Posted by Harry Booyens in Black Xenophobia, South African History, The US & South Africa
African National Congress (ANC), Ronald Reagan, South Africa, Xenophobia

— On 8 September 2019, I joined Erin Ryan and Bill Cundiff on their US internet radio channel, WeThePeopleRadio. The subject was the “Xenophobic Violence” of Black South Africans against foreign Black people.
I addressed the matter under the following headings, providing supporting audio clips in evidence of each point:
- The Views of the so-called “Foreigners”
- The Views of the Attackers
- The Views of Julius “Ki(ll/s) the Whites” Malema
- The Attitude of the National ANC-run Police
- Where does this violence come from? (a): The 1980s
- Where does this violence come from? (b): The Mfecane of 1816-1836
The reader can find the entire two hour show HERE. The actual content starts at minute 8:43. The audio clips played on the show are spread over some years. We hear Ghanaian business owners and mechanics complain that South African Black people “do not want to work“. We hear from a tearful and frightened young Burundian woman that she is forced to leave the country. We hear some of the “foreigners” explain how the country was better before the ANC took over in 1994. We hear the same from none other than Julius Malema. Of course Malema is also the one that said on another occasion that “we are all Makwerekwere (foreigners)“. He suffers from these bouts of message-inversion, but logic is not the strong point of Africa.
We hear the crass anti-immigrant and vividly anti-white stance of a Black ANC Deputy Police Minister. To this is added the Zulu Police Minister, Behki Cele, addressing a crowd of weapon wielding men from the hostels in Johannesburg. This leads to questions about the ethnic Zulu component of this violence.
We trace the violence back to the 1980s when the ANC was doing its absolute damnedest to destabilize the country. We hear an ANC comrade explain how men he knows were spared “necklacing” by Black mobs when the “hated White Police” arrived back in the 1980s. We rely on Winnie Mandela to blurt out at Munsieville in April 1986 how she and her colleagues would “liberate the country with their necklaces“, and then we leave it to US President Ronald Reagan to describe to American readers just exactly what a “necklacing” is. Earlier, we hear how black attackers describe “necklacing” in the past few years. When a British reporter asks them why they think it is OK to do this to a fellow human being, the justify it on the basis that they “are angry”.
Finally, we take the audience back to the late 1820s during the Mfecane (The Great Crushing), when Robert Moffat of the London Missionary Society visited renegade Zulu leader, Mzilikazi of the Khumalo clan of the Zulu. By then, Mzilikazi was located at the site of the present Hartebeestpoort Dam, just west of the present Pretoria. I leave it to the present reader to listen to the excerpt I read to the audience and then decide whether it is relevant or not. In the show I do not mention that Mzilikazi also executed a brave warrior in Moffat’s presence by having him thrown off the cliff overlooking the local river to the crocodiles waiting below. The river in question, of course, is named the Crocodile River; what else? One never gets away from history.
Henry Ford famously said “History is bunk”.
Of course, Henry Ford is now history.
— Harry Booyens