Regrettably, Hendrik Verwoerd lost his life at a time when the political scene in South Africa was on the brink of a total makeover. Perhaps his foresight and aspirations to develop, change and turn South Africa into a first class world country did not undoubtedly match the plans of international and local people.
In his book, Stephen Goodson’s HENDRIK FRENSCH VERWOERD – SOUTH AFRICA’S GREATEST PRIME MINISTER, he details mind-blowing information every South African should know about Apartheid, Rothschild bankers, and Verwoerd who was a man of fairness, dignity, and wanted equality for everyone.
The question is whether Verwoerd is responsible for apartheid, based on the perspective order of events.
• 1809 – The Native Pass Law of the British Government at Cape of Good Hope passed compel black people to carry a passbook.
• 1865 – British-born Sir Theophilus Shepstone prohibited blacks in Natalia from having any voting power.
• 1894 – Cecil John Rhodes prevented a colored man Krom Hendriks from joining the national cricket tour to England.
• 1895 – Cecil John Rhodes compelled schools in the Cape to teach separate for whites in English and Blacks in English. (Verwoerd was not born yet)
• 1901 – 8th September 1901 in Amsterdam.
• 1913 – The British Native Land Act 2 prohibited black people to own land. (Verwoerd 12 years of Age)
• 1915 – National Party of South Africa 2nd July 1915. The ideology of apartheid was never the ideology of the Boers but was a secret agenda propagated by the paid British press and their agents in the “Broederbond” to keep control over South Africa for Britain via the Nationalist Party, which shows a deliberate falsification of history in order to keep control over South Africa by design with conflict. The aforesaid is in addition confirmed by the Nationalist Party secret funds, mostly channeled to home in Britain, in institutions like Barclays Bank or the Bank of England who was affirmed by the “one stream” ideology of Jan Smuts and his predecessors with the land grab and dehumanizing legislation that preceded the Nationalist Party rule who had to content with the gross human right violations and a systemic ruggedness with secret control prevent change.
Away from the Smuts/Brittan ideology JBM Hertzog (Minister of Justice) employed a two stream ideology propagating equal rights towards English and Afrikaner Communities which was reflected in the election where Jan Smut (South Africa) seats were reduced from 67 to 54, Thomas Smartt (Unionist) maintain 39 and JBM Hertzog (National Party) gained 27.
• 1918 – Establishment of the “Afrikaner Broederbond” (Jong Zuid-Afrika) by the British as a secret extension of their influence in the same way it was portrayed in the film of Mel Gibson “The Patriot” (Verwoerd was not a member)
• 1925 – British minister HW Sampson promulgated the Labor Demarcation Act to divide black and white. (Verwoerd 32 years of age and not in politics)
• 1927 – Immorality Act was promulgated in Natal controlled by Britain prohibit intimacy between black and white (Verwoerd 34 years of age and not in politics).
British Union Genl Jan Smuts promulgated • 1936 – Separate representation in parliament. (Verwoerd was 43 and editor of a newspaper)
• 1945 – The Native Urban Area Act prohibited blacks to stay longer than 72 hours in a white urban area (Verwoerd was 52 years of age into politics but without a portfolio)
• 1948 – Nationalist Party took over on 4 June 1948 with the Pass Laws and No Voting rights and other discriminate laws still intact, established by the Britain.
• 1958 – Verwoerd 2 September 1958 in office as prime minister of South Africa. (State President –Charles Roberts Swart)
• 1966 – Verwoerd was murdered because he started to give the land progressively back to the black people who were against the rugged British plan, which was disowned by The British Native Land Act 2 passed in 1913, for which he was killed. He was not killed by a disgruntled black group or activists’ which is eminent from the following factual events;-
o Establishes “Black education” as a national law. Many African countries haven’t achieved that to date
o the inflation rate was 2% or less
o Interest rate was 3%
o there was peace as a result of the transformation and restoration process
o the national growth was 7.9% the second highest in the world.
o the living standards of blacks was rising by 5.4% versus the 3.9 % of whites
o had no needs for foreign loans and/or indebtedness versus the current indebtedness of approximately 50% and overall indebtedness approaching 70%. At present, the repayment to banks by the government is approximately R500 million per day.
o Stafendas worked for Anton Rupert in London prior his appointment as a messenger in the parliament while an illegal immigrant, appointed by Hendrik van der Berg who was promoted ±6 ranks by John Voster as minister of Justice at the time, to put him in control of security of the parliament.
o It is well known that Verwoerd was assassinated by Zionist Banking Cartel arranged through John Voster with specific input from the Rupert’s and the Oppenheimer’s being controlled from London promoting Voster to the prime minister.
• 1970 – Implementation of skimming from policies owners of Old Mutual Via Old Mutual Bank a non-entity and stash money across the globe for relocation and take over.
• 1989 – Implementation of SARB Act, Section 33 clause to suppress all evidence
• 1992 – ANC agree to take Political Power only and sign away all economic survivability of SA (Old Mutual, ABSA, SAB, de Beers, etc.) – MAS 57/08/92 – Pretoria North Case ref, investigation officer – Lt. Col. AE Botha conducted an investigation into the irregularities, but it was never made public or brought to court.
• 1994 – Project Hammer completed, ANC agree for Political Control only.
For an in-depth review of the book read – Tot lof van Hendrik Verwoerd
South Africa Today – South Africa News