Die Vryburger
For the third consecutive quarter, unemployment has increased.
In March 2017, 41 000 workers lost their jobs, and on June 31 000. According to Statistics SA, 83 000 workers lost their jobs between September 2016 and September 2017.
Meanwhile, rumors are abounding that 1 800 teachers can lose their jobs in 2018. The Department of Education denied the reports and said that teachers would be reassigned where student numbers fall.
Instead of ANC promises that jobs are being created and that the almost magical figure of a million new jobs is often mentioned frequently, the opposite is done and more people are unemployed.
The current economic climate and the continual downgrade of the economy as a result of the ANC government make job creation almost impossible, and it is expected that unemployment will increase even further.
Read the original article in Afrikaans on Die Vryburger
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