on internet
- child-sex slavery warnings by cops on cycle tour Feb232010
- children
- Children at war in South African 2009
- children donating blood in South Africa
- Children in South Africa face daily battle in extremely cruel society
- Chinese AK47s exported by millions to South Africa’s warlord gangs 2009
- Chinese residents in South Africa
- cholera
- Cholera time bomb in South Africa
- Christian duty to fight terrorists
- Christmas period attacks against AFrikaners Dec 2011
- City Times
- civil liberties
- civil rights
- Civil war threat
- CJ Geldenhuys
- Claassen
- Claudia Meades
- Claudio Senna
- Claus Schroeder
- cleansing ceremonies
- Clem Sunter
- Clive Derby-Lewis
- coal mining Middelburg
- Cobi and George anti apartheid campaigners slaughtered Port Elizabeth July 2009
- Coetzee Lina 85 assaulted by black racist man Postmasburg hospital
- collapse commercial agriculture
- collapsing goldmines
- collapsing SANDF unable to patrol coastlines effectively Aug 2009 warnings
- coloureds
- Colsby William Cindy Zonelia
- Communications Workers Union oct 2009
- communist
- communist torched earth
- communists fighting for control
- Constantia attacked antique jewellery gang
- constantia land claims by Malay slave descendants
- Constitution
- cooking pot attack
- cop granted R3000 bail after killing Janet Odendaal
- copper thief blinded
- cops
- Cops and soldiers fighting each other at Union Buildings
- cops arrested for ATM bombings Soweto
- cops hunt Afrikaans family like animals
- Cor Ehlers
- Coronation Park
- Cosatu
- court cases 2009
- Craig Nieuwenhuizen
- crashed into freight train
- crime
- Crime and prison stats
- crime busters
- Crime Elandspark Alberton protest
- Crime Pays
- crime rates did NOT drop: SA crime rates nullified at police-station level; South Africa lies about dropping crime-rates
- crime soared since influx of illegal black foreign Africans; Rietfontein Gold Mine
- crime statistics manipulated by police 2009
- Crime stats 2008/9 released Sept 24 2009 18 months too old
- crime victims
- Crime victims Wall of Remembrance
- Crime week ending Sept 9 2011
- Crime: thousands of SA poisoned by robbers each year
- crimes against humanity
- Criminal Law Forensic Procedures Amendment Bill B09-2013
- criminal violence
- criminalisation of
- Cronje Hendrik SewendeLaan Actor Pretoria
- Da Sousa Anna and Carlos
- Dailai Lama
- Daily attacks on white families Jan2010 to Aug 2011: MAP and GRAPH
- daily violent attacks
- Dalmane
- Dan Roodt
- Daspoort
- Daspoort Demo municipal court Pretoria
- Date lists murdered whites 2009
- Davel family attacks Boschkop smallholdings
- David Bullard
- David Hall
- De Brug military base
- De Bruin Liza SAPS widow
- De Doorns
- De Jager Hein shot dead with hands in air surrendering to 7 black gunmen
- De Jong Albertus Kameeldrift Nederlandse immigrant
- De Klerk FW charity donates mostly to black-recipients
- De Klerk FW Constution is racist 2009
- De Koker Alex
- De Sampaio Marco
- De Villiers Juan shot dead Alberton
- De Wet Cornelia Carolina Kwaggasfontein five farm attacks
- De Wildt
- Dead Boer Walking
- dead in shootout June 23 2009
- deaf-signer
- death squads
- death threats against whites
- death threats over land-ownership rights
- death toll whites by black attackers
- Dec12010 Free State Bloemfontein Boer Genocide
- decapitate
- declare total war Pan Africanist Unity facebook Chris Sankara Chris Mathebula
- deep trouble from gold-piracy gangs
- Defence Act 2002
- Democracy South Africa
- Democratic Alliance leader
- demonisation
- demonisation of Afrikaners
- Demonisation of Afrikaners poses a danger to the Constitution writes Max du Preez Sept 2009
- demonisation of whites
- denied bail
- denied minority protection rights
- Devil’s Gorge villagers are holding an exhorcism against the evil spirits causing traffic accidents
- Diepsloot
- Dimitrios Tsafendas
- Dippenaar Gert cancerpatient maltreatment Pretoria District Hospital
- Dirk Hermann
- dirty
- dirty beaches
- disenfranchised
- dissention between white and black police officers South Africa
- dj wants to kill whites to end racism
- DNA Bill
- DNA data base
- documentary
- Dogs poisoned by the thousands in South Africa. In Heidelberg
- don’t keep it a secret 2008 2009
- don’t think you are special because you are white
- Doringkop
- dorning
- Dorning farm murder
- double-murder Bonaero Park
- Douglasdale targetted most by armed robbers 2009
- Dr Alida Oosthuizen
- Dr Dan Roodt
- Dr Dan Roodt 2009 article
- Dr eye surgeon
- Dr Johan van Belhon
- Dr Paul veterinarian murder investigation botches says widow Marilise Sept282009
- Dr Stephan GP shot in gunbattle with fake patient Mamelodi Eersterust Pretoria July 25 2009
- dragged 1
- Dreiers Hardware
- drug-resistant
- Du Noon Milnerton July42010 exodus black foreigners xenophobia
- due to racist massacre of four white men in Umbilo pub Sept 2008
- Dunkeld West
- Durban beach filthy New Year’s day 2012
- Durbanville crime info remains cloudy; South Africa
- Dursley
- Dutch
- Dutch dailies
- Dutch embassy
- Dutch embassy donates R20
- Dutch Flemish support for Afrikaner Boer genocide protests
- Dutch MPs
- Dutch parliament
- Dutch party fears genocide
- Dutch student attacked by minibus-taxigang in Cape Town Sept 2009 story
- Eagar Thys Col-ret 61st mechanical Div SADF ‘Operation Sceptic’ SWAPO Angola Centurion
- Earthquakes
- ecologisch-afbreekbaar toiletpapier belangrijke nieuwe uitvinding voor planeet 2009
- Economic Freedom in Our Lifetime
- Edenvale former Rietfontein
- Edleen
- Edleen Kempton Park
- Education
- Eksteen Theresa 51 Stilfontein panga attack no motive Jan252010
- Ekurhuleni
- elderly homeless Afrikaners
- election
- election 2009
- election Boksburg Afrikaner hunted down throat slashed by 4 blacks for not wanting to vote
- electrical contractor murder Dec62005 judgment March282011
- eliminating whites
- Elliott Koekie and Norman
- Elseviers weekly highlights anti-Boer violence
- Elsie Brits
- emigration
- emigration offices flooded with applications
- Engelbracht cyclist Kempton Park survives stabbing
- Enslavement
- entire edition German magazine dedicated Afrikaner plight
- environment campaigner attacked
- environment: animals dumps eaten by squatters
- EP meeting
- epidemic
- Equality court
- Erasmus University
- Ernst Dr Pieter Dutch philanthropist/physician founder of Marang House charity
- Eskin Avigdor
- Eskom top skilled electricity workers say they have no future at the parastatal 2009
- Esti Neethling
- ethnic cleansing
- ethnic cleansing of whites
- EU spends €145m on free milk
- Euro MP demands not one penny to corrupt ANC regime; demands fundings for Afrikaner independence
- European Parliament
- Evander
- executed
- executed double murder
- execution
- eyes gouged in attack
- eyes gouged out
- Facebook albums by Censorbugbear Reports 2010
- famine
- famine 2009 South Africa
- Farm
- farm Alliesrust
- farm attack
- farm attacks
- farm attacks 2002 SAPS enquiry report
- Farm attacks Feb 1987 – Dec 2003 Crime Busters of South Africa start from 1
- farm attacks hate speech by Motlanthe deputy pres Nov302009
- Farm attacks Jan 25 2010
- Farm attacks names lists Dec232009
- Farm attacks soared May – July 2010
- Farm attacks the only motive
- farm deaths names list 1987 – June 9 2010
- farm Lindleyspoort
- farm murder
- Farm murder death list May152010
- Farm Murder Death List May162010
- Farm murder deaths up to Sept42010 is 3
- farm murder Roodepoort AH March 21 2011
- farm murders
- FARM MURDERS – Name lists of murdered people on farms updated Feb102010
- farm murders 2009
- Farm murders destroy our culture
- farm murders details photos sources 2008/2009
- farm murders name lists of victims
- Farm murders names dates sources updated lists
- farm murders national crisis
- Farm murders updated Nov 8 2009 total killed 3
- farm murders; Verneukpan
- farm_attacks
- Farm_murder_death_names_list_up to May 6_2010_South_Africa
- farm-strike violence threats
- farmer Brits 3Nov2008 killed
- Farmer Wesley Wood
- farmers
- farmers protest April 17 2009
- Farmitracker
- Farmitracker Aid
- Farmitracker attacks comparisons maps
- Farmitracker map of murders/attacks against WHITES
- Farmitracker news updates
- Farmitracker Nov222011
- Farmitracker programming
- farmland theft
- farms of fear Brian Moynihan Sunday Times London April 2 2006
- farms targetted by heavily armed criminal gangs
- fear drives whites out of South Africa
- Fears Boer Genocide wellfounded
- FF.
- Ficksburg Dr Ernest Giesseke;
- FIFA WK2010 Nederlandse vrouw’s borst en hand verkocht aan toverdokter 2009
- fingerprinting
- fired because they are white Sept 2009
- fired for facebook wartalk
- fired from SAPS
- First black submariner 2009 Saldanha
- First female admiral of South Africa 2009
- Fischer Karel Morgenzon Mpu human shield
- five black attackers
- Five political parties conduct anti-white hatespeech campaign
- Fochville
- Food riots in Durban July 2009
- food shortages 2009
- food shortages threaten because of failed agricultural land handout policies of ANC 2009
- forced removals
- Forensic photographs of murdered Afrikaner and Boer children women and men ordered removed by Microsoft Windows Sky-Drive albums
- Formula 1 race car driver murdered
- Fouche Ernst taxidermist Randfontein; ANC Zulu factor
- four black men smile admitting murders
- four top black cops arrested for cooking crime statistics
- Fourie Liesl manhole Springs murder April202010
- Fourie Lita TABITA
- Fournos_bakery_attacked; VanderWesthuizen_Andre_hijacked
- Francois Marais Withok AH Brakpan killed
- Frans Cronjé
- Frans Timmermans
- Free State attacks against whites
- free State farm murders
- Freedom Front
- Freedom Front news
- Freedom Front Plus leader Pieter Mulder asks for a place of tolerance in SA for Afrikaners Sept 23 2009
- Friends4Humanity.org;
- fruit for European kids
- funding trial warfare with blood diamonds
- FW de Klerk 2009
- game warden training camp
- gang attack
- gang dressed in SANDF uniforms
- gang-rape
- gangraped? South Africa
- garden
- gas chamber murder attempt Bedfordview Highway Gardens wife beaten to death
- Gaudin Frank Canadian born farmer
- Gawie
- Gawie Dec 2007
- gay
- Geldart James Afrikaans Brandwag High school headboy shot by Boksburg cops Apr182008
- Geldenhuys Dr Jurie Hartbeesfontein Klerksdorp NW assassinated 5 black men claiming from ANC headquarters
- gender graphs
- Gene Becker
- genocidal hate speech South Africa
- genocidal hatespeech
- genocide
- Genocide charge
- genocide charges
- Genocide complaint against ANC and Government of South Africa
- Genocide onder Z.A. boeren Reformatorisch Dagblad 20090414 Netherlands
- genocide South Africa
- genocide warning
- Genocide Watch
- Genocide Watch 2010 report Boers Polarisation Stage of Genocide
- Genocide Watch Countries at Risk May 2011
- Genocide Watch expert in South Africa
- Genocide WAtch warns Boers to defend themselves and also to prepare to leave South Africa
- genocide-denialists
- genocide. South Africa
- GenocideWatch.org Ma72011
- George Bizos
- George Clarkson murder
- George Promised Land for Boers
- Geraldine Schwartz
- German Nation24
- Germiston
- Gerrit
- Geyer Ryan 35 Swavelpoort Boschkop smallholdings murdered July262010
- Gezina Pretoria. Boer Genocide
- Gieseke Ernest murdered Fickburg Jan232010; Venter Johannes 20100123 Middelburg murdered
- Gillian Molovanovic
- Global Witness
- God’s Window
- goldminers starve while bullion heads to $1
- Gordon Prof Lewis USA
- Government of South Africa.
- Graham Mimmie
- Greek immigrant shot dead in SA
- Gregory Stanton
- Grobler
- Grobler Marthie farm Hoogekraal Outeniqualand Glentana George
- Grobler Martie Glentana George farm
- Grobler report bent cops and links to crime gangs
- Grobler teens
- Gryp van der Loffie
- Guard JJ Grove survives shooting
- gun crime
- Gutter journalism
- Half of Afrikaner nation in self-exile July 30 2009
- Halodo
- hammer
- hammer attack
- harassed
- Harbours at risk of growing piracy
- Harrismith farm occupied
- Hartbeesfontein
- Hartbeespoort
- Hartbeespoort Melodie Kosmos Ifafi Meerhof Woolworths ecoli produce
- Hartbeespoort Rietfontein AH attack Jan262009
- hate crimes
- Hate crimes against Afrikaners 2009
- Hate speech charges against ANCYL
- hatecrime
- hatecrimes
- hatecrimes against whites
- hatespeech
- Hatespeech against Afrikaners Black MP not fired over White Bitch slur Sept 23 2009
- Hatespeech One bullet One White Infant May2010 Sodo Nceba
- hatespeech plans to overthrow the ANC-regime Dlungwane Mfundo; Nceba Sodo;
- hatespeech SADF against Afrikaner military people May 2010
- Hatfield
- Health
- health: Kimberley ER ignores semi-conscious man in freezing cold Sept 2009
- health: striking SA doctors refuse to even treat emergency cases June 2009
- hearings
- Heidelberg
- Helen Zille
- hell hole prisons Zimbabwe
- Helpende Hand
- Hendri
- Hendrik Kriel deepsea-diver
- Henning Amelia SAPS reservist Bloemfontein
- Henning Chanelle Faerie Glen
- Henry; Roets
- Hepburn CJ 16 robbed of savings North West Sannieshof
- Herculus Hoërskool attack
- Hermansstad
- Hermanus
- Hester van der Berg 80 beaten to death Theescombe smallholding Port Elizabeth
- Hexrivier farms attacked
- Hibiscus coast crime
- Hilda Verster murdered
- Hillary Clinton
- Hinrichson Schalk and mom Lettie murders Randgate Krugersdorp oct5 2009
- historic farm Vogelfontein
- hiv-AIDS
- hiv-infected SA teens need more ‘psycho-social’ support claims paediatrician Sept 2009
- Hlophe
- HNP party
- Hodson Leonard Schrumpy Jacks Farm Stall Winterton KZN
- Hofmeyr
- Home Affairs finger print data base of criminals
- home-invasion armed cops
- homeless the fastest SA Institute of Race Relations
- homophobic murder toll mounts in South Africa
- Honeydew
- Honeydew police station commander shot dead
- How do poor Afrikaners survive? Nehemia project Krugersdorp
- How many people died in police custody during apartheid? Deaths in SAP cells 1963 to 1990. Deaths in SAPS cells 2012
- http://bit.ly/lDmdU3
- Human Dirk
- Human Rights
- Human Rights Commission
- human rights of children
- Human Rights Violations
- Hungarian 1956-refugee Jozeph Kuli slaughtered in 2009 Johannesburg
- hunted Jens Leunberg on the run
- Huntley
- ICC The Hague
- Ilhas dos Porcos
- Illegal gold mining
- immigration problems
- impalement
- incidents 2009
- Income distribution stats wrong Oct 2009
- Indian
- Indians
- Ines Christina 83 raped beaten into coma by Collen Monareng
- inflation
- Ingrid Leopold Scholtz
- inspector SAPS Howick arrested
- intelligence community
- Internal Refugee Camps
- International Criminal Court
- interne vluchtelingen
- Into the Cannibal’s Pot
- Ireland
- Irene van Niekerk
- Ishlove
- Islam
- Ivory Park
- Izak Verster stabbed
- J Zandberg
- Jack Hindon scouts
- Jackson Lolly
- Jacob
- Jacob Zuma
- Jacqueline mentallyhandicapped murdered
- Jacqueline murdered Boston farm za
- Jagersfontein
- Jagersfontein municipal offices torched by angry mob 2009
- James Myburgh
- Jan 2011 to May 1 2011
- JAN 2012 murderous month for Afrikaners
- Jan Louw farmer stabbed 15 Times Nooitgedacht Louis Trichardt; Julius Malema faces genocide charged ICC The Hague
- Jan2012 summary of farm attacks
- Janet Odendaal killed by Kempton Park cop
- Janet Odendaal killer-cop no trial-date
- Jani Allan
- Jannie Odendaal
- Janse van Rensburg Joof shot dead by SAPS constable Percy Ledwaba March 13 2011 Evander Mpumalanga
- Janse van Rensburg Renoe Vanderbijlpark CBD
- Jansen Neels 60 Roodia smallholdings Roodepoort July112010 shot dead
- Jeanette Odendaal
- Jeffrey’s Bay
- Jeffreys Bay
- Jihad
- Jimmy Abbott
- job protestors rape white woman
- Job protests sweep across Europe
- job rights for white women taken away by ANC
- Johanna Magrietha
- Johannes van der Merwe shot dead by Soweto hijacker in Volksrust June 22 2009
- Johannesberg farm Ellisras Lephalale Limpopo
- Johannesburg
- Johannesburg Metrocop Carl Lynch survives 7 bullets Sept 28 2009
- Johannesburg northern suburbs Randburg North Riding Sandton Blairgowrie Linden under siege Aug 2009
- John McNicol
- John Simpson
- Johnson RW South Africa’s brave new world the beloved country since the end of apartheid 2009
- Jones Elrene
- Joof Jansen van Rensburg
- Jordaan Ian
- Joubert Heila and Braam sr SAPS officers arrested by juniors Krugersdorp
- journalist Michael Ferguson arrested
- Juan van Eeden
- Judge John Hlope
- Judge Mahomed Ismael High Court Pretoria attacked; Braam Greyling TV actor murdered
- judges who are anti-white 2009
- Julius Malema
- July 12 we start killing all whites and foreigners rumours threats
- July 13 2009 murdered Raslouw smallholdings
- July 2012
- July 2013 murders
- July 4 2012
- June 14 2009
- June2013
- Justice Must be Seen to be Done
- Kalkheuvel
- Kallie Kriel
- Kampen theology
- Kani John actor
- Karel Marais
- Karolina O’Donoghue
- Keith Knott
- Keith Lewis
- Kempton Park
- Kempton Park cops refuse to protect whites attacked by strikers
- Kempton Park metro-cops fine white female motorists who asked for help
- Kempton Park rapist
- Kempton Park ratepayers under siege Dr Hennie Barnard
- Kenilworth
- Kenneth Makwesa arrested
- Keyser
- Khayelitsha
- khoi farm
- Khomamani mine worker commits suicide; 70 percent youth unemployment;
- Khulubuse
- kidnap
- Kill the Boer
- killed 1996
- killed in jail
- killed Marloth Park Dec 2009
- killed three small children
- killer-cop gang on trial
- killing Afrikaners 2009 2008
- Killing Fields of South Africa
- Kimberley Process
- King
- Kitchenbrand pigeon Victor wins Sun City race
- Kleinhaus Madeleine golf coach shot near Leriba Lodge Italian WC2010 team Lyttelton Pretoria
- Kleinmond wife
- Klerksdorp
- knives farm attack Kromdraai Sept 2006
- Knoll Chrissie and Chris
- Koeberg nuclear workers dying of radiation poisoning; NECSA
- Koekemoer family Bynespoort Cullinan April102010 attack carried out in Malema’s name
- Koen Saartjie survives headshot Silverton
- Komatipoort
- Kommando self-defence unit
- Koos and Frances Conroy
- Koos Botes
- Koos Daffue Medupi building contractor assassinated
- KR
- Kroonstad
- Krügel Martin 78 May 7 2010 Pretoria kicked to death caretaker
- Kruger
- kruger Marzaan; Sekhu; Robindale Krugersdorp
- Kruger Marzanne Marizaan
- Kruger Mazaan baby skull crushed gang Robindale Randburg Francina Sekhu
- Kruger Paul
- Krugersdorp
- Krugesdorp
- KwaDukuza
- Labat Africa
- Labri
- Labuschagne farmer Mara
- Laing
- Lamprecht Renier murdered Dec2102009 farms
- land
- Land Bank
- land claims
- Land invasion Thabazimbi rigged by ANC-councillors to garnish votes
- land invasions
- Land occupation Mossel Bay June 29 2010
- land occupation threats
- land rights 2009
- land-confiscation of Afrikaner farms
- Langeveld family saved by Facebook
- large robber-mob tells Afrikaner businessman
- lavish spending mismanagement at local level 2009
- lax security a piracy threat for SA harbours warns top maritime security laywer Johan Swart Aug 2009
- Leandra
- Lebombo mountains
- Lebowa homeland
- Leeuwenkloof
- legal mining license
- Legitimacy of Afrikaner self-determination
- Leon and Hetta
- Leon Beukes
- Leopold Scholtz
- lesbian
- Letter-writing campaign to Dutch Parliament
- Liam Storrier 12 Athlone Park Amanzimtoti primary school attack
- Liberale afrikaners verskans hulle agter duur sekuriteit
- Limpopo
- Linda Masinga Associates
- Lindley
- Lindley farm
- Linguistic commission
- Lita Cross Fourie
- Lita Fourie
- litany anti-Boer cruelties
- Lloyd
- Lo
- Locke
- Locke Henry smallholder Cullinan executed Oct 20 2009
- LolaT142 racecar
- London SA exiles threat with SHOOT BOER song
- Lonmin
- Loony Leftism
- loot discarded in veld.
- Lot
- Lotter Alice and Helen March62009
- Loubser Pieter and Brenda
- Loubser Tobie 83 tortured 5 hours Koppies
- low salaries Aug 2009 South Africa
- Lowveld crime wave Nelspruit
- lucar eclipse
- Lucas Swart
- Luxury suburb Waterkloof besieged by armed gangs 2007 – 2009
- Macadamia Army Support Base
- Madibeng Pulse
- Magalies
- Magalies suicides
- Magalieskruin
- Magda Fraser Highlands North Post mistress
- Magda Stroebel
- Maimela Germiston
- Malan
- Malan Jan_Susan murdered Mooilande Vereeniging
- Malema
- Malema African National Congress leaders
- Malema demands all the land
- Malema guilty
- Malema star rises despite ANC propaganda claims to the contrary
- Malema wartalk
- Malmesbury Simmentaler dairy farm
- man poses with gun and ammo
- Mandela
- Mandela consultant
- Mandela family wealth hidden
- Mandela Funeral
- Mango airline pilots pay dispute
- maps
- Marais Marius smallholder Rustenburg May252010 shot dead
- Marc
- Maree
- Maree Corne security guard executed on Alkmaar farm March 24 2011
- Margate cops arrested for serious crimes; pensioners under siege Margate
- marginalised politically
- Marieke
- Marikana
- Marius
- Marken
- Martin Bosma
- Martin Bosma Partij voor de Vrijheid
- Masefefo Julia Khoete
- Mattheus Jacues Els Germiston murdered Mozambique Massinga
- Mayfair West Brixton Kingma
- McGregor Roy Sir Lowry’s Pass Knorhoek attack March 14 2011
- MEC Jaco Mulder unsafe in Noordheuwel home
- Media24
- Medupi
- Melodie
- mentally handicapped
- Meyer
- Meyer Nic van Zyl
- Mfisa Rebecca constable SAPS crime-prevention unit Florida
- Michael
- Middelburg
- Midrand
- migration
- Migration – International Organization IOM
- Mike Smith
- military training for youth league members exclusively blacks-only; Luthuli House
- militia gangs
- Millionaires Bend
- Mills Dr Ceval and Dr Neville attacked by gang
- Minibus taxis South Africa
- mining more dangerous in 2009 warn trade unions
- ministers priesters dominees attacked murdered southern africa 2009
- minorities
- Minority Rights and Self-determination; ICCPR article 27; South Africa
- missing
- Missing in South Africa – Pink Ladies
- missionaries not safe
- MK
- MK-Ultra
- Mnape Phineas Kgoale trial from June 23 2011.
- mob killer
- Monape Phineas Kgogale
- Montana
- Monyamane
- Mooinooi Brits Kwenaete Simon shot dead
- Mooiplaats AH Pretoria May12010
- Moolman Christian C Cedarville farmer murdered
- more rightwingers arrested
- More SA farm killings than UK Afghan war dead
- more sadistic
- mother and son Queenswood Pretoria attacked Sept 17 2009
- mother’s hair used to tie off baby’s toes
- Motiveless murders of whites probed by Security Minister Nathi Mthethwa July 2009
- Mozambique
- Mpumalanga
- Mrs Patricia Joffe killed Mnandi smallholding Centurion Jan 7 2012
- Mtubatuba
- Mugabe
- Muncieville
- murder
- murder attempt Madibeng Pulse Oct 22 2009
- murdered
- murdered 2009
- murdered July 29 2005 Hekpoort farm Magaliesburg
- murdered July302009 Elandsfontein Hartbeespoort
- murdered June 19 2009 father’s day at torched Rosetteville clinic Booysen za
- murdered Pretoria smallholders; Home Affairs claims ‘natural death’ causes
- murderer Mathabula life sentence
- murderous week for Afrikaners. farmitracker
- murders
- murders against whites
- Murders: how many are REALLY murdered in SA each day Sept 20 2009
- Muslims attacking
- muti
- muti-murders
- mutilation-rapist allowed to escape
- Naboomspruit
- Nagel Karen 45 Krugersrus Springs murdered by 5member gang home Sept 22 2009
- name lists farm murders from 1987 to date
- Narysec
- NASPERS shares drop sharply Aug 9 2011
- Naspers slavishly follows ANC-propaganda;
- National Party
- National Rifle Association
- National Youth Service Corps recruits flee Kimberley base
- Necklacing
- neckshot
- Nedbank
- Nederlandse gesin
- needs ARV treatment to prevent AIDS transfer
- Nehemia projek
- Nel Flip survived; Smit Christo
- Nelson Mandela bombs
- Nelson Mandela bombs: Messina landmine killed six Afrikaner civilians including 3 children
- Nelson Mandela Foundation
- Nelspruit
- neo-genocide.com
- New American
- new fibre optic cable connects Africa to the world
- new hope for multiple-drug resident Tuberculosis
- New R500 SA banknote
- New Year Day family tragedy
- newborns dumped in rubbish
- Newlands Ave
- News Sept 18 2012
- Nick
- Nicolaas Jacobs Fisgewaagt Nigel missing; Gessler women attacked Erasmia
- Niebuhr
- Nigeria
- night of long knives
- Ninja gang gets low bail again. Komatipoort. Kidnap gang. Lebombo mountains
- Ninjas Gang
- No African country safe for white South African refugees
- No escape for whites
- Nobel Peace Laureate
- Nolte
- Noordheuwel
- normalisation of extreme violence in black community
- North West
- North West Johannesburg
- Northcliff
- nothing robbed
- Nov 2009 to Nov 2011
- Nov1 1978
- Nov252009
- November 2012 summary
- November 2013 murders of whites
- NRC Handelsblad
- Ntshimane Mohale
- nuclear
- nuclear energency corporation of South Africa
- nuclear industry South Africa
- Nuclear transports in SA harbours 2009
- NW north of PRetoria Oct 2009
- Oase
- Obama
- Oct 2009
- Oct1 to Oct 26 2013 hatemurders
- Oct182009
- October 2012 hatecrimes
- October 2013
- October 2013 hatecrimes against minorities
- October 2013 murders of whites by blacks in SA
- October 2013 summary
- Odendaal Janet
- Odendaal Jeanette
- Odendaalsrust women tortured to death
- old Transvaal
- ONE BULLET ONE WHITE INFANT black-racists call for execution of white babies
- One Bullet One White Infant trial
- One child raped every 3 minutes in SA
- One-third of all Afrikaners now chronically underfed warns charity Oct 2009
- Ons sal dit oorleef
- open toilets
- Operation Vula
- Operation Vula still alive
- Orange farm white girl torched alive Nov 16 2009
- Orania
- Orania and the future of the Boer
- Ore-1994 SA defence force soldiers not qualified as war veterans under War Veterans Act
- Orphans
- Ottosdal
- Ottosdal farmer André Brood van der Merwe dragged 1
- overloads
- Paarl
- Palmietfontein
- paraplegic raped in Welkom SAPS cells
- Parliament
- Parool
- passport fraud
- Pastor
- Pastor Cliff Clarkson
- Patricia Goliath
- Paul Kruger
- pebble bed mini reactors
- Pebble Bed Modular Nuclear Reactor
- pebblebed nuclear fuel is safe to handle
- Pedi tribe
- Pelindaba and Koeberg nuclear installations South Africa NO EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLANS
- Percy and Noel Whitmore murdered
- Percy and Noelene Whitmore
- Percy Ledwaba
- peri-urban and urban attacks analysis Oct 24 2009
- Petrus Modise shackdweller
- Petrus weyers
- photo-realism
- Picton-Turbervill Fred murdered in Waterkloof Ridge South Africa January 2008 murderers acquitted
- picture page
- Pictures White South African crime Victims 2008/9 page 1
- Pictures: White SA crime victims 2008/9 from A to Z July 27 2009
- Pictures: White South African Crime Victims 2008/9
- Pictures: White South African Crime Victims 2008/9 page 3 – S to Z
- Pienaar Barend confiscated Boer farms neglected by new black farmers Swedish article
- Pienaar Heila
- Pierre van Ryneveld Sept 18 2009
- Piet Retief torched by angry mob demanding resignation of ANC-councillors 2009
- Piet Retief torched in anti-ANC rioting July 2009
- Pieter Steyn
- Pietersburg
- Pietersburg/Polokwane
- Pigeon Racing
- Piracy syndicates
- plaasmoorde
- Plaasmoorde 2009
- platinum mine
- Platinum Mine Accidents
- Platinum miners
- Plettenberg Bay Sept 21 2009
- Plettenberg Bay Sept 21 2009 Johanna Blignault 78 librarian Plettenberg Bay murdered
- poacher of two rhino horns jailed
- pointers for citizens in Census 2011
- Polchet family attacked
- Police
- Police and soldiers fight each other at Union Buildings PRetoria Aug 26 2009
- police arrest Afrikaner victims when they complain Sept 2009
- police brutality
- Police brutality 2009
- police brutality violence criminality 2008 archive AI
- police corruption eblockwatch.co.za Policing the Police
- police criminality
- police jail rapes of white SA men a war crime
- Police negligence
- Police news August 10 2009
- police refuse to investigate Aug 2009
- Police report Oct 22 2009
- Police reports Oct 5 2009
- Police torture Norkem Park SAPS CID Kempton Park
- police-brutality
- Policemen arrested for massacre of four Umbilo whites dismissed from SAPS June 2009
- Policing 2009: only 42% of SA police force operational and 200 murdered each year
- Policing: superintendent moves into police station and lives there Aug 2 2009 Beeld
- political asylum
- political power growing 2009
- politiek asiel geweigerd aan Afrikaners
- polygamy
- Poor Afrikaners
- Poor Afrikaners denied housing rights in long-time Afrikaner residential area of Wolmer Pretoria North Aug 2009
- poor white woman jailed Alberton
- poor whites
- Poor Whites 2009
- poor whites denied food-aid benefits
- poor whites discriminated against
- Poor whites forced to rubbish dump by court order
- Population
- Portuguese-South African couple murdered
- possibly 38 killed by police; strike
- Posters
- Potchefstroom farm murder
- Potgieter Adriaan Attie Wilmien Wilna
- Potgieter Cecile Jeffrey’s Bay Feb 2009 murder
- Potgieter Cecile Oct 16 2009 murder
- Potgieter couple hijacked June 24 2009: three police stations refuse to investigate charges
- Potgieter Gerhard
- Potgieter Jan 20091021 Villa Nora resort
- Potgieter Kobus
- Potgieter Piet Jan 2001 Lindleyspoort
- Potgieter Theuns Pretoria Moot Gezina assault SAPF legal gun confiscated
- Potgieter Wilmien
- poverty
- Pretoria
- Pretoria businessman shot dead smallholding July 14 2009
- Pretoria ethnic
- Pretoria ethnic cleansing
- Pretoria July112010
- Pretoria Law courts fire Oct 5 2009
- Pretoria Metro cop and gang attacks Centurion smallholder Oct 9 2009 all arrested
- Pretoria North
- Pretoria ordered not to use racial quotes for job-criteria
- Pretoria pharmaceutical expert
- Pretorius
- Pretorius Gert Nigel firechief murder; Afrikaner survival under black rule Dr Dan Roodt
- Pretorius Jaco crime fighting legend murdered in Irene Aug 4 2009
- Pretorius Jasmin 4 murder rape
- Primrose case
- Prinsloo
- Prinston
- prisons
- Private land rights curtailed in new Deeds Registries Amendment Bill 2009
- Pro-Afrikaans Action Group
- Prof Kristin Henrard
- property rights invaded
- proportional murder rate higher for whites 2007; UNISA forensics report
- Prosecutors threat organised crime syndicates Menzi Simelane
- protea Glen
- Protection of Information bill approved by ANC-MPs.
- protest April 17 2009
- Psychiatric problems due to AIDS: reports
- psychology of black farm murderers
- Queen Wilhelmina of Netherlands
- Qwa Qwa protests
- QwaQwa anti-ANC protests
- Raath
- Race Relations Institute
- race-based job restriction laws
- racial
- racial discrimination; Black Economic Empowerment laws
- Racial tensions 2009
- racism
- racist appointment
- Racist attacks by ANC militias in September 2012 summary
- racist attacks in traffic. Hard to prove murder. Boer Genocide
- racist job restriction laws
- Racist massacre of four white men in Umbilo pub: two Asian cops accused
- Radio Helderberg robber gang arrested in huge police swoop Kleinmond July 28 2009
- radioactive
- radioactive mine sludge polluting Crocodile – Limpopo river system from West Rand mine runoffs
- Rafferty
- Ralph Jean-Pierre Bredell Dam Kempton Park
- Randall Ellen dies 2 hrs after discharge Edenvale hospital maltreatment by staff
- Randburg police corruption
- Randfontein
- Randfontein farm murder
- Randfontein farmer Johannes du Toit falsely accused
- Randfontein smallholders
- ransom
- Rape
- rape as a hatecrime: rape of white South Africans by black strangers
- Rape epidemic 2009
- Rape in protest
- raped
- raped in jail
- rapes against whites by blacks
- Ratte Willem case withdrawn Sept24 2011
- Ratte Willem Witbank Bomb
- Raymond de Roon
- Rayn Anthony 12 Fourways Farmall
- Recato Eberwein
- Records LJ AM
- rectal vaginal impalement crime victims
- Red Ken Livingstone
- Red October
- refugee camps
- refugee status
- REFUSE to be a victim
- Reitz
- Reitz hostel controversy
- religion
- Renate Ackerman
- residents in SA cannot lodge Rome Statute complaints
- Retha Farm Poortjie murdered FS Jan62009
- Rev Kemo Waters
- Richmond dairy farm attack Nov282009 Morris couple
- Rietfontein
- Rietfontein and all the farming communities around Madibeng
- Rietfontein Hartbeespooort smallholders targetted
- Rietspruit
- rigid military training NARYSEC proven
- rioting
- riots
- Rob Davies Trade Industry Minister
- robberies 2009 armed robbers attacked 15
- Robbie Bouwer
- Robert and Cora-Jean Smit
- Roets
- Rome Statute
- Rondebosch pensioner Norma Scott Worsley found strangled Aug 26 2009
- Roodepoort
- Roodepoort Georgiana families targets of large attack gangs
- Roodeport
- Roodt European tour
- Roodt Kerryn Shot paralysed Amanzimtoti holiday Sept 2009 Goodbye my beautiful white baby then he shot her
- Rooyen van Cassandre 17 found dead with bullet wound Tarlton smallholding Feb 18 2008
- Ross family Alkmaar Nelspruit; nine farms attacked
- Roux Bees BlueBlues rugby player murder charge
- Rowe Alan Rietvlei KZN Bloemendal estate murder May 13 2009
- Rudman Arthur and Trinette; Blaauwkrantz Uitenhage
- Ruling ANC party in South Africa wages war against Afrikaans children 2006-2013
- Running from the Rainbow Nation
- Rural and farm murders CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER 1987 2003 crime busters of south africa
- Rural deaths April 1 2011 update
- Rural deaths March 20 2011 names list
- Rural deaths March 21 2011 names
- RURAL DEATHS names details sources March 18 2011
- Rural tourist areas very unsafe in S.Africa
- Rustenburg
- SA citizenship stripped if working for country that ANC government does not support
- SA cops and justice huge corrupt rotten gang
- SA eco-system in meltdown; No to Nukes in JeffreysBay; Shaiden Trickett 7 survives bullet
- SA electronic surveillance laws 2002
- SA farm murders
- SA farm murders must become priority crimes
- SA goldminers starve
- SA govt training violent youth gangs
- SA Institute Race Relations
- SA judge
- SA justice system
- SA media harmed; self-censorship of racial friction; South Africa
- SA National Defence Force plans flawed warns top US Army War College lecturer
- SA Police
- SA POLICE ARE FERAL Institute Race Relations
- SA police lie about crime statistics
- SA race-violence out of control: August 2012 summary
- SA Rhodesian Ridgeback club treasurer murdered
- Saaiman
- Saaiplaas Virginia
- sadism
- sadistic apocalypse
- sadistic torture murders of whites
- safe pebblebed reactors
- Safest areas for whites in South Africa; unsafest areas for whites in South Africa
- Salomi Prinsloo painting
- SANDF in severe crisis
- SANDF patrol civilian streets without emergency cause; what are soldiers doing in the streets of Johannesburg?
- Sandton hot iron torture arrests
- sangoma
- Santa Gertrudis
- SAPF violence
- SAPS censors email monitoring for urban myths which make SA look bad Oct 2 2009
- SAPS corruption
- SAPS criminality soars; SAPS cannot tell difference between bogus criminal cops and real police officers; Dylan Slater
- SAPS farm murder statistics not kept seperately; Barnard Capt Renate; anti-white racial discrimination by SAPS proven in Labour Court
- SAPS Pinetown
- SAPS violence
- Sarel Pretorius
- Sasolburg gang made up of active duty cops not arrested; police-brutality
- Savvides George
- Scholtz Willem Jacobus Lichtenburg dairy farmer 17Nov1995 murdered
- Schreuder Claus
- Schweizer-Reneke farm attack Abraham Oosthuizen
- secrecy bill
- security
- Security – no place is safe from armed criminal gangs in South Africa crime experts Oct12009
- security guard burns to death inside cash van
- self defence courses
- selfbeskikking Afrikaners
- selling dvd for food; Boksburg cops terrorise business owners
- Senekal Johannes
- Senokoane
- senseless anti-white attacks soar in Sept 2011
- Senseless Violence in South Africa targets Afrikaners
- Sept 25 2011 Daspoort expulsion poor whites
- September 2013 hatecrimes
- Seven farm attacks May 22 – July 7 2010: one woman killed; Smit
- sewage prisoner
- sex slavery
- sexual offences statistics questioned by experts 2009
- shallow grave
- Shoot Boer Hate Song Banned by High Court
- Shoot Boer Malema ordered to stop singing Shoot the Boer Kill the Boer
- Shoot Boer song could trigger genocide
- Shoot the Boer
- Shoot the Boer is Hate Speech
- Shoot the Boer Kill the Boer genocidal hatespeech songs ANC
- Shoot the Boer words English
- Short Gerhardt De Wildt farm Brits arrested although victim of death threats Sept 10 2009
- shot dead
- shot dead by SAPF sergeant
- shot dead hijacking Pretoria North 20090927
- shottist
- siege
- Siemens Mr I G murdered Mets Dairy Sekororo Tzaneen CASE MAAKE MAS 18/07/2002 police constable Raganya organised farm attack
- Silkaatsnek
- Siyabonga Nyezi
- Skeerpoort
- Skilled Boers denied food-aid and jobs; whites starving in streets of Pretoria
- Slater Rene dietician wife of Angora goat farmer Desmond killed Kleinpoort Uitenhage Feb182010
- Slavery
- sleeping
- slumping economy
- smallholder
- smallholders attacked
- smallholdings wave of terror
- Smit
- Smit Gericke
- Smit Johanna Magrietha July42010 Witpoort Wolmaransstad NW murder
- Smith Ron Bela-Bela Warmbaths March52010 murdered Canadian
- Snowy Smith
- Snowy Smith attacked; Alan Hepburn murdered;
- Snyman Pieter
- soaring prices cause massive food theft problems in SA 2009
- Sokhela
- soldiers on routine patrols with police in Cape Town streets
- Solidarity
- Solidarity Radio for 1
- Solidarity trade union
- Solly Shoke
- Somali captives
- Somali pirates
- Somali traders
- Some 1million Afrikaner poor need urgent food-aid Oct 2009 charities call
- Son gets false-arrest damages in siege-mentality death of Eric Gugger
- Sondag
- Sonia Hruska
- Sonja Bierman injured
- South Afirca
- South Africa
- South Africa civil rights
- South Africa first six months of 2013
- South Africa July 31 2012 summary
- South Africa losing battle Aug 2012
- South Africa project
- South Africa reaches STAGE 6 GENOCIDE Aug 20 2011
- South africa wracked with hatecrimes June2013
- South Africa: a gangster state
- South African
- South African gold mines stripped of all assets; mining towns under siege from illegal gold-miners. SA mining infrastructure looted destroyed
- South African mines will be nationalised; SA has 2.3 violent riots a day; African Exploration Mining and Fiance Corporation
- South Africans flee hostage takers. Hazeyview lakeside lodge attacked.
- Sowetan newspaper
- spelling mistake 2009
- spies
- Sprenger Dr Mike
- Springs
- Springs residents in Petersfield fight crime 2009
- Springs terrorist attacks against Afrikaans families 2011
- Springs terrorists
- St Francis College
- St James massacre
- stabbed to death
- Staden van Koos
- Stahnke Lorraine
- Standard Bank. South Africa
- starvation Afrikaners
- Stasi Bill
- state-owned land
- Steenberg Suna
- Steenberg Suna Kameelfontein April152010 coma
- Steenkamp
- Steenkamp Dr Francois Feb12010 murder Newlands Park retirement Pretoria
- Stein Deon
- stem cells
- stemrecht ontnomen voor Zuidafrikanen in buitenland; UNPO
- Sterkfontein farm killing; women attacked by cop
- Steve Hofmeyer
- Steve Hofmeyer We Shall Survive Kword
- Steve Hofmeyr
- Steyn
- Steyn couple Hendriksdal massacre
- stoned to death
- Stop EU-funding to chaotic South Africa
- Stop the Murders
- Storrier Michelle
- Strasbourg
- Streets of Pretoria Aug 26 2009
- strikers mob
- Stroebel Magda
- Strydom Johan Buffelshoek dragged chained bakkie Parys Potchefstroom
- Submissions for political asylum for Afrikaners 2012
- Sue and John Collen
- Sue Viljoen murdered Amanzimtoti
- sues SA government for false arrests
- Suidlanders
- Sun City Million Dollar Pigeon Race
- Sundra
- surfing
- Surgeons
- Survival
- survival fittest
- survival of Afrikaners
- Susan van der Merwe
- Suzanne Leclerk-Madlala
- Swartruggens NW murder
- Swiss Nestle company
- Tabita
- taxi-language 2009
- taxpayer problems 2009
- taxpayers of South Africa are withholding local taxes to help fight fraud
- teargassed Nelspruit municipality
- Teazers Hekpoort
- Terblanche Rudolph
- Terre’Blanche Eugene murder April32010 Ventersdorp
- Terre’Blanche farm independent fieldtracking Swartberg ISS team finds signs of advanced planning
- terror
- terrorism
- testorone higher in black males
- Thabo Mbeki
- Thamsanqa Jantjie
- the bombs he ordered exploded in South Africa
- The Hague
- Theresa and Steven van Zyl
- threat KILL THE BOER and Snyman too
- Three more farm murders Sept 28 2009
- Three reasons South Africa will fail; Ilana Marcer
- throats cut
- Thys Henzen
- Tillet Vivien 90 succumbs to farm attack
- Time Magazine Aug 26 1966
- toilet farm
- Tonder
- Tony Ehrenreich
- torched security guard
- torture
- Torture of white farmers
- tortured to death Randfontein Blaauwbank
- tortured with candles
- tourism
- Tourism in SA in crisis; strikers attack white foreign tourists in Nelspruit; key tourism spots closed by vicious strikes South Africa
- Tourism statisics and World Cup 2010
- Tourists not safe in South Africa Marloth Park gang-member guilty of killing Keyser
- toxic minewater
- traditional medicine
- Traffic Intervention Unit
- Transvaal Agricultural Union
- Transvaalse Verhalen
- trauma society South Africa
- trauma treatment farm attack victims
- travel restrictions
- travel warnings Mozambique
- trial 2 suspects PE Oct 19 2009 in camera
- Trouw
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa
- Tsietsi Mziza
- tsunami immigrants
- Tuberculosis
- TV documentary Berlin FActory Productions
- Twelve South african leaders charged with genocide in ICC The Hague
- two Asian cops guilty by internal SAPS hearing dismissed
- two convicted
- Two farmers a WEEK now murdered in SA Agri-SA Jan132009
- Two female senior officers shot by SAPF clerk Rosebank SAPF
- Two kidnapped women rerscued Manandi nature reserve
- two white toddlers teargassed
- Uhuru
- Uitenweerde Bella 85 raped by two murderers of her son
- Uitenweerde killers hide behind Children’s Act
- Uitenweerde Thinus
- uK crime warnings 2009
- Umbilo
- Umbilo Pub massacre of 4 Afrikaners
- Umkhonte We Sizwe
- UN
- UN Forum for Minority Affairs Solidarity dossier minority rights violations
- Unconfirmed do not publish
- unequal treatment of poor whites
- UNISA professor Matshepo Matoane
- unrest
- unsafe South African beaches
- update Oct 2 2013: Jan to Sept 2013
- urban blight
- US ambassador
- US China locked in grim battle over African oil 2009
- US embassies building programmes South Africa
- US State Dept
- use of witchcraft to increase political power
- Uwe Gemballa
- Vaalputs nuclear waste depository South Africa
- van – Kobus and Charlotte Merino farmers
- Van Eck Michael killed for muti rural Welkom cemetery
- Van Jaarsveld Gerhard
- Van Niekerk
- Van Niekerk Sylvia Danielskuil farm
- Van Noordwijk Anna-Marie farm attack; Harrismith Chronicle editor injured in farm attack; Farmer Pieter Lewis burnt badly torched fields NW;
- Van Rooyen Koos Witfontein Randfontein murdered
- Van Staden Dr Koos Kempton Park Edleen home
- Van Staden Koos wo Knoppieslaagte Centurion shot injured
- Van Wyk Adri and Ivan lose Moz retirement home; confiscation of land
- Van Wyk Ellen and Fenna hostage 5 hrs Vlakfontein agriholding Pretoria
- Van Wyk Mike and Lena Vryheid Boer farmers torched in homestead March 29 1997
- Van Wyngaardt Christiaan
- Van Zyl Koos
- Vanderbijlpark
- Vanessa Lynch
- Vd Heever Mrs Jan62002 bludgeoned to death with hammer Case Tzaneen MAS 94/01/2002 Hasivuna plot 29
- Vd HeeverMrs Susan Tzaneen source documents murder case SAPS forensic pictures
- VdMerwe Andre
- Vegkop 2009
- Venter
- Venter Johan 64 farmer Middelburg murdered Jan222010
- Ventersdorp
- Ventersdorp Leeukraal farm
- Vereeniging
- Vereeniging Dec62009
- Verjaagd Door Plakkers
- Verkenner beweging
- Verset
- Verwey Deon
- Verwoerd Park Springs
- very few whites 2009
- Viana family massacre
- Victor Albert Levings
- video
- videos of daily life
- Viljoenskroon
- Viljoenskroon farm attacks
- Villification of whites in SA news media; copied by UK
- violence
- violence against politicians
- violent crimes targetting families
- Virgin Cleansing Myth
- Virginia High Court
- Voice of America
- Volksraad
- Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie
- Voller Bill Dec41999 Tzaneen farm murder letter from murderer Freddy Baloyi
- Vorster Henry 57 semi-paralysed
- voting rights
- voting rights for white SA exiles denied
- Vrede Sept 23 2006 murdered
- Vredeveld Saskia
- Vryburg
- Vryheid
- Vusi Shongwe private militia
- Waaihoek Bloemfontein
- Waaihoek BoerRepublican Church becomes ANC-ritual church;
- Wakkerstroom
- Walford Russell Peacevale KZN dairy farmer July42010 murdered
- Walkerville
- Walters Democratic Alliance
- war crimes
- War is Upon South Africa
- War of farm attack stats
- War of the Flea
- Warburton Bianca murder Alexandra Health Clinic Baby Mat Project
- warfare
- warns of Afrikaner annihilation
- warzone-type injuries in crime victims
- Water
- waterkloof four
- WC2010
- Weapons 2009 Police confiscations
- Weapons purchaser Derick Coetzee cleared false charges
- Web of Discontent
- weddings
- Weirdabrug
- Welkom
- welkom Afrikaner family murdered woman children nine
- Wendy House court case
- Wessels Charl white pig; DeGraaf Helmoet Boschkop SAPS Joshua Raboshaba; Bates werner Brakpan SAPS cmdr Biggs Govender liar claim
- West Cape farms torched
- Western Cape High Court
- Westinghouse
- Westville Durban
- Weyers
- What will make YOU decide to emigrate; Zarelsie van der Merwe; Afrikaner Genocide; Boer genocide
- When hatespeech becomes hatecrime
- When Mandela Dies We Will kill you all: coloured Saldanha man murdered by black mob
- Where are all the White South Africans? Poster War
- white
- white Afrikaner genocide
- White asylum seekers and refugees overseas 2009 Huntley
- white baby’s toes harvested for muti; witchdoctor
- white child boiled to death by black males
- White families in Gauteng suburbs Sandton
- White Genocide
- White man you are on your own
- white nuclear scientists fired in South Africa
- White parliamentarians on official trip suffer racist abuse by Nigerian officials
- white poverty
- White Poverty in New South Africa documentary Saskia Vredeveld Dutch
- White race group does not exist
- White River
- white SA women brutally targeted July 2009
- White South AFrican gets refugee status in Canada over black attacks 2009
- white squatter camp
- white squatter camps
- White squatter camps demolished but black squatter shacks untouched
- white squatter camps discriminated against
- white teachers under siege
- white tribe of Africa
- white women fight back against black male attackers
- Whites
- Whites are no longer welcome in the streets of Johannesburg
- whites arrested trumped up charges
- whites attacked Sept 1 to Sept 11 2011
- Whites bones stolen from graves in Mpumalanga for traditional medicine 2009
- Whites deliberately murdered in traffic South Africa
- whites disarmed. Black youths given arms military training
- Whites Have Rights Too
- whites increasingly targetted for ‘muti-harvesting’ for muti-medicine runup to wC2010
- whites killed
- whites murdered in 2013 by blacks in South Africa
- whites murdered June 4 2011 South Africa
- whites targetted in extrordinarily vicious ways
- who does the land belong to?
- Who owns SHUT UP WHITEY race-inciting blog?
- Why are black SA men so violent; Alberton resident survives gardener attack; axe and pitchfork used to attack employer
- Why are so many POOR whites attacked
- Why does Zuma order whites killed?
- Why Everyone should Support the Afrikaner struggle. Dr Dan Roodt
- Why is Zuma hugging Mugabe on June 23 2009 while his health sector collapses?
- Why torture someone for a cellphone. Transvaal Agricultural Union of SA.
- Widow 82 faces two years prison over her two loud parrots 2009
- Wiid Theresa Rev Walland Tennessee USA 40day fast to pray for murdered white farmers in SA
- Wikus Ras beaten up
- Wilken Wendy
- will Afrikaners be saved from genocide by the world cup 2009
- Williams Stud farm
- Willowbray AH
- Wilmien Potgieter execution
- Wilmien Potgieter OneBuletOneWhiteInfant trial
- Wilna
- Wilna Potgieter massacre Lindley One Bullet One White Infant trial
- Winklespruit beach unsafe criminals
- Winnie Mandela Necklace
- Winnie Mandela road rage
- Winsten Koeries
- Witbank
- witchcraft
- Witchdoctors
- Witsieshoek
- witte armoede
- Witzenberg traffic official
- Wolmaransstad
- Woollies
- Woolworths
- Worcester Standard
- World Cup 2010
- World Energy Fund
- Wortmann Barbara and Etzel mom and son tortured boiling water Wartburg Zululand farm
- Would we play football in the Adolph Hitler stadium?
- xenophobia
- xenophobia hatespeech foreigners whites WC2010
- Xenophobia July112010 Somalian traders kidnapped Khayelitsha Manenberg
- year 2012
- Yolanda Barnard
- young women locked up by police with male prisoners on trumped-up drunken driving charges
- youth dies of ten week starvation ordeal
- ZA Boeren in voorstadium tot volkerenmoord
- Zandspruit riots third force Scheenman ANC councillor
- Zimbabwe
- Zimbabwe absorbed by South Africa
- Zondo.
- Zondwa
- Zulu Prayer: Whites Killed Jesus
- Zuma
- Zuma sang kill the Boer Jan 4 2012
- Zuma use of soldiers patrolling civilan streets illegal
- Zwart
- ‘black foreigners’ blamed
- #OnsWilOorleef
- #Platinum #Strike #CatalyticConverters #ExhaustSystems #MagnetiMarelli
- 000 compensation for false arrests after farm attack self-defence shots
- 000 demonstrators Oct 13 14 2009
- 000 families inside their homes in 2008
- 000 gunshot wounds treated in South Africa each year
- 000 to SARCS Rynfield
- 000 workers forced into short shifts
- 106
- 127
- 168
- 17
- 17-member gang
- 1956 Hungarian refugee Jozseph Kuli slaughtered in Johannesburg 2009
- 1976 to 2006
- 1977 political murders
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003 farm murders
- 2008 farm smallholdings murders Boers Afrikaners South Africa
- 2008/2009
- 2009
- 2009 Afrikaner medical couple big asset to Saskatchewan communities in Canada
- 2009 report
- 2009 South Africa
- 20090526 Alphabetic list of murdered and attacked white farmers South Africa
- 20090623 Farm murder alphabetic list update
- 2010_April
- 2013 and 2014 stats
- 2013 Jan-Sept Whites Murdered By Blacks in SA
- 2100 UN prediction
- 218 killed
- 23% of xenophobic attacks by black feral SAPS
- 2km behind bakkie bleeding.
- 3
- 3 Afrikaners named Smit attacked
- 3 white youths in custody
- 360 white SA asylum-seekers; 316 cases pending
- 4 Afrikaners arrested for murder Margate
- 5-million Afrikaner exiles
- 500
- 510 attacks against whites by blacks
- 557 whites killed in multiple-family murders by blacks in South Africa 1993-ASug2013
- 5km by feet behind bakkie; Boer Genocide
- 5million condemned shabby houses for the poor
- 5million social welfare recipients
- 5million taxpayers
- 60 whites murdered by blacks in SA in June and July 2013. White Genocide
- 707 since 1994
- 74 people died in SA police custody during apartheid
- 77 Hoedspruit Glen sugar estate shot dead throug window Feb42010
- 80
- 860 people died in South African police custody in 2010
- 9_member_gang
- 906 murder/homicide victims
- Aardskip
- Aboobaker Ismael
- accused murderer George Clarkson
- Adriaan Attie Potgieter
- Adriana Stuijt
- Adriana Stuijt writing on www.digitaljournal.com
- Africa
- Africa conflict
- Africa violence
- African Field writing knowledge save families from armed attackers AKSKA Swart Lukas
- AFrican field-signs
- African National Congress
- African traditional councils
- African witchcraft
- Africom
- Afriforum
- Afrikaans
- Afrikaans artists singers attacked after concerts
- Afrikaans author Andre Potgieter attacked at Bloemfontein smallholding June 2009
- Afrikaans businessman murder
- Afrikaans Centurion kidnap rape gang found guilty Pretoria Reg Court Sept 14 2009
- Afrikaans children targets of kidnapping attempts
- Afrikaans journalists battered.
- Afrikaans journo Yolanda Barnard battered by black cop
- Afrikaans language rights
- Afrikaans language rights education confirmed by Constitutional Court Ermelo ruling Oct 14 2009
- Afrikaans pupil Candy King
- Afrikaans radio world record reads 1650 murder details in one day Sept 17 2009
- Afrikaans student mutilated and raped; Institute Security Studies
- Afrikaans teen saves family with quiet SMS to dad during armed house robbery Aug 2009
- Afrikaans weekly Rapport is an ANC propaganda tool warns Afrikaner academic PRAAG 2009
- Afrikaans will get help from Dutch embassy Pretoria
- Afrikaans women raped 2009
- Afrikaans youth in coma; run down by official BMW of ANC-MEC
- Afrikaanse taalregte
- Afrikaner
- Afrikaner autonomy
- Afrikaner Boer genocide
- Afrikaner Boer genocide 2009
- Afrikaner Boer genocide feiten
- Afrikaner businessmen in Standerton help police protect against 10
- Afrikaner Charity Organisations Lists 2009
- Afrikaner children denied survival rights
- Afrikaner cop writes great action novel RISIKO Sept 2009
- Afrikaner cop’s widow denied death-benefits Van Tonder Sunett Sept 2009
- Afrikaner crime victims trauma pictures 2008 2009
- Afrikaner demoralised
- Afrikaner educator to head Rawalpindi Pakistan academy 2009
- Afrikaner emigration never wanted to leave but have to
- Afrikaner exiles hard-hit 2009
- Afrikaner exodus 2009
- Afrikaner family fights with bare hands against armed black home invaders Krugersdorp Sept 2009
- Afrikaner farmer dies waiting for emergency treatment for 16 hours at Potchefstroom Hospital
- Afrikaner farmers arrested in De Wildt after lodging complaints of attacks Sept 2009
- Afrikaner farmers Volschenk awarded R95
- Afrikaner genocide
- Afrikaner kids starve
- Afrikaner Lambert Theron 20 murder trial of 2 colleagues Wimpy Sept 21 2009 Kempton Park
- Afrikaner language rights taken away at universities Aug 2009 with non-secret voting
- Afrikaner man of Pretoria killed after six attacks within a year 2009
- Afrikaner manager of Wimpy Kempton Park -two black coworkers in court Sept 22 pp to 16 Nov 2009
- Afrikaner manager of Wimpy Kempton Park hacked to death in revenge by two black coworkers Sept 2009
- Afrikaner manager of Wimpy Kempton Park hacked to death in revenge by two black coworkers Sept 6 2009
- Afrikaner minority rights under ANC-regime are under a Total Onslaught Aug 2009 article
- Afrikaner pension rights denied
- Afrikaner plight
- Afrikaner poor Ruyterwacht
- Afrikaner poor squatters in forced removals: Krugersdorp/Mohale City Kroningspark to Munsieville Sept 2009
- Afrikaner poverty
- Afrikaner poverty turning into famine Nov 2009
- Afrikaner regions of greater Pretoria under siege from death-squads
- Afrikaner Rescue Action Fund
- Afrikaner Rescue Action Fund launched; Serbian man murdered Secunda
- Afrikaner security guard Danie Nortje rescues 50 from burning Vereeniging building Sept 2009
- Afrikaner self-rule and the Bashing in of White Heads speech Sam Nujoma Namibia 2009
- Afrikaner squatter camps
- Afrikaner starvation
- Afrikaner students threatened intimidated by black SASCO demonstrators University pretoria SRC Sept 2009
- Afrikaner students threatened with hate speech by SASCO students University PRetoria Sept 8 2009
- Afrikaner teachers shot dead in love-triangle tragedy at Welkom Gymnasium high Sept 1 2009
- Afrikaner volksmoord naby – opinies deur Dr Dan Roodt en Vlad du Plessis 2009
- Afrikaner voting rights denied abroad 2009
- Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging AWB better than ANC claims Thokoza protestor picture Shayne Robinson The Star July 22 2009 protests
- Afrikaner woman forced to pose naked for cops; refused medical help for diabetic coma in police-cell
- Afrikaner youth stabbed after greeting black friend VdBijlpark Technical school Sept 2009
- Afrikaners
- Afrikaners and Boers do not pose a militant threat to ANC-hegemony Oct 2009
- Afrikaners and Jacob Zuma
- Afrikaners and whites murdered in suburban
- Afrikaners are slaves
- Afrikaners attacked in Bronkhorstspruit 2009
- Afrikaners attacked in Farmall AH Fourways 2009
- Afrikaners attacked in Hennops River Erasmia Gerhardsville Rhenosterspruit AH Sept 2009
- Afrikaners attacked in Nelspruit and Naboomspruit
- Afrikaners attacked in Pierre van Ryneveld and Pretoria
- Afrikaners attacked in Pretoria and Krugersdorp
- Afrikaners attacked in Vanderbijlpark
- Afrikaners attacked in Waterkloof 2009
- Afrikaners banned Voortrekker Monument
- Afrikaners besieged throughout South Africa
- Afrikaners Boer facing genocide experts warn links details addresses Oct 2009
- Afrikaners boycot Beeld Burger Media24 newspapers
- Afrikaners chased from gold-fields by destructive gangs
- Afrikaners deliberately ordered into starvation by ANC-regime: proof
- Afrikaners denied all survival rights; Commonwealth human rights; Dan Roodt
- Afrikaners denied public housing rights in long-time Afrikaner suburb Wolmer Pretoria North Aug 2009
- Afrikaners disenfranchised. refused political asylum
- Afrikaners Economic-Rescue-Congress 2009 – Voortrekker Monument Oct 21-23 2009
- Afrikaners face organised Rwandan-style genocide warns Dr Dan Roodt Oct 1 2009
- Afrikaners faced with land-invasions at Elandsfontein
- Afrikaners in ‘n wereld sonder grense Dr Dan Roodt Oct 25 2009
- Afrikaners in Krugersrus Springs live in fear after Gerber murder Sept 19 2009
- Afrikaners Internal Refugee Camps denied food aid by ANC
- Afrikaners leaders Steve Hofmeyer
- Afrikaners live in a genocidal hell Euro-MPs warn
- Afrikaners murdered attacked Jeffrey’s Bay 2009
- Afrikaners murdered in Pietersburg
- Afrikaners murdered in Stellenbosch 2009
- Afrikaners of Ladysmith attacked 2009
- Afrikaners of Pretoria attacked 2009 Pierre van Ryneveld suburb
- Afrikaners of Welkom
- Afrikaners refused immigration Western countries
- Afrikaners robbed at gunpoint in Germiston 2009
- Afrikaners slam SA Human Rights Commission minority-rights report to UN Oct 2009
- Afrikaners traditional authority Namibia
- Afrikaners unprotected while cops protect WC2010 football fans
- Afrikaners will perish without homeland
- Afrikaners worden uitgewist onder die ANC vlag
- Afrikaners: welcome at African Leadership Academy in Randburg 20090418
- Afrikaners: whites growing poor
- Afrykanerzy
- against Afrikaners Oct 2011-Oct152012
- agriculture
- Agriculture: confiscated white farms are NOT owned by black recipients. 2009
- Agriculture: Female Farmer of Year 2008 kicked off her leased State-farm for mismanagement
- agriculture: one-third of Congo-Brazzaville offered to SA farmers April 18 2009
- AIDS 2009
- AIDS infected prisoners in South Africa get multivitamins as treatment
- AidsTB psychotic behaviour black South African men
- Airbrushing Afrikaners from history
- Airfield Benoni
- Airline crash SA Airlink Sept 2009 Aviator Allistor Freeman killed
- Airport road Cape Town
- airspace limits South Africa in June 2009
- Alasdair Sholto-Douglas SC
- Alberton cyclists killed by police van driver; Roodepoort shopkeeper Antonio Rodrigues shot dead
- Alex Newman
- Alexandre Ifi
- All Afrikaners targets of genocide
- All whites will be chased into the sea under Mbeki masterplan
- All whites will be killed – a tsunami of hate-speech sweeps across SA Aug 2009 report
- alphabetic name lists
- Alphabetic name lists murder victims 2008
- Alphabetic name lists murder victims 2009
- Amanzimtoti Dec 23 1985
- Amelia Henning murder Bloemfontein verdict; Thabo Mokoena gouged out Amelia Henning’s eyes; Lucky Nkgwedi stabbed Amelia Henning 34 times
- American woman Nicole Renaye Harris missing in South Africa Sept 19 2009
- anaesthetists fleeing SA enmasse Oct 2009
- ANC and Afrikaners 2009 peace approach by Zuma
- ANC cabal usurps democracy Madibeng Pulse
- ANC dying of AIDS
- ANC evicts Boksburg homeless whites
- ANC fraudsters: convicted Rear-admiral Litchfield-Tshabala gets merit bonus in 2009
- ANC free housing promise backfires with 2
- ANC government in collision course with new US president Obama
- ANC gulpenvlag
- ANC hides its Boer genocide in fake stats
- ANC law suit
- ANC leader called Black Jesus 2009
- ANC meeting in Rustenburg erupts in violence July 19 2009
- ANC MP bullying
- ANC People’s War book
- ANC puts news media in prison
- ANC refusal to feed poor whites
- ANC regime attitude
- ANC regime kicks of propaganda campaign of anti-white hate speech
- ANC strives for black judiciary
- ANC top officials hate speech Sept 2009 Malema
- ANC trains violent youth militias
- ANC use of witchcraft to demonise Afrikaners; withcraft and politics
- ANC uses CRLRC to undermine Afrikaans-language rights
- ANC wages war on Afrikaans children
- ANC youth league
- ANC Youth League lobby group in Londen SAYFA Sept 2009 election meet
- ANC youth league Thebe Meeko hatespeech
- ANC-council
- ANC-government interference
- ANC-president
- ANC-regime
- ANC-regime anti-democratic elections
- ANC-regime racist quotas
- ANC100
- ancestral worship
- and 2 robbers
- and Standerton
- Angel of Hope
- Angelbauer Dianna killed 20090519 killer Tshediso Meschack Nkomo 30 years prison Oct12009
- AngloGold Ashanti
- animal sacrifice
- Anna Velthuysen stabbed to death with 2 children
- Anna-Marie 78 fighters of farm attacker Aug 20 2009
- Annemarie Krugersdorp
- Annie Kalahari
- Another Hungarian 1956-refugee murdered in South Africa
- Anti Afrikaner propaganda City Press Ventersdorp mayor article Andile Mngxitama press ombudsman
- anti white hate speech by ANC leaders
- Anti white hate speech by Cosatu trade union leaders
- anti white hate speech grows in South Africa: summary
- anti white hatred
- anti-ANC business boycot
- anti-ANC riots Zandspruit; black-racist translator sued; homophobe murders; traditional leaders; three more Afrikaners murdered
- Anti-white hate speech South Africa
- anti-white hate-speech: ? Whites killed Jesus”… Zulu prayer 2009
- Anti-white hatespeech by ANC officials – Ventersdorp
- anti-white job-rights laws;
- anti-white racism
- apartheid
- apartheid landscape
- appendix removed through belly-button
- April 5 2011
- Are whites still safe in South Africa
- Arm blankes
- arme blanken Suid-Afrika
- Armed attacks against whites in towns and countryside March 31 2011 summary
- armed crime soars in Alberton
- arrested
- art dealer 3Riviere Vereeniging
- Arte+7 TV
- Artikel7.nu Dutch Free Speech
- artist
- Artists’ Cafe Hendriksdal Sabie Mpuma murdered nothing robbed
- Asian
- assassinated
- Assassination of Dr Hendrik Verwoerd
- asylum
- Asylum INFO source documents white South Africans
- asylum white South Africa Canada Ireland UK USA
- asym
- attack 20091024
- attacked
- attacks
- Attacks against all whites in South Africa p3
- attacks against whites versus black foreigners
- Attacks on whites in cities March Feb 2011
- Aug 2009
- August and September 2013 murders
- Aurora goldmine
- Auroro slave miners try suicide bids after four months of unpaid work
- autonomy
- Aviva French water-cooled power plants
- AWB clash with PAC Andre Visagie vs Liepollo Lebohang Pheko after Terre’Blanche murder
- Baby Rape
- Baker Deane-Peter US Naval Academy WC2010 threat
- Baragwanath hospital problems blamed on whites; ANC thieves Harrismith sell plots
- Baragwanath Hospital Soweto
- Barberton
- Barnard
- Barnard Chantelle 20 raped murdered bathed Benoni AH
- Barnard SAPS capt Renate discrimination lawsuit Labour court
- barred access to labour market
- Battle of Anthems defuses tense confrontation at SA law court April 2009
- Baty Charles Witrivier bagpipe player attacked
- Bedfordview
- Beleggen in zuid-afrika is dat nog wijs
- Ben 74 retired Venda teacher shot injured in bed Pretoria East Bronkhorstbaai Sept 12 2009
- benoni
- Benoni charity worker mystery death
- Berg van den Katrina Hendrika 65 Daspoort smalholding Pretoria Jan142010 murder
- Berman Jack 86 St Albans PE East Cape smallholding survives attack
- Bernadine Kruger’s accused ‘taxi-murderer’heards three witnesses testify to his recklessness Aug 2009
- Bernadine murder taxi-driver guilty of murder Sept 11 2009
- Bets
- Biennale Florence Oct 2009
- Bijkersma Wouda quadruple murder May 1 2008
- biker Diego Singer assaulted
- Bikers
- black Africa
- black economic empowerment
- black economic empowerment Act
- black faced protests by Afrikaner youths; ANC anti-white laws
- black foreigners warned to leave Alexandra
- black hatred of whites
- Black KZN Westville student hatespeech; We are born to kill will wipe out all Indians on campus; anti white hatespeech grows; xenophobia
- black lesbians gang raped to re-educate; Cape Town gays
- black racism
- Black racist ANC regime
- black racist hatespeech causes farm attacks
- black racists
- Black racists threaten black Africans and Boers
- black SAPF elite bullying white cops
- Black South African men most violent in the world
- Black teachers advance racism by slacking off warns Jacob Zuma Aug 2009
- black yoiuth militia
- black-economic empoverment laws cause Afrikaner poverty
- black-economic-empowerment laws bar whites
- black-racism
- black-racism South Africa
- black-racist Blackwash group funded by EU; Asians kidnapped by Ninja gang;
- Black-Racist judge
- black-racist police
- Black-racist terrorist gang targets Afrikaans families. Springs
- black-racists
- Blignaut Mrs 20090919 murdered
- blinkers come off in SA
- Bloedrivier
- Bloemfontein
- Bloemfontein high court
- Bloemhof babies
- blood bank
- blood bank bus route
- blood diamonds
- Blood Sisters
- blood-diamonds
- Bobby van Jaarsveld
- Boer
- Boer autonomy
- Boer farmer
- boer gencoide
- Boer Genocide
- Boer genocide 2009: torture of Allendale women
- Boer Genocide fears
- Boer genocide: muti-killings of two Free State farmers 2009
- Boer girls guty fight against armed attackers
- Boer Republican Brigade
- Boer smallholders
- Boer warrior
- Boer women emancipated since 18th century; Boer women lost voting rights under British occupation
- Boere Krisis Aksie
- Boere-Afrikaner Vryheidsinisiatief
- Boeremag fraud
- Boeremag issue 2009 Vlad du Plessis
- Boers
- Boers cannot physically survive ANC rule
- Boers face ethnic cleansing from Pretoria
- Boers in Exile protest
- Boers in Stage 6 fullblown genocide Greg Stantone mail to Adriana stuijt
- boilermaker Hendrik Grobler paralysed
- Boiling anger at ANC-blue light convoy killer-drivers
- Boksburg
- Boksburg metro-cops
- bomb threat
- Bonaero Park; Benoni principal Dian Cockcroft assaulted
- Booysens
- Boschkop smallholdings crimes;
- Boshoff Zelda
- Bosma Martin. Dutch parliament
- Botha
- Botha Alice and Jack Benoni; six elderly Afrikaners murdered in Pretoria;
- Botha Brink
- Botha Robert Kameeldrift
- Bothaville farmer killed for muti
- Bourke’s Luck potholes
- boycot
- Brad Bennetts
- braindrain
- Brainwashing
- Brakpan
- Brakpan and Port Elizabeth 2009
- Brakpan.
- Bravoland
- Breaking news Help needed
- Breedt Johanna Bloemfontein torched
- Brendan Kretzmann attacked; Welkom
- Brenner Linden murder February 2011
- Brent Meersman
- Breyten Breytenbach
- Brink Botha boerbull-breeder murdered
- Brits
- Brits farmers
- Brits under siege
- Britzz Hettie raped Centurion; Scrooby John teacher murdered Norwood;
- broad-based black economic empowerment laws bar all whites
- Broederstroom
- Broederstroom longtime Islamic trading family Jalalpor attacked Oct 12 2009
- Bronkhorst Chris tortured Walkerville dies of neglect government hospice
- Brown James Kriel police station murder
- Bruno van Staden 66 Kameeldrift Leeufontein
- brutal beatings by SA cops
- brutality
- Buffelsdrift
- Buildings and homes take over by crime syndicates in hijacking campaign
- bull sacrifice WC2010
- bullets fly in Krugersdorp
- bullion heads to $900
- Burgher family
- bush fighter
- Butchered Rainbow
- Buys family attacked Free State;
- Buys Raymond
- by black male perpetrators
- call for genocide of whites
- Canada
- Candy
- Cape Bar Council
- Cape Town
- Cape Town High Court
- Cape Town nuclear emergency evacuation route
- Cash Transit heists and bogus pickups by fake security guards growing 2009
- cash-transit van
- Catholic Priests: 4 priests murdered in SA 2009
- Cellphones must be registered by owner name in SA RICA law 2009
- Censorbugbear
- censorbugbear.org May 2011
- censorship of critics of Islam – Ayaan Hirsi Ali
- censorship ofcritics of islam – Geert Wilders
- Census 2011 starts Oct 2011
- Centurion
- Centurion Hercules High School
- Ceval Mills severely disabled July 19 2009
- Chaplin Brian_Andrew_twins; Claremont cop-brutality
- Charity worker Ingrid Anna Niebuhr killed
- Charl
- Charl van Wyk
- Charlene Smith
- Chatterton
- Child Murders Soar
- Child-rape epidemic in South Africa; sex-pest teachers exposed on internet
- child-sex slavery warnings by cops on cycle tour Feb232010
- children
- Children at war in South African 2009
- children donating blood in South Africa
- Children in South Africa face daily battle in extremely cruel society
- Chinese AK47s exported by millions to South Africa’s warlord gangs 2009
- Chinese residents in South Africa
- cholera
- Cholera time bomb in South Africa
- Christian duty to fight terrorists
- Christmas period attacks against AFrikaners Dec 2011
- City Times
- civil liberties
- civil rights
- Civil war threat
- CJ Geldenhuys
- Claassen
- Claudia Meades
- Claudio Senna
- Claus Schroeder
- cleansing ceremonies
- Clem Sunter
- Clive Derby-Lewis
- coal mining Middelburg
- Cobi and George anti apartheid campaigners slaughtered Port Elizabeth July 2009
- Coetzee Lina 85 assaulted by black racist man Postmasburg hospital
- collapse commercial agriculture
- collapsing goldmines
- collapsing SANDF unable to patrol coastlines effectively Aug 2009 warnings
- coloureds
- Colsby William Cindy Zonelia
- Communications Workers Union oct 2009
- communist
- communist torched earth
- communists fighting for control
- Constantia attacked antique jewellery gang
- constantia land claims by Malay slave descendants
- Constitution
- cooking pot attack
- cop granted R3000 bail after killing Janet Odendaal
- copper thief blinded
- cops
- Cops and soldiers fighting each other at Union Buildings
- cops arrested for ATM bombings Soweto
- cops hunt Afrikaans family like animals
- Cor Ehlers
- Coronation Park
- Cosatu
- court cases 2009
- Craig Nieuwenhuizen
- crashed into freight train
- crime
- Crime and prison stats
- crime busters
- Crime Elandspark Alberton protest
- Crime Pays
- crime rates did NOT drop: SA crime rates nullified at police-station level; South Africa lies about dropping crime-rates
- crime soared since influx of illegal black foreign Africans; Rietfontein Gold Mine
- crime statistics manipulated by police 2009
- Crime stats 2008/9 released Sept 24 2009 18 months too old
- crime victims
- Crime victims Wall of Remembrance
- Crime week ending Sept 9 2011
- Crime: thousands of SA poisoned by robbers each year
- crimes against humanity
- Criminal Law Forensic Procedures Amendment Bill B09-2013
- criminal violence
- criminalisation of
- Cronje Hendrik SewendeLaan Actor Pretoria
- Da Sousa Anna and Carlos
- Dailai Lama
- Daily attacks on white families Jan2010 to Aug 2011: MAP and GRAPH
- daily violent attacks
- Dalmane
- Dan Roodt
- Daspoort
- Daspoort Demo municipal court Pretoria
- Date lists murdered whites 2009
- Davel family attacks Boschkop smallholdings
- David Bullard
- David Hall
- De Brug military base
- De Bruin Liza SAPS widow
- De Doorns
- De Jager Hein shot dead with hands in air surrendering to 7 black gunmen
- De Jong Albertus Kameeldrift Nederlandse immigrant
- De Klerk FW charity donates mostly to black-recipients
- De Klerk FW Constution is racist 2009
- De Koker Alex
- De Sampaio Marco
- De Villiers Juan shot dead Alberton
- De Wet Cornelia Carolina Kwaggasfontein five farm attacks
- De Wildt
- Dead Boer Walking
- dead in shootout June 23 2009
- deaf-signer
- death squads
- death threats against whites
- death threats over land-ownership rights
- death toll whites by black attackers
- Dec12010 Free State Bloemfontein Boer Genocide
- decapitate
- declare total war Pan Africanist Unity facebook Chris Sankara Chris Mathebula
- deep trouble from gold-piracy gangs
- Defence Act 2002
- Democracy South Africa
- Democratic Alliance leader
- demonisation
- demonisation of Afrikaners
- Demonisation of Afrikaners poses a danger to the Constitution writes Max du Preez Sept 2009
- demonisation of whites
- denied bail
- denied minority protection rights
- Devil’s Gorge villagers are holding an exhorcism against the evil spirits causing traffic accidents
- Diepsloot
- Dimitrios Tsafendas
- Dippenaar Gert cancerpatient maltreatment Pretoria District Hospital
- Dirk Hermann
- dirty
- dirty beaches
- disenfranchised
- dissention between white and black police officers South Africa
- dj wants to kill whites to end racism
- DNA Bill
- DNA data base
- documentary
- Dogs poisoned by the thousands in South Africa. In Heidelberg
- don’t keep it a secret 2008 2009
- don’t think you are special because you are white
- Doringkop
- dorning
- Dorning farm murder
- double-murder Bonaero Park
- Douglasdale targetted most by armed robbers 2009
- Dr Alida Oosthuizen
- Dr Dan Roodt
- Dr Dan Roodt 2009 article
- Dr eye surgeon
- Dr Johan van Belhon
- Dr Paul veterinarian murder investigation botches says widow Marilise Sept282009
- Dr Stephan GP shot in gunbattle with fake patient Mamelodi Eersterust Pretoria July 25 2009
- dragged 1
- Dreiers Hardware
- drug-resistant
- Du Noon Milnerton July42010 exodus black foreigners xenophobia
- due to racist massacre of four white men in Umbilo pub Sept 2008
- Dunkeld West
- Durban beach filthy New Year’s day 2012
- Durbanville crime info remains cloudy; South Africa
- Dursley
- Dutch
- Dutch dailies
- Dutch embassy
- Dutch embassy donates R20
- Dutch Flemish support for Afrikaner Boer genocide protests
- Dutch MPs
- Dutch parliament
- Dutch party fears genocide
- Dutch student attacked by minibus-taxigang in Cape Town Sept 2009 story
- Eagar Thys Col-ret 61st mechanical Div SADF ‘Operation Sceptic’ SWAPO Angola Centurion
- Earthquakes
- ecologisch-afbreekbaar toiletpapier belangrijke nieuwe uitvinding voor planeet 2009
- Economic Freedom in Our Lifetime
- Edenvale former Rietfontein
- Edleen
- Edleen Kempton Park
- Education
- Eksteen Theresa 51 Stilfontein panga attack no motive Jan252010
- Ekurhuleni
- elderly homeless Afrikaners
- election
- election 2009
- election Boksburg Afrikaner hunted down throat slashed by 4 blacks for not wanting to vote
- electrical contractor murder Dec62005 judgment March282011
- eliminating whites
- Elliott Koekie and Norman
- Elseviers weekly highlights anti-Boer violence
- Elsie Brits
- emigration
- emigration offices flooded with applications
- Engelbracht cyclist Kempton Park survives stabbing
- Enslavement
- entire edition German magazine dedicated Afrikaner plight
- environment campaigner attacked
- environment: animals dumps eaten by squatters
- EP meeting
- epidemic
- Equality court
- Erasmus University
- Ernst Dr Pieter Dutch philanthropist/physician founder of Marang House charity
- Eskin Avigdor
- Eskom top skilled electricity workers say they have no future at the parastatal 2009
- Esti Neethling
- ethnic cleansing
- ethnic cleansing of whites
- EU spends €145m on free milk
- Euro MP demands not one penny to corrupt ANC regime; demands fundings for Afrikaner independence
- European Parliament
- Evander
- executed
- executed double murder
- execution
- eyes gouged in attack
- eyes gouged out
- Facebook albums by Censorbugbear Reports 2010
- famine
- famine 2009 South Africa
- Farm
- farm Alliesrust
- farm attack
- farm attacks
- farm attacks 2002 SAPS enquiry report
- Farm attacks Feb 1987 – Dec 2003 Crime Busters of South Africa start from 1
- farm attacks hate speech by Motlanthe deputy pres Nov302009
- Farm attacks Jan 25 2010
- Farm attacks names lists Dec232009
- Farm attacks soared May – July 2010
- Farm attacks the only motive
- farm deaths names list 1987 – June 9 2010
- farm Lindleyspoort
- farm murder
- Farm murder death list May152010
- Farm Murder Death List May162010
- Farm murder deaths up to Sept42010 is 3
- farm murder Roodepoort AH March 21 2011
- farm murders
- FARM MURDERS – Name lists of murdered people on farms updated Feb102010
- farm murders 2009
- Farm murders destroy our culture
- farm murders details photos sources 2008/2009
- farm murders name lists of victims
- Farm murders names dates sources updated lists
- farm murders national crisis
- Farm murders updated Nov 8 2009 total killed 3
- farm murders; Verneukpan
- farm_attacks
- Farm_murder_death_names_list_up to May 6_2010_South_Africa
- farm-strike violence threats
- farmer Brits 3Nov2008 killed
- Farmer Wesley Wood
- farmers
- farmers protest April 17 2009
- Farmitracker
- Farmitracker Aid
- Farmitracker attacks comparisons maps
- Farmitracker map of murders/attacks against WHITES
- Farmitracker news updates
- Farmitracker Nov222011
- Farmitracker programming
- farmland theft
- farms of fear Brian Moynihan Sunday Times London April 2 2006
- farms targetted by heavily armed criminal gangs
- fear drives whites out of South Africa
- Fears Boer Genocide wellfounded
- FF.
- Ficksburg Dr Ernest Giesseke;
- FIFA WK2010 Nederlandse vrouw’s borst en hand verkocht aan toverdokter 2009
- fingerprinting
- fired because they are white Sept 2009
- fired for facebook wartalk
- fired from SAPS
- First black submariner 2009 Saldanha
- First female admiral of South Africa 2009
- Fischer Karel Morgenzon Mpu human shield
- five black attackers
- Five political parties conduct anti-white hatespeech campaign
- Fochville
- Food riots in Durban July 2009
- food shortages 2009
- food shortages threaten because of failed agricultural land handout policies of ANC 2009
- forced removals
- Forensic photographs of murdered Afrikaner and Boer children women and men ordered removed by Microsoft Windows Sky-Drive albums
- Formula 1 race car driver murdered
- Fouche Ernst taxidermist Randfontein; ANC Zulu factor
- four black men smile admitting murders
- four top black cops arrested for cooking crime statistics
- Fourie Liesl manhole Springs murder April202010
- Fourie Lita TABITA
- Fournos_bakery_attacked; VanderWesthuizen_Andre_hijacked
- Francois Marais Withok AH Brakpan killed
- Frans Cronjé
- Frans Timmermans
- Free State attacks against whites
- free State farm murders
- Freedom Front
- Freedom Front news
- Freedom Front Plus leader Pieter Mulder asks for a place of tolerance in SA for Afrikaners Sept 23 2009
- Friends4Humanity.org;
- fruit for European kids
- funding trial warfare with blood diamonds
- FW de Klerk 2009
- game warden training camp
- gang attack
- gang dressed in SANDF uniforms
- gang-rape
- gangraped? South Africa
- garden
- gas chamber murder attempt Bedfordview Highway Gardens wife beaten to death
- Gaudin Frank Canadian born farmer
- Gawie
- Gawie Dec 2007
- gay
- Geldart James Afrikaans Brandwag High school headboy shot by Boksburg cops Apr182008
- Geldenhuys Dr Jurie Hartbeesfontein Klerksdorp NW assassinated 5 black men claiming from ANC headquarters
- gender graphs
- Gene Becker
- genocidal hate speech South Africa
- genocidal hatespeech
- genocide
- Genocide charge
- genocide charges
- Genocide complaint against ANC and Government of South Africa
- Genocide onder Z.A. boeren Reformatorisch Dagblad 20090414 Netherlands
- genocide South Africa
- genocide warning
- Genocide Watch
- Genocide Watch 2010 report Boers Polarisation Stage of Genocide
- Genocide Watch Countries at Risk May 2011
- Genocide Watch expert in South Africa
- Genocide WAtch warns Boers to defend themselves and also to prepare to leave South Africa
- genocide-denialists
- genocide. South Africa
- GenocideWatch.org Ma72011
- George Bizos
- George Clarkson murder
- George Promised Land for Boers
- Geraldine Schwartz
- German Nation24
- Germiston
- Gerrit
- Geyer Ryan 35 Swavelpoort Boschkop smallholdings murdered July262010
- Gezina Pretoria. Boer Genocide
- Gieseke Ernest murdered Fickburg Jan232010; Venter Johannes 20100123 Middelburg murdered
- Gillian Molovanovic
- Global Witness
- God’s Window
- goldminers starve while bullion heads to $1
- Gordon Prof Lewis USA
- Government of South Africa.
- Graham Mimmie
- Greek immigrant shot dead in SA
- Gregory Stanton
- Grobler
- Grobler Marthie farm Hoogekraal Outeniqualand Glentana George
- Grobler Martie Glentana George farm
- Grobler report bent cops and links to crime gangs
- Grobler teens
- Gryp van der Loffie
- Guard JJ Grove survives shooting
- gun crime
- Gutter journalism
- Half of Afrikaner nation in self-exile July 30 2009
- Halodo
- hammer
- hammer attack
- harassed
- Harbours at risk of growing piracy
- Harrismith farm occupied
- Hartbeesfontein
- Hartbeespoort
- Hartbeespoort Melodie Kosmos Ifafi Meerhof Woolworths ecoli produce
- Hartbeespoort Rietfontein AH attack Jan262009
- hate crimes
- Hate crimes against Afrikaners 2009
- Hate speech charges against ANCYL
- hatecrime
- hatecrimes
- hatecrimes against whites
- hatespeech
- Hatespeech against Afrikaners Black MP not fired over White Bitch slur Sept 23 2009
- Hatespeech One bullet One White Infant May2010 Sodo Nceba
- hatespeech plans to overthrow the ANC-regime Dlungwane Mfundo; Nceba Sodo;
- hatespeech SADF against Afrikaner military people May 2010
- Hatfield
- Health
- health: Kimberley ER ignores semi-conscious man in freezing cold Sept 2009
- health: striking SA doctors refuse to even treat emergency cases June 2009
- hearings
- Heidelberg
- Helen Zille
- hell hole prisons Zimbabwe
- Helpende Hand
- Hendri
- Hendrik Kriel deepsea-diver
- Henning Amelia SAPS reservist Bloemfontein
- Henning Chanelle Faerie Glen
- Henry; Roets
- Hepburn CJ 16 robbed of savings North West Sannieshof
- Herculus Hoërskool attack
- Hermansstad
- Hermanus
- Hester van der Berg 80 beaten to death Theescombe smallholding Port Elizabeth
- Hexrivier farms attacked
- Hibiscus coast crime
- Hilda Verster murdered
- Hillary Clinton
- Hinrichson Schalk and mom Lettie murders Randgate Krugersdorp oct5 2009
- historic farm Vogelfontein
- hiv-AIDS
- hiv-infected SA teens need more ‘psycho-social’ support claims paediatrician Sept 2009
- Hlophe
- HNP party
- Hodson Leonard Schrumpy Jacks Farm Stall Winterton KZN
- Hofmeyr
- Home Affairs finger print data base of criminals
- home-invasion armed cops
- homeless the fastest SA Institute of Race Relations
- homophobic murder toll mounts in South Africa
- Honeydew
- Honeydew police station commander shot dead
- How do poor Afrikaners survive? Nehemia project Krugersdorp
- How many people died in police custody during apartheid? Deaths in SAP cells 1963 to 1990. Deaths in SAPS cells 2012
- http://bit.ly/lDmdU3
- Human Dirk
- Human Rights
- Human Rights Commission
- human rights of children
- Human Rights Violations
- Hungarian 1956-refugee Jozeph Kuli slaughtered in 2009 Johannesburg
- hunted Jens Leunberg on the run
- Huntley
- ICC The Hague
- Ilhas dos Porcos
- Illegal gold mining
- immigration problems
- impalement
- incidents 2009
- Income distribution stats wrong Oct 2009
- Indian
- Indians
- Ines Christina 83 raped beaten into coma by Collen Monareng
- inflation
- Ingrid Leopold Scholtz
- inspector SAPS Howick arrested
- intelligence community
- Internal Refugee Camps
- International Criminal Court
- interne vluchtelingen
- Into the Cannibal’s Pot
- Ireland
- Irene van Niekerk
- Ishlove
- Islam
- Ivory Park
- Izak Verster stabbed
- J Zandberg
- Jack Hindon scouts
- Jackson Lolly
- Jacob
- Jacob Zuma
- Jacqueline mentallyhandicapped murdered
- Jacqueline murdered Boston farm za
- Jagersfontein
- Jagersfontein municipal offices torched by angry mob 2009
- James Myburgh
- Jan 2011 to May 1 2011
- JAN 2012 murderous month for Afrikaners
- Jan Louw farmer stabbed 15 Times Nooitgedacht Louis Trichardt; Julius Malema faces genocide charged ICC The Hague
- Jan2012 summary of farm attacks
- Janet Odendaal killed by Kempton Park cop
- Janet Odendaal killer-cop no trial-date
- Jani Allan
- Jannie Odendaal
- Janse van Rensburg Joof shot dead by SAPS constable Percy Ledwaba March 13 2011 Evander Mpumalanga
- Janse van Rensburg Renoe Vanderbijlpark CBD
- Jansen Neels 60 Roodia smallholdings Roodepoort July112010 shot dead
- Jeanette Odendaal
- Jeffrey’s Bay
- Jeffreys Bay
- Jihad
- Jimmy Abbott
- job protestors rape white woman
- Job protests sweep across Europe
- job rights for white women taken away by ANC
- Johanna Magrietha
- Johannes van der Merwe shot dead by Soweto hijacker in Volksrust June 22 2009
- Johannesberg farm Ellisras Lephalale Limpopo
- Johannesburg
- Johannesburg Metrocop Carl Lynch survives 7 bullets Sept 28 2009
- Johannesburg northern suburbs Randburg North Riding Sandton Blairgowrie Linden under siege Aug 2009
- John McNicol
- John Simpson
- Johnson RW South Africa’s brave new world the beloved country since the end of apartheid 2009
- Jones Elrene
- Joof Jansen van Rensburg
- Jordaan Ian
- Joubert Heila and Braam sr SAPS officers arrested by juniors Krugersdorp
- journalist Michael Ferguson arrested
- Juan van Eeden
- Judge John Hlope
- Judge Mahomed Ismael High Court Pretoria attacked; Braam Greyling TV actor murdered
- judges who are anti-white 2009
- Julius Malema
- July 12 we start killing all whites and foreigners rumours threats
- July 13 2009 murdered Raslouw smallholdings
- July 2012
- July 2013 murders
- July 4 2012
- June 14 2009
- June2013
- Justice Must be Seen to be Done
- Kalkheuvel
- Kallie Kriel
- Kampen theology
- Kani John actor
- Karel Marais
- Karolina O’Donoghue
- Keith Knott
- Keith Lewis
- Kempton Park
- Kempton Park cops refuse to protect whites attacked by strikers
- Kempton Park metro-cops fine white female motorists who asked for help
- Kempton Park rapist
- Kempton Park ratepayers under siege Dr Hennie Barnard
- Kenilworth
- Kenneth Makwesa arrested
- Keyser
- Khayelitsha
- khoi farm
- Khomamani mine worker commits suicide; 70 percent youth unemployment;
- Khulubuse
- kidnap
- Kill the Boer
- killed 1996
- killed in jail
- killed Marloth Park Dec 2009
- killed three small children
- killer-cop gang on trial
- killing Afrikaners 2009 2008
- Killing Fields of South Africa
- Kimberley Process
- King
- Kitchenbrand pigeon Victor wins Sun City race
- Kleinhaus Madeleine golf coach shot near Leriba Lodge Italian WC2010 team Lyttelton Pretoria
- Kleinmond wife
- Klerksdorp
- knives farm attack Kromdraai Sept 2006
- Knoll Chrissie and Chris
- Koeberg nuclear workers dying of radiation poisoning; NECSA
- Koekemoer family Bynespoort Cullinan April102010 attack carried out in Malema’s name
- Koen Saartjie survives headshot Silverton
- Komatipoort
- Kommando self-defence unit
- Koos and Frances Conroy
- Koos Botes
- Koos Daffue Medupi building contractor assassinated
- KR
- Kroonstad
- Krügel Martin 78 May 7 2010 Pretoria kicked to death caretaker
- Kruger
- kruger Marzaan; Sekhu; Robindale Krugersdorp
- Kruger Marzanne Marizaan
- Kruger Mazaan baby skull crushed gang Robindale Randburg Francina Sekhu
- Kruger Paul
- Krugersdorp
- Krugesdorp
- KwaDukuza
- Labat Africa
- Labri
- Labuschagne farmer Mara
- Laing
- Lamprecht Renier murdered Dec2102009 farms
- land
- Land Bank
- land claims
- Land invasion Thabazimbi rigged by ANC-councillors to garnish votes
- land invasions
- Land occupation Mossel Bay June 29 2010
- land occupation threats
- land rights 2009
- land-confiscation of Afrikaner farms
- Langeveld family saved by Facebook
- large robber-mob tells Afrikaner businessman
- lavish spending mismanagement at local level 2009
- lax security a piracy threat for SA harbours warns top maritime security laywer Johan Swart Aug 2009
- Leandra
- Lebombo mountains
- Lebowa homeland
- Leeuwenkloof
- legal mining license
- Legitimacy of Afrikaner self-determination
- Leon and Hetta
- Leon Beukes
- Leopold Scholtz
- lesbian
- Letter-writing campaign to Dutch Parliament
- Liam Storrier 12 Athlone Park Amanzimtoti primary school attack
- Liberale afrikaners verskans hulle agter duur sekuriteit
- Limpopo
- Linda Masinga Associates
- Lindley
- Lindley farm
- Linguistic commission
- Lita Cross Fourie
- Lita Fourie
- litany anti-Boer cruelties
- Lloyd
- Lo
- Locke
- Locke Henry smallholder Cullinan executed Oct 20 2009
- LolaT142 racecar
- London SA exiles threat with SHOOT BOER song
- Lonmin
- Loony Leftism
- loot discarded in veld.
- Lot
- Lotter Alice and Helen March62009
- Loubser Pieter and Brenda
- Loubser Tobie 83 tortured 5 hours Koppies
- low salaries Aug 2009 South Africa
- Lowveld crime wave Nelspruit
- lucar eclipse
- Lucas Swart
- Luxury suburb Waterkloof besieged by armed gangs 2007 – 2009
- Macadamia Army Support Base
- Madibeng Pulse
- Magalies
- Magalies suicides
- Magalieskruin
- Magda Fraser Highlands North Post mistress
- Magda Stroebel
- Maimela Germiston
- Malan
- Malan Jan_Susan murdered Mooilande Vereeniging
- Malema
- Malema African National Congress leaders
- Malema demands all the land
- Malema guilty
- Malema star rises despite ANC propaganda claims to the contrary
- Malema wartalk
- Malmesbury Simmentaler dairy farm
- man poses with gun and ammo
- Mandela
- Mandela consultant
- Mandela family wealth hidden
- Mandela Funeral
- Mango airline pilots pay dispute
- maps
- Marais Marius smallholder Rustenburg May252010 shot dead
- Marc
- Maree
- Maree Corne security guard executed on Alkmaar farm March 24 2011
- Margate cops arrested for serious crimes; pensioners under siege Margate
- marginalised politically
- Marieke
- Marikana
- Marius
- Marken
- Martin Bosma
- Martin Bosma Partij voor de Vrijheid
- Masefefo Julia Khoete
- Mattheus Jacues Els Germiston murdered Mozambique Massinga
- Mayfair West Brixton Kingma
- McGregor Roy Sir Lowry’s Pass Knorhoek attack March 14 2011
- MEC Jaco Mulder unsafe in Noordheuwel home
- Media24
- Medupi
- Melodie
- mentally handicapped
- Meyer
- Meyer Nic van Zyl
- Mfisa Rebecca constable SAPS crime-prevention unit Florida
- Michael
- Middelburg
- Midrand
- migration
- Migration – International Organization IOM
- Mike Smith
- military training for youth league members exclusively blacks-only; Luthuli House
- militia gangs
- Millionaires Bend
- Mills Dr Ceval and Dr Neville attacked by gang
- Minibus taxis South Africa
- mining more dangerous in 2009 warn trade unions
- ministers priesters dominees attacked murdered southern africa 2009
- minorities
- Minority Rights and Self-determination; ICCPR article 27; South Africa
- missing
- Missing in South Africa – Pink Ladies
- missionaries not safe
- MK
- MK-Ultra
- Mnape Phineas Kgoale trial from June 23 2011.
- mob killer
- Monape Phineas Kgogale
- Montana
- Monyamane
- Mooinooi Brits Kwenaete Simon shot dead
- Mooiplaats AH Pretoria May12010
- Moolman Christian C Cedarville farmer murdered
- more rightwingers arrested
- More SA farm killings than UK Afghan war dead
- more sadistic
- mother and son Queenswood Pretoria attacked Sept 17 2009
- mother’s hair used to tie off baby’s toes
- Motiveless murders of whites probed by Security Minister Nathi Mthethwa July 2009
- Mozambique
- Mpumalanga
- Mrs Patricia Joffe killed Mnandi smallholding Centurion Jan 7 2012
- Mtubatuba
- Mugabe
- Muncieville
- murder
- murder attempt Madibeng Pulse Oct 22 2009
- murdered
- murdered 2009
- murdered July 29 2005 Hekpoort farm Magaliesburg
- murdered July302009 Elandsfontein Hartbeespoort
- murdered June 19 2009 father’s day at torched Rosetteville clinic Booysen za
- murdered Pretoria smallholders; Home Affairs claims ‘natural death’ causes
- murderer Mathabula life sentence
- murderous week for Afrikaners. farmitracker
- murders
- murders against whites
- Murders: how many are REALLY murdered in SA each day Sept 20 2009
- Muslims attacking
- muti
- muti-murders
- mutilation-rapist allowed to escape
- Naboomspruit
- Nagel Karen 45 Krugersrus Springs murdered by 5member gang home Sept 22 2009
- name lists farm murders from 1987 to date
- Narysec
- NASPERS shares drop sharply Aug 9 2011
- Naspers slavishly follows ANC-propaganda;
- National Party
- National Rifle Association
- National Youth Service Corps recruits flee Kimberley base
- Necklacing
- neckshot
- Nedbank
- Nederlandse gesin
- needs ARV treatment to prevent AIDS transfer
- Nehemia projek
- Nel Flip survived; Smit Christo
- Nelson Mandela bombs
- Nelson Mandela bombs: Messina landmine killed six Afrikaner civilians including 3 children
- Nelson Mandela Foundation
- Nelspruit
- neo-genocide.com
- New American
- new fibre optic cable connects Africa to the world
- new hope for multiple-drug resident Tuberculosis
- New R500 SA banknote
- New Year Day family tragedy
- newborns dumped in rubbish
- Newlands Ave
- News Sept 18 2012
- Nick
- Nicolaas Jacobs Fisgewaagt Nigel missing; Gessler women attacked Erasmia
- Niebuhr
- Nigeria
- night of long knives
- Ninja gang gets low bail again. Komatipoort. Kidnap gang. Lebombo mountains
- Ninjas Gang
- No African country safe for white South African refugees
- No escape for whites
- Nobel Peace Laureate
- Nolte
- Noordheuwel
- normalisation of extreme violence in black community
- North West
- North West Johannesburg
- Northcliff
- nothing robbed
- Nov 2009 to Nov 2011
- Nov1 1978
- Nov252009
- November 2012 summary
- November 2013 murders of whites
- NRC Handelsblad
- Ntshimane Mohale
- nuclear
- nuclear energency corporation of South Africa
- nuclear industry South Africa
- Nuclear transports in SA harbours 2009
- NW north of PRetoria Oct 2009
- Oase
- Obama
- Oct 2009
- Oct1 to Oct 26 2013 hatemurders
- Oct182009
- October 2012 hatecrimes
- October 2013
- October 2013 hatecrimes against minorities
- October 2013 murders of whites by blacks in SA
- October 2013 summary
- Odendaal Janet
- Odendaal Jeanette
- Odendaalsrust women tortured to death
- old Transvaal
- ONE BULLET ONE WHITE INFANT black-racists call for execution of white babies
- One Bullet One White Infant trial
- One child raped every 3 minutes in SA
- One-third of all Afrikaners now chronically underfed warns charity Oct 2009
- Ons sal dit oorleef
- open toilets
- Operation Vula
- Operation Vula still alive
- Orange farm white girl torched alive Nov 16 2009
- Orania
- Orania and the future of the Boer
- Ore-1994 SA defence force soldiers not qualified as war veterans under War Veterans Act
- Orphans
- Ottosdal
- Ottosdal farmer André Brood van der Merwe dragged 1
- overloads
- Paarl
- Palmietfontein
- paraplegic raped in Welkom SAPS cells
- Parliament
- Parool
- passport fraud
- Pastor
- Pastor Cliff Clarkson
- Patricia Goliath
- Paul Kruger
- pebble bed mini reactors
- Pebble Bed Modular Nuclear Reactor
- pebblebed nuclear fuel is safe to handle
- Pedi tribe
- Pelindaba and Koeberg nuclear installations South Africa NO EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLANS
- Percy and Noel Whitmore murdered
- Percy and Noelene Whitmore
- Percy Ledwaba
- peri-urban and urban attacks analysis Oct 24 2009
- Petrus Modise shackdweller
- Petrus weyers
- photo-realism
- Picton-Turbervill Fred murdered in Waterkloof Ridge South Africa January 2008 murderers acquitted
- picture page
- Pictures White South African crime Victims 2008/9 page 1
- Pictures: White SA crime victims 2008/9 from A to Z July 27 2009
- Pictures: White South African Crime Victims 2008/9
- Pictures: White South African Crime Victims 2008/9 page 3 – S to Z
- Pienaar Barend confiscated Boer farms neglected by new black farmers Swedish article
- Pienaar Heila
- Pierre van Ryneveld Sept 18 2009
- Piet Retief torched by angry mob demanding resignation of ANC-councillors 2009
- Piet Retief torched in anti-ANC rioting July 2009
- Pieter Steyn
- Pietersburg
- Pietersburg/Polokwane
- Pigeon Racing
- Piracy syndicates
- plaasmoorde
- Plaasmoorde 2009
- platinum mine
- Platinum Mine Accidents
- Platinum miners
- Plettenberg Bay Sept 21 2009
- Plettenberg Bay Sept 21 2009 Johanna Blignault 78 librarian Plettenberg Bay murdered
- poacher of two rhino horns jailed
- pointers for citizens in Census 2011
- Polchet family attacked
- Police
- Police and soldiers fight each other at Union Buildings PRetoria Aug 26 2009
- police arrest Afrikaner victims when they complain Sept 2009
- police brutality
- Police brutality 2009
- police brutality violence criminality 2008 archive AI
- police corruption eblockwatch.co.za Policing the Police
- police criminality
- police jail rapes of white SA men a war crime
- Police negligence
- Police news August 10 2009
- police refuse to investigate Aug 2009
- Police report Oct 22 2009
- Police reports Oct 5 2009
- Police torture Norkem Park SAPS CID Kempton Park
- police-brutality
- Policemen arrested for massacre of four Umbilo whites dismissed from SAPS June 2009
- Policing 2009: only 42% of SA police force operational and 200 murdered each year
- Policing: superintendent moves into police station and lives there Aug 2 2009 Beeld
- political asylum
- political power growing 2009
- politiek asiel geweigerd aan Afrikaners
- polygamy
- Poor Afrikaners
- Poor Afrikaners denied housing rights in long-time Afrikaner residential area of Wolmer Pretoria North Aug 2009
- poor white woman jailed Alberton
- poor whites
- Poor Whites 2009
- poor whites denied food-aid benefits
- poor whites discriminated against
- Poor whites forced to rubbish dump by court order
- Population
- Portuguese-South African couple murdered
- possibly 38 killed by police; strike
- Posters
- Potchefstroom farm murder
- Potgieter Adriaan Attie Wilmien Wilna
- Potgieter Cecile Jeffrey’s Bay Feb 2009 murder
- Potgieter Cecile Oct 16 2009 murder
- Potgieter couple hijacked June 24 2009: three police stations refuse to investigate charges
- Potgieter Gerhard
- Potgieter Jan 20091021 Villa Nora resort
- Potgieter Kobus
- Potgieter Piet Jan 2001 Lindleyspoort
- Potgieter Theuns Pretoria Moot Gezina assault SAPF legal gun confiscated
- Potgieter Wilmien
- poverty
- Pretoria
- Pretoria businessman shot dead smallholding July 14 2009
- Pretoria ethnic
- Pretoria ethnic cleansing
- Pretoria July112010
- Pretoria Law courts fire Oct 5 2009
- Pretoria Metro cop and gang attacks Centurion smallholder Oct 9 2009 all arrested
- Pretoria North
- Pretoria ordered not to use racial quotes for job-criteria
- Pretoria pharmaceutical expert
- Pretorius
- Pretorius Gert Nigel firechief murder; Afrikaner survival under black rule Dr Dan Roodt
- Pretorius Jaco crime fighting legend murdered in Irene Aug 4 2009
- Pretorius Jasmin 4 murder rape
- Primrose case
- Prinsloo
- Prinston
- prisons
- Private land rights curtailed in new Deeds Registries Amendment Bill 2009
- Pro-Afrikaans Action Group
- Prof Kristin Henrard
- property rights invaded
- proportional murder rate higher for whites 2007; UNISA forensics report
- Prosecutors threat organised crime syndicates Menzi Simelane
- protea Glen
- Protection of Information bill approved by ANC-MPs.
- protest April 17 2009
- Psychiatric problems due to AIDS: reports
- psychology of black farm murderers
- Queen Wilhelmina of Netherlands
- Qwa Qwa protests
- QwaQwa anti-ANC protests
- Raath
- Race Relations Institute
- race-based job restriction laws
- racial
- racial discrimination; Black Economic Empowerment laws
- Racial tensions 2009
- racism
- racist appointment
- Racist attacks by ANC militias in September 2012 summary
- racist attacks in traffic. Hard to prove murder. Boer Genocide
- racist job restriction laws
- Racist massacre of four white men in Umbilo pub: two Asian cops accused
- Radio Helderberg robber gang arrested in huge police swoop Kleinmond July 28 2009
- radioactive
- radioactive mine sludge polluting Crocodile – Limpopo river system from West Rand mine runoffs
- Rafferty
- Ralph Jean-Pierre Bredell Dam Kempton Park
- Randall Ellen dies 2 hrs after discharge Edenvale hospital maltreatment by staff
- Randburg police corruption
- Randfontein
- Randfontein farm murder
- Randfontein farmer Johannes du Toit falsely accused
- Randfontein smallholders
- ransom
- Rape
- rape as a hatecrime: rape of white South Africans by black strangers
- Rape epidemic 2009
- Rape in protest
- raped
- raped in jail
- rapes against whites by blacks
- Ratte Willem case withdrawn Sept24 2011
- Ratte Willem Witbank Bomb
- Raymond de Roon
- Rayn Anthony 12 Fourways Farmall
- Recato Eberwein
- Records LJ AM
- rectal vaginal impalement crime victims
- Red Ken Livingstone
- Red October
- refugee camps
- refugee status
- REFUSE to be a victim
- Reitz
- Reitz hostel controversy
- religion
- Renate Ackerman
- residents in SA cannot lodge Rome Statute complaints
- Retha Farm Poortjie murdered FS Jan62009
- Rev Kemo Waters
- Richmond dairy farm attack Nov282009 Morris couple
- Rietfontein
- Rietfontein and all the farming communities around Madibeng
- Rietfontein Hartbeespooort smallholders targetted
- Rietspruit
- rigid military training NARYSEC proven
- rioting
- riots
- Rob Davies Trade Industry Minister
- robberies 2009 armed robbers attacked 15
- Robbie Bouwer
- Robert and Cora-Jean Smit
- Roets
- Rome Statute
- Rondebosch pensioner Norma Scott Worsley found strangled Aug 26 2009
- Roodepoort
- Roodepoort Georgiana families targets of large attack gangs
- Roodeport
- Roodt European tour
- Roodt Kerryn Shot paralysed Amanzimtoti holiday Sept 2009 Goodbye my beautiful white baby then he shot her
- Rooyen van Cassandre 17 found dead with bullet wound Tarlton smallholding Feb 18 2008
- Ross family Alkmaar Nelspruit; nine farms attacked
- Roux Bees BlueBlues rugby player murder charge
- Rowe Alan Rietvlei KZN Bloemendal estate murder May 13 2009
- Rudman Arthur and Trinette; Blaauwkrantz Uitenhage
- Ruling ANC party in South Africa wages war against Afrikaans children 2006-2013
- Running from the Rainbow Nation
- Rural and farm murders CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER 1987 2003 crime busters of south africa
- Rural deaths April 1 2011 update
- Rural deaths March 20 2011 names list
- Rural deaths March 21 2011 names
- RURAL DEATHS names details sources March 18 2011
- Rural tourist areas very unsafe in S.Africa
- Rustenburg
- SA citizenship stripped if working for country that ANC government does not support
- SA cops and justice huge corrupt rotten gang
- SA eco-system in meltdown; No to Nukes in JeffreysBay; Shaiden Trickett 7 survives bullet
- SA electronic surveillance laws 2002
- SA farm murders
- SA farm murders must become priority crimes
- SA goldminers starve
- SA govt training violent youth gangs
- SA Institute Race Relations
- SA judge
- SA justice system
- SA media harmed; self-censorship of racial friction; South Africa
- SA National Defence Force plans flawed warns top US Army War College lecturer
- SA Police
- SA POLICE ARE FERAL Institute Race Relations
- SA police lie about crime statistics
- SA race-violence out of control: August 2012 summary
- SA Rhodesian Ridgeback club treasurer murdered
- Saaiman
- Saaiplaas Virginia
- sadism
- sadistic apocalypse
- sadistic torture murders of whites
- safe pebblebed reactors
- Safest areas for whites in South Africa; unsafest areas for whites in South Africa
- Salomi Prinsloo painting
- SANDF in severe crisis
- SANDF patrol civilian streets without emergency cause; what are soldiers doing in the streets of Johannesburg?
- Sandton hot iron torture arrests
- sangoma
- Santa Gertrudis
- SAPF violence
- SAPS censors email monitoring for urban myths which make SA look bad Oct 2 2009
- SAPS corruption
- SAPS criminality soars; SAPS cannot tell difference between bogus criminal cops and real police officers; Dylan Slater
- SAPS farm murder statistics not kept seperately; Barnard Capt Renate; anti-white racial discrimination by SAPS proven in Labour Court
- SAPS Pinetown
- SAPS violence
- Sarel Pretorius
- Sasolburg gang made up of active duty cops not arrested; police-brutality
- Savvides George
- Scholtz Willem Jacobus Lichtenburg dairy farmer 17Nov1995 murdered
- Schreuder Claus
- Schweizer-Reneke farm attack Abraham Oosthuizen
- secrecy bill
- security
- Security – no place is safe from armed criminal gangs in South Africa crime experts Oct12009
- security guard burns to death inside cash van
- self defence courses
- selfbeskikking Afrikaners
- selling dvd for food; Boksburg cops terrorise business owners
- Senekal Johannes
- Senokoane
- senseless anti-white attacks soar in Sept 2011
- Senseless Violence in South Africa targets Afrikaners
- Sept 25 2011 Daspoort expulsion poor whites
- September 2013 hatecrimes
- Seven farm attacks May 22 – July 7 2010: one woman killed; Smit
- sewage prisoner
- sex slavery
- sexual offences statistics questioned by experts 2009
- shallow grave
- Shoot Boer Hate Song Banned by High Court
- Shoot Boer Malema ordered to stop singing Shoot the Boer Kill the Boer
- Shoot Boer song could trigger genocide
- Shoot the Boer
- Shoot the Boer is Hate Speech
- Shoot the Boer Kill the Boer genocidal hatespeech songs ANC
- Shoot the Boer words English
- Short Gerhardt De Wildt farm Brits arrested although victim of death threats Sept 10 2009
- shot dead
- shot dead by SAPF sergeant
- shot dead hijacking Pretoria North 20090927
- shottist
- siege
- Siemens Mr I G murdered Mets Dairy Sekororo Tzaneen CASE MAAKE MAS 18/07/2002 police constable Raganya organised farm attack
- Silkaatsnek
- Siyabonga Nyezi
- Skeerpoort
- Skilled Boers denied food-aid and jobs; whites starving in streets of Pretoria
- Slater Rene dietician wife of Angora goat farmer Desmond killed Kleinpoort Uitenhage Feb182010
- Slavery
- sleeping
- slumping economy
- smallholder
- smallholders attacked
- smallholdings wave of terror
- Smit
- Smit Gericke
- Smit Johanna Magrietha July42010 Witpoort Wolmaransstad NW murder
- Smith Ron Bela-Bela Warmbaths March52010 murdered Canadian
- Snowy Smith
- Snowy Smith attacked; Alan Hepburn murdered;
- Snyman Pieter
- soaring prices cause massive food theft problems in SA 2009
- Sokhela
- soldiers on routine patrols with police in Cape Town streets
- Solidarity
- Solidarity Radio for 1
- Solidarity trade union
- Solly Shoke
- Somali captives
- Somali pirates
- Somali traders
- Some 1million Afrikaner poor need urgent food-aid Oct 2009 charities call
- Son gets false-arrest damages in siege-mentality death of Eric Gugger
- Sondag
- Sonia Hruska
- Sonja Bierman injured
- South Afirca
- South Africa
- South Africa civil rights
- South Africa first six months of 2013
- South Africa July 31 2012 summary
- South Africa losing battle Aug 2012
- South Africa project
- South Africa reaches STAGE 6 GENOCIDE Aug 20 2011
- South africa wracked with hatecrimes June2013
- South Africa: a gangster state
- South African
- South African gold mines stripped of all assets; mining towns under siege from illegal gold-miners. SA mining infrastructure looted destroyed
- South African mines will be nationalised; SA has 2.3 violent riots a day; African Exploration Mining and Fiance Corporation
- South Africans flee hostage takers. Hazeyview lakeside lodge attacked.
- Sowetan newspaper
- spelling mistake 2009
- spies
- Sprenger Dr Mike
- Springs
- Springs residents in Petersfield fight crime 2009
- Springs terrorist attacks against Afrikaans families 2011
- Springs terrorists
- St Francis College
- St James massacre
- stabbed to death
- Staden van Koos
- Stahnke Lorraine
- Standard Bank. South Africa
- starvation Afrikaners
- Stasi Bill
- state-owned land
- Steenberg Suna
- Steenberg Suna Kameelfontein April152010 coma
- Steenkamp
- Steenkamp Dr Francois Feb12010 murder Newlands Park retirement Pretoria
- Stein Deon
- stem cells
- stemrecht ontnomen voor Zuidafrikanen in buitenland; UNPO
- Sterkfontein farm killing; women attacked by cop
- Steve Hofmeyer
- Steve Hofmeyer We Shall Survive Kword
- Steve Hofmeyr
- Steyn
- Steyn couple Hendriksdal massacre
- stoned to death
- Stop EU-funding to chaotic South Africa
- Stop the Murders
- Storrier Michelle
- Strasbourg
- Streets of Pretoria Aug 26 2009
- strikers mob
- Stroebel Magda
- Strydom Johan Buffelshoek dragged chained bakkie Parys Potchefstroom
- Submissions for political asylum for Afrikaners 2012
- Sue and John Collen
- Sue Viljoen murdered Amanzimtoti
- sues SA government for false arrests
- Suidlanders
- Sun City Million Dollar Pigeon Race
- Sundra
- surfing
- Surgeons
- Survival
- survival fittest
- survival of Afrikaners
- Susan van der Merwe
- Suzanne Leclerk-Madlala
- Swartruggens NW murder
- Swiss Nestle company
- Tabita
- taxi-language 2009
- taxpayer problems 2009
- taxpayers of South Africa are withholding local taxes to help fight fraud
- teargassed Nelspruit municipality
- Teazers Hekpoort
- Terblanche Rudolph
- Terre’Blanche Eugene murder April32010 Ventersdorp
- Terre’Blanche farm independent fieldtracking Swartberg ISS team finds signs of advanced planning
- terror
- terrorism
- testorone higher in black males
- Thabo Mbeki
- Thamsanqa Jantjie
- the bombs he ordered exploded in South Africa
- The Hague
- Theresa and Steven van Zyl
- threat KILL THE BOER and Snyman too
- Three more farm murders Sept 28 2009
- Three reasons South Africa will fail; Ilana Marcer
- throats cut
- Thys Henzen
- Tillet Vivien 90 succumbs to farm attack
- Time Magazine Aug 26 1966
- toilet farm
- Tonder
- Tony Ehrenreich
- torched security guard
- torture
- Torture of white farmers
- tortured to death Randfontein Blaauwbank
- tortured with candles
- tourism
- Tourism in SA in crisis; strikers attack white foreign tourists in Nelspruit; key tourism spots closed by vicious strikes South Africa
- Tourism statisics and World Cup 2010
- Tourists not safe in South Africa Marloth Park gang-member guilty of killing Keyser
- toxic minewater
- traditional medicine
- Traffic Intervention Unit
- Transvaal Agricultural Union
- Transvaalse Verhalen
- trauma society South Africa
- trauma treatment farm attack victims
- travel restrictions
- travel warnings Mozambique
- trial 2 suspects PE Oct 19 2009 in camera
- Trouw
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa
- Tsietsi Mziza
- tsunami immigrants
- Tuberculosis
- TV documentary Berlin FActory Productions
- Twelve South african leaders charged with genocide in ICC The Hague
- two Asian cops guilty by internal SAPS hearing dismissed
- two convicted
- Two farmers a WEEK now murdered in SA Agri-SA Jan132009
- Two female senior officers shot by SAPF clerk Rosebank SAPF
- Two kidnapped women rerscued Manandi nature reserve
- two white toddlers teargassed
- Uhuru
- Uitenweerde Bella 85 raped by two murderers of her son
- Uitenweerde killers hide behind Children’s Act
- Uitenweerde Thinus
- uK crime warnings 2009
- Umbilo
- Umbilo Pub massacre of 4 Afrikaners
- Umkhonte We Sizwe
- UN
- UN Forum for Minority Affairs Solidarity dossier minority rights violations
- Unconfirmed do not publish
- unequal treatment of poor whites
- UNISA professor Matshepo Matoane
- unrest
- unsafe South African beaches
- update Oct 2 2013: Jan to Sept 2013
- urban blight
- US ambassador
- US China locked in grim battle over African oil 2009
- US embassies building programmes South Africa
- US State Dept
- use of witchcraft to increase political power
- Uwe Gemballa
- Vaalputs nuclear waste depository South Africa
- van – Kobus and Charlotte Merino farmers
- Van Eck Michael killed for muti rural Welkom cemetery
- Van Jaarsveld Gerhard
- Van Niekerk
- Van Niekerk Sylvia Danielskuil farm
- Van Noordwijk Anna-Marie farm attack; Harrismith Chronicle editor injured in farm attack; Farmer Pieter Lewis burnt badly torched fields NW;
- Van Rooyen Koos Witfontein Randfontein murdered
- Van Staden Dr Koos Kempton Park Edleen home
- Van Staden Koos wo Knoppieslaagte Centurion shot injured
- Van Wyk Adri and Ivan lose Moz retirement home; confiscation of land
- Van Wyk Ellen and Fenna hostage 5 hrs Vlakfontein agriholding Pretoria
- Van Wyk Mike and Lena Vryheid Boer farmers torched in homestead March 29 1997
- Van Wyngaardt Christiaan
- Van Zyl Koos
- Vanderbijlpark
- Vanessa Lynch
- Vd Heever Mrs Jan62002 bludgeoned to death with hammer Case Tzaneen MAS 94/01/2002 Hasivuna plot 29
- Vd HeeverMrs Susan Tzaneen source documents murder case SAPS forensic pictures
- VdMerwe Andre
- Vegkop 2009
- Venter
- Venter Johan 64 farmer Middelburg murdered Jan222010
- Ventersdorp
- Ventersdorp Leeukraal farm
- Vereeniging
- Vereeniging Dec62009
- Verjaagd Door Plakkers
- Verkenner beweging
- Verset
- Verwey Deon
- Verwoerd Park Springs
- very few whites 2009
- Viana family massacre
- Victor Albert Levings
- video
- videos of daily life
- Viljoenskroon
- Viljoenskroon farm attacks
- Villification of whites in SA news media; copied by UK
- violence
- violence against politicians
- violent crimes targetting families
- Virgin Cleansing Myth
- Virginia High Court
- Voice of America
- Volksraad
- Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie
- Voller Bill Dec41999 Tzaneen farm murder letter from murderer Freddy Baloyi
- Vorster Henry 57 semi-paralysed
- voting rights
- voting rights for white SA exiles denied
- Vrede Sept 23 2006 murdered
- Vredeveld Saskia
- Vryburg
- Vryheid
- Vusi Shongwe private militia
- Waaihoek Bloemfontein
- Waaihoek BoerRepublican Church becomes ANC-ritual church;
- Wakkerstroom
- Walford Russell Peacevale KZN dairy farmer July42010 murdered
- Walkerville
- Walters Democratic Alliance
- war crimes
- War is Upon South Africa
- War of farm attack stats
- War of the Flea
- Warburton Bianca murder Alexandra Health Clinic Baby Mat Project
- warfare
- warns of Afrikaner annihilation
- warzone-type injuries in crime victims
- Water
- waterkloof four
- WC2010
- Weapons 2009 Police confiscations
- Weapons purchaser Derick Coetzee cleared false charges
- Web of Discontent
- weddings
- Weirdabrug
- Welkom
- welkom Afrikaner family murdered woman children nine
- Wendy House court case
- Wessels Charl white pig; DeGraaf Helmoet Boschkop SAPS Joshua Raboshaba; Bates werner Brakpan SAPS cmdr Biggs Govender liar claim
- West Cape farms torched
- Western Cape High Court
- Westinghouse
- Westville Durban
- Weyers
- What will make YOU decide to emigrate; Zarelsie van der Merwe; Afrikaner Genocide; Boer genocide
- When hatespeech becomes hatecrime
- When Mandela Dies We Will kill you all: coloured Saldanha man murdered by black mob
- Where are all the White South Africans? Poster War
- white
- white Afrikaner genocide
- White asylum seekers and refugees overseas 2009 Huntley
- white baby’s toes harvested for muti; witchdoctor
- white child boiled to death by black males
- White families in Gauteng suburbs Sandton
- White Genocide
- White man you are on your own
- white nuclear scientists fired in South Africa
- White parliamentarians on official trip suffer racist abuse by Nigerian officials
- white poverty
- White Poverty in New South Africa documentary Saskia Vredeveld Dutch
- White race group does not exist
- White River
- white SA women brutally targeted July 2009
- White South AFrican gets refugee status in Canada over black attacks 2009
- white squatter camp
- white squatter camps
- White squatter camps demolished but black squatter shacks untouched
- white squatter camps discriminated against
- white teachers under siege
- white tribe of Africa
- white women fight back against black male attackers
- Whites
- Whites are no longer welcome in the streets of Johannesburg
- whites arrested trumped up charges
- whites attacked Sept 1 to Sept 11 2011
- Whites bones stolen from graves in Mpumalanga for traditional medicine 2009
- Whites deliberately murdered in traffic South Africa
- whites disarmed. Black youths given arms military training
- Whites Have Rights Too
- whites increasingly targetted for ‘muti-harvesting’ for muti-medicine runup to wC2010
- whites killed
- whites murdered in 2013 by blacks in South Africa
- whites murdered June 4 2011 South Africa
- whites targetted in extrordinarily vicious ways
- who does the land belong to?
- Who owns SHUT UP WHITEY race-inciting blog?
- Why are black SA men so violent; Alberton resident survives gardener attack; axe and pitchfork used to attack employer
- Why are so many POOR whites attacked
- Why does Zuma order whites killed?
- Why Everyone should Support the Afrikaner struggle. Dr Dan Roodt
- Why is Zuma hugging Mugabe on June 23 2009 while his health sector collapses?
- Why torture someone for a cellphone. Transvaal Agricultural Union of SA.
- Widow 82 faces two years prison over her two loud parrots 2009
- Wiid Theresa Rev Walland Tennessee USA 40day fast to pray for murdered white farmers in SA
- Wikus Ras beaten up
- Wilken Wendy
- will Afrikaners be saved from genocide by the world cup 2009
- Williams Stud farm
- Willowbray AH
- Wilmien Potgieter execution
- Wilmien Potgieter OneBuletOneWhiteInfant trial
- Wilna
- Wilna Potgieter massacre Lindley One Bullet One White Infant trial
- Winklespruit beach unsafe criminals
- Winnie Mandela Necklace
- Winnie Mandela road rage
- Winsten Koeries
- Witbank
- witchcraft
- Witchdoctors
- Witsieshoek
- witte armoede
- Witzenberg traffic official
- Wolmaransstad
- Woollies
- Woolworths
- Worcester Standard
- World Cup 2010
- World Energy Fund
- Wortmann Barbara and Etzel mom and son tortured boiling water Wartburg Zululand farm
- Would we play football in the Adolph Hitler stadium?
- xenophobia
- xenophobia hatespeech foreigners whites WC2010
- Xenophobia July112010 Somalian traders kidnapped Khayelitsha Manenberg
- year 2012
- Yolanda Barnard
- young women locked up by police with male prisoners on trumped-up drunken driving charges
- youth dies of ten week starvation ordeal
- ZA Boeren in voorstadium tot volkerenmoord
- Zandspruit riots third force Scheenman ANC councillor
- Zimbabwe
- Zimbabwe absorbed by South Africa
- Zondo.
- Zondwa
- Zulu Prayer: Whites Killed Jesus
- Zuma
- Zuma sang kill the Boer Jan 4 2012
- Zuma use of soldiers patrolling civilan streets illegal
- Zwart