Before I continue, Americans (in our deliberately dumbed-down and numbed-down country) have only the vaguest idea who the white Afrikaner people of South Africa are. One of them is the worldwide movie star Charlize Theron. SHE is an Afrikaner. (About 80% of the whites in South Africa are Afrikaners; the other 20% are British or German.)’
Here she is speaking Afrikaans (to a Belgian Flemish reporter speaking Dutch, a language somewhat similar to Afrikaans. He speaks in Dutch and Charlize answers in Afrikaans and they understand each other fine.)Sadly Ms. Theron is a Hollywood sell out and a lover of those who seek to destroy her own culture. Here are a few photos of her to prove our point.
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So Please don’t think because Ms. Theron is beautiful and a Hollywood actress that she is anyone to be admired. She is simply an Afrikanner that sold out her people. She has donated Millions of Dollars to the ANC and Julius Malema defense fund. Ms. Theron’s Betrayal
[The photos later on in this article are being shown because they are reality. They are South African reality NOW and they could be ours in America tomorrow. They are a reality check, and as Confucius said 2,500 years ago: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Then your entire nervous system will accept, right down to its foundations, that we must fight for our human rights, we must form and join an ORGANIZATION to fight with every waking thought for white survival, or we-will-DIE, both individually and as a people.]
* * *
by Deirdre Fields
* * *
When you see this…
And this…
you should fear mightily, because that is very much like this…
And this…
South Africa 1985
And it is only a matter of a short while before you start seeing pictures like this…
Zimbabwe: Farmer murdered on his property after handover to Black majority rule
Or this…
South Africa: Farmer murdered and tortured in his fields. Note how he was burned. This was post 1994 when S.A. was handed over to Black majority rule
Or this…
South Africa: Shot point-blank as he slept in his bed
Don’t believe it? This happened in South Africa for the same reasons as it is happening here:
We allowed Blacks into our country to work. We tried to control the influx with work permits. Remember the “Pass Laws,” so vilified in your controlled American Press? Well, they were just work permits – Green Cards. [It’s not true that we took the land from the Blacks, but that’s a subject for another article]. Nevertheless, the Blacks kept coming in, illegally, now they rule the land and the Whites are at their mercy.
We actually tried to suck the Blacks out of our mainland by giving them homelands – this was the policy of Grand Apartheid– but the controlled international media, the UN, the Kissinger-Schultz-and-Cohen dominated American State Departments, and the British governments would have none of this, type of self-preservation on the part of the Whites. The end result is that the Whites had to hand over government to the majority of the population which by then was overwhelmingly Black, and the fate of the minority Whites is amply illustrated by the pictures above.
Principle #1: The majority population in a territory will ultimately determine the nature of that society, regardless of who was there first.
Mandela destroys his Pass book
Therefore, unless you American whites wish to suffer the same fate, you need to demand that your US borders be closed, that your soldiers be brought back home and put on your border. The only legitimate function of government is to protect the borders of its country. “They’re breaking the law because they’re coming in illegally” be damned; it doesn’t matter if they come in legally or illegally: it’s a matter of demographics. Unless you repel this conquest through immigration, you will become extinct in your own country. Your skin is your uniform.
Look at the demographics pictured below:
Percentage of Hispanic or Latino Males 18 Years and older – U.S. Census 2000…
Note that Maryland, Mississippi, Georgia, New York and Arizona are next in line to become majority Hispanic states. There are protests that Hispanics contribute to the economy and that they do jobs the Whites will not do.
Tony Dolz, a candidate for the California State Assembly, said it very well and accurately: “3% of Illegal Aliens do Low-Paid Stoop Agricultural Labor; the Remaining 97% Take Jobs That Americans Want and Need. The most recent Pew Hispanic Center’s study indicates that 97% of 12 to 20 million illegal aliens are working in construction, hospitality, manufacturing, restaurant, administrative and service jobs. Are these jobs Americans won’t do? “
In South Africa, our leaders perceived that the sector of the Whites who would be most affected by non-White labor would be the working class. Therefore, a type of Affirmative Action was implemented to reserve a certain amount of blue-collar jobs for Whites. This was called “Job Reservation” and attracted terrible criticism from the international Media and especially the American & British Governments.
In America today, White students and poor Whites have great difficulty obtaining jobs. Even on farms, Whites report how they were laid off in favor of Mexicans. But in America it is not only the lower-paid jobs that are being taken by either illegal Aliens, naturalized Hispanics or outsourcing to non-white countries: Anyone who calls up AOL or other internet company will be greeted by a friendly voice from Bombay or other Indian location, because America’s computer jobs are being outsourced to India. Now Americans, who have just obtained computer degrees, are left with huge student loans to repay, and no jobs.
It does not matter whether all these non-Whites are in the country illegally or legally. The point is that they are competing with Whites for living space, and jobs. If Europe had invited Attila the Hun and his hordes to rather just come and live amongst them, there would be no Whites in Europe today. (As it is, currently Europe is being pressed by non-White immigration, but it would have been all over centuries ago had they adopted the same policy with Attila.) Time Magazine frequently crows about the new, mongrel face of the American in 2050, and we are all supposed to be so gleeful at the demise of our race and kind, and the inevitable demise of our culture and the civilization we brought the world. Will we walk quietly into the night of extinction and oblivion? Wake up White America! You had better identify as White people, become a volk, and fight now, or it will soon be too late.
Extinction Creeps up on Whites Worldwide through invasion, rape, miscegenation and ethnic cleansing, displaced and replaced, even in our quintessentially White hereditary territories, our genepools polluted by these non-white invasive species…
Finland: Finns are commanded to “Accept a new perspective” in this billboard
Miss Switzerland, Nancy Kabika has Indian, Haitian, Spanish, Turkish, Swedish, Balkan, Austrian and American roots. Attractive, yes, but this is a something completely different — no blond, blue-eyed Nordic Swiss!
In 1993 Time Magazine crowed that in 2050, Whites would be in the minority in the USA: this inaccurate computer composite of the races presently in the USA, would be “the New Face of America.” Just recently, Sept 2008, CNN announced that that date has been brought forward 8 years to 2042. However, according to Prof. Virginia Abernathy, who was involved in the census, the numbers of Hispanic immigrants is under-reported by some 40 million. Thus we can expect that date to be even earlier. Not only is the demise of the Whites unlamented, but the response is that there is thus a need to train more non-whites for roles in middle management.
South Africa – Survivor of brutal ethnic-cleansing: Beautiful, innocent White child raped and battered. She suffered dislocated bones and internal injuries. Who is defending our children and ensuring that they have a safe habitat to grow up in – anywhere?
Everywhere Whites are on the retreat, so that worldwide, we are an…
The Media tells you, that your non-white invaders are “just decent people trying to make a living. They pick our cabbages, take care of our elderly, and they take care of our children.”
The Blacks in South Africa did the same, now look at what their children are doing to our children;
This White baby was wrapped in a newspaper and set alight.What kind of monster does this? But this is not a “Hate Crime”; only Whites can be guilty of “Hate crimes,” right?
Hanged Schoolboy. They broke into the house, killed the mother, waited for the children to return from home, killed them, then waited for the father to return, and killed him too. Nothing was stolen. This is typical of the killings that have been going on in South Africa. But we white South Africans deserved it right? We had Apartheid, and you don’t so this sort of thing won’t happen in America? Look at what Mexican leaders are saying already:
“We have an aging white America … They are dying …We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.” – Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of the La Raza Unida political party (note they don’t mind being openly racist: La Raza = the race) “If anyone’s going to be deported, it’s going to be you! … Get out! We are the future. You’re old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you – leave like beaten rats. You old white people, it is your duty to die. Right now, we’re already controlling those elections, whether it’s by violence or nonviolence. Through love of having children we’re going to take over.” – Augustin Cebada, information minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan (equivalent of the military arm of the ANC, Umkohnto we Siezwe) shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los Angeles.
South Africa, 1985…
USA, 2006.
Whether Democrat or Republican, your government is your enemy: it has presided over the browning of America. South Africa’s last governments were traitors too: They handed us and our land over to a communist, Black government, though we had never been defeated: there were also no guarantees or safeguards for the Whites, and now you see the results. Other of your enemies are: the Media, the big corporations, David Rockefeller, Carnegie Foundation, Ford Foundation, George Soros, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)*, American Jewish Congress*, et al.
The same entities were also our enemies, being prime funders of the ANC. Your government will not protect you from this invasion and the coming extinction you race. Beware, do not put your faith in your Government, it is controlled by the enemies of your race, and by race traitors, who sell you out for financial gain and personal ambition.
As William Raspberry (black columnist) once said: “It is hard to think of whites-only groups formed for the benefit of their members that could gain our approval. Perhaps an organization of white LA police officers formed to help its members improve their attitudes towards minorities….It’s always illegitimate for white men to organize as white men.” [William Raspberry, “Dubiously Exclusive,” Washington Post, Nov. 24, 1995.] (added 2/05/03) Every day experience tells you that this is absolutely true. Wake up White America, you are in dire straits! We’ve seen it all before in South Africa. We had a traitor, sell-out Government too. You are targeted for annihilation. Don’t believe it ?…just look at what our South African government did to us. Yours is of the exact same ilk, and has been for decades.
Republican or Democrat, they are all tools of the anti-White New World Order, none have stemmed the non-white tide, and they have been achieving the demise of White America. The longer you wait, the more desperate the odds become.
F.W. de Klerk, last White President of SA – handed over the country to a communist, Black Government De Klerk is now wined and dined by the likes of the Trilateral Commission.
George Bush, who granted amnesty to thousands of illegal Mexicans was America’s F.W. de Klerk, or perhaps he equated to our previous conservative sell-out, P.W. Botha.
Barack Obama the new Nelson Mandela, or perhaps with his long association with the militant Black nationalist, Rev. Wright, he may equate to the new SA president, Jacob Zuma.
F.W. de Klerk handed over the country to communist Blacks — and without any guarantees of safety for the country’s Whites. For this he received the Nobel Peace Prize.
Is this what peace looks like?
South Africa: Beautiful, young white woman butchered.
South Africa: White man, attacked in his house as he slept, and Murdered in his own bathtub. Note how they slashed his wrists as he tried to protect himself.
South Africa: Forensic diagram of torture methods used in the thousands of Farm Murders and very frequently in urban murders that together constitute the current ethnic-cleansing being conducted in South Africa Now in October 2008, with an economic crash in progress, which seems likely to make the Great Depression look like a picnic, expect race riots to break out. You read what La Raza Unida and the Brown Berets say about Whites; Do you feel safe where you live?
The only solution is for Whites to form White safety zones, where we can live and work in safety. We need our own habitats, free from the presence of invasive species and interspecific competition. As soon as the threat is perceived, vigilant scientists and authorities work to control the numbers and ‘immigration’ of invasive plant, insect and animal species when they interfere with the habitat or peaceful existence of native species. Some examples are 1) Bighead and silver carp (Asian) , which compete with native mussels and fish for plankton, and could become a dominant species in the Great Lakes; 2) the brown tree snake (Indonesian) which has invaded Guam and through its voracious appetite, exterminated nine out of twelve native bird species, and two out of eleven native lizards; while burgeoning populations of 3) European mute swans eliminate habitats for crabs, fish and other wetland dependent species through their over-grazing of bay grasses: They also trample the nests of the endangered least terns and black skimmers, destroying their eggs and chicks, thus driving the native species from their nesting site on Barren Island, Maryland.
These beautiful but invasive mute swans kill mallard ducklings and Canada goose goslings. The interspecific competition between mute and tundra swans, has driven Maryland’s wintering tundra swan population from their native habitats. Authorities also then work to preserve the habitat of endangered species and to breed back their numbers so that they are no-longer endangered: examples are the spotted owl, the polar bear, and the white rhino which is almost off the endangered species list.
So the invasion of these species is being combated and curbed, yet when non-Whites invade White habitats, aggressively raping, assaulting and murdering the host Whites, Whites are expected to make way and accept their extinction. Why should we accept this disconnect in logic when it comes to Whites? Non-Whites have no such qualms and practice ethnic cleansing on a regular basis in their native lands, with impunity, yet Whites have their hands tied, are prevented from expelling the invaders, and are barred from even Swedish victim of non-white assault and gang rape complaining by the proliferation of “hate speech” laws. Enough! We are the minority race of the world, and we are an endangered species, faced with imminent extinction.
We cannot allow ourselves to pass into the night of oblivion in this way
Draw the wagons into a laager: The ratio of Whites to non-Whites simply cannot decrease any further!
Battle of Blood River 1836 – Victorious
The alternative is this…
Brave Dirkie Uys – dies defending his wounded father
Or this…
Massacre of Bloukranz
The majority population within a territory will ultimately determine the nature of that society, regardless of who was there first.
When non-Whites gain numbers in White areas, they prey on Whites.When Whites are in the minority, we get killed ! What self-respecting species submits voluntarily to extinction ?
Even Whites have a right to continue to exist as a species.
“It may already be too late to avoid a future annexation of the Southwest by Mexico or the evolution of a Mexican-dominated satellite state. This is not to say Mexican people are better or worse than any of God’s children. It is to say that millions of ethnically and culturally homogeneous people will seek self-determination in a land they will increasingly feel justified in claiming as their own. Especially when the natural weight of demographic change is accompanied by the soundtrack of radical demagoguery which seeks to legitimize and moralize this phenomenon as a ‘reconquista’.”
– Ronald F Maxwell,
Some of the organizations alleged to employ illegal aliens, and then have their low wages and medical care subsidized by the welfare departments, from YOUR tax dollars – Taken from:WeHireAliens.com.
Department of Defense, Department of the Air Force, Department of the Army, U.S. Marine Corps Department of the Navy, U.S Forest Service, U.S. IMMIGRATION, State of Georgia , IDAHO MIGRANT COUNCIL Kansas Dept. of Motor Vehicles, USPS, Pennsylvania Unemployment Agency and Welfare Department, Fairfield county recycling, Long Beach Veterans hospital, University of California, Bell Chase Naval Air Station, BMW, Cargill Inc., Cargill meat Packaging, Chevys, Hehr International, Honeywell, Walmart, Kmart, , 99 Cent Store, Ralph’s Grocery Store, Wells Fargo Bank, First Federal Bank of California, MASTERGAURD CORP. , Michelin Tire Of NA, McDonald’s, Wendy’s International, Foster Farms Dairy/Chickens , National Beef Packing, Office Depot, Home Depot, Pep Boys, Big Lots Stores Inc, Quantum Business Engineering, Richard Leeds Intl , Sears, Sysco, Target, Tyson, Hoag Hospital , Holiday Inn , Hilton Hotel , Denny’s, Industrial Filtration TNT Logistics, Wabash National, Hamilton aerospace technologies, inc. , SIGMA ELECTRIC , sigma electric manufacturing, Liberman Broadcasting, Thibaut , Western Sequoia Corp.. TCB International Inc. , Quality Pork Processors Inc. Netpixel ,Tri City Steel, Inc. , Dacoa Inc., Dowling, Thomasville Upholstery Inc, Fisk Electric , Foamex International , University of Southern California Facilities Management Services, Apple One employment Service, Excel , KONOS, Inc., JR C