12:35 Aug 25 2015 Pretoria, South Africa
— An (*unusually critical) report released by the ANC-cadre-run South African Human Rights Commission last Thursday, said there had been 33 farm murders in 148 attacks so far in 2015.
According to the report, it was apparent from numerous submissions that the Department of Justice was not fulfilling its role towards the farming community.
The SAHRC also concludes – without having any access to the demographic details of the attacks against farms in South Africa — that these attacks ‘were not racially motivated’.
(According to our records, there have been NO “white gangs of young, armed males attacking farms in an organised fashion in South Africa. The attack-gangs have all been black males. And they weren’t ‘impromptu’ attacks as one sees in ‘crimes’, as these gangs often keep an eye on the farm for days or even weeks before attacking the homestead. They also always wait until the white farm family is at home, for instance ambushing them after the family has been to church.
Censorbugbear.org/farmitracker are the only source which actually maintains a demographic record of the racial aspects of these attacks on South African farms.
The South African government does not maintain any socalled ‘crime’ records on any demographic basis since 1994.
(It’s being noticed that more than 98 percent of the victims recorded thus far are ‘whites’ and the vast majority of the attack-gangs are blacks).
The SAHRC’s findings also mildly criticised law enforcement agencies: saying they should ‘step up their efforts to combat crimes against farming communities” and that “the police should regularly update the SAHRC on crime affecting those communities.”
According to this report, it was “apparent from numerous submissions that the Department of Justice was not fulfilling its role towards the farming community…”
– Aug 24 2015: Murder of black farm-manager: Ixopo farm-manager Mngoma Mbanjwa 51 executed by black killers: report by Jeff Wicks, News24:
– Execution style killing on Ixopo farm
— Farm attack victims pushed around by police warns Afriforum: http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Farm-attack-victims-pushed-around-by-police-AfriForum-20150727
— JULY 2015: worried neighbour finds murdered farmer: http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Worried-neighbour-finds-body-of-murdered-farmer-20150719
— July 2015: Midlands farmer assaulted by armed, black gang: http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Midlands-farmer-assaulted-robbed-by-armed-gang-20150716
2015-08-24 Pietermaritzburg – Ixopo farm manager Mngoma M Banjwa, 51, was killed in an hit-style murder after completing his evening rounds of feeding cattle on Saturday.
His body was discovered by a farmer on Sunday after an aerial search.
Police Major Thulani Zwane confirmed that officers had responded to the incident at the Lockwood Sugarcane Farm near Springvale Location.
“Mngoma Mbanjwa, 51, was found by his employer with two gunshot wounds on the left shoulder and one to the back of the head. The motive for the killing is unknown,” he said.
“A case of murder was opened at Highflats SAPS for investigation and no arrests have been made,” he added.
KwaZulu-Natal Agricultural Union spokesperson Koos Marais said the killing was a serious “cause for concern”.
He said the incident was the latest in a string of deadly farm attacks in the province, and the farmers had to place their trust in the police’s handling of the investigation.
“All we can do is appeal to the SAPS to do everything in their power to make an arrest as soon as possible, and then hopefully that will serve to set the minds of the farmers in the area at ease.”
Marais said farmers had become a soft target – being so far removed from emergency responders like police.
“We once again reiterate our call to the police for more security measures to be implemented, mainly more visible policing and patrols in the rural areas.
“We also ask that all our farmers maintain a high level of vigilance on their plots, and that they exercise due caution,” Marais said.
An (unusually critical) report released by the South African Human Rights Commission last Thursday, said there had been 33 farm murders in 148 attacks so far this year, but suggested they were not racially motivated.
Their findings included that law enforcement agencies should step up their efforts to combat “crimes against farming communities” and that the police should regularly update the SAHRC on crime affecting those communities.
According to the report, it was apparent from numerous submissions that the Department of Justice was not fulfilling its role towards the farming community.
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