As I have argued in my book-length essay, Raiders of the lost Empire, South Africa has now become a copy-cat society. We are imitating the USA’s model of multiculturalism and race-mixing, while our levels of violence and intergroup hatred are rising to surpass even those of America.
Published: June 16, 2017, 4:45 pm
Two recent murders have brought home to us that certain areas are no-go zones for white South Africans if they wish to survive. No matter how often liberals or leftists present the United Colors of Benetton or similar fictions to us in advertising or in the media, the violent results of denying ethnic identities are there for all to see.
Hannah Cornelius died on Saturday morning, May 27th. The 21-year old student was abducted in her own car by a Coloured (mixed-race) gang in the university town of Stellenbosch, near Cape Town. They drove her away, gang raped her, and then strangled and stabbed her. Her body was found at two o’clock that afternoon. Horrors like this hardly reach the front page anymore, so inured have we become to liberal, multicultural South Africa.
When people are killed here, they become hashtags. So it was with #HannahCornelius. After the initial flurry of tweets, the news died down. A friend once compared our reactions to murder to that of a herd of gazelles grazing on the savannah. Now and again a predator catches one; the herd shudders, but life goes on. An hour or two later the herd is at ease again, nibbling juicy leaves of grass.

Hannah Cornelius (21)
Hannah Cornelius was strikingly beautiful, kind, full of laughter, and a straight-A student at Stellenbosch University. She spoke Afrikaans, English, and French—a foreign language she studied at school. The mainstream media carefully omitted the race of Hannah’s killers; they were simply “men.” White feminists let loose a barrage of their favorite hashtags, such as #menaretrash, with the implication that white men, too, were collectively responsible for Hannah’s death. Another favorite leftist cliché was quickly applied: “gender-based violence.”
Four Coloured men have been arrested for the crime. This is, in itself, a miracle, since most homicides in South Africa are never solved. Only 8 percent of murderers are convicted, so they have a 92 percent chance of, literally, getting away with murder. Affirmative action has taken its toll on the police, especially in the more technical departments such as forensics. However, CCTV footage of Hannah’s hijacked little blue Volkswagen Golf—a gift from her 91-year old grandmother—helped police find the killers. All four have all been charged in the Stellenbosch Magistrate’s Court with murder, rape, car theft, robbery, and abduction. They will again appear on 28 July 2017 when more details of the crime should emerge.
Newspapers have focused on Cheslin Marsh, a male Stellenbosch student who was with Hannah when she was hijacked in the early hours of Saturday morning. The attackers drove him around in the trunk of the car and later pelted him with bricks. Mr. Marsh ended up in the hospital with a broken arm, and will probably be a key witness at trial.
However, the mainstream media have been trying their best to obfuscate her murder, and even blame it on people of European descent in South Africa. At her funeral, her cousin and a left-wing journalist, Lali van Zuydam, read a quotation from Elie Wiesel, the Jewish and anti-Nazi activist. The implication was that somehow Nazism or “right-wing whites” were responsible for the death of Hannah Cornelius. Ms. Van Zuydam is also the press attaché of the French Embassy in Pretoria, and a previous employee of the Pretoria News, a liberal Pretoria daily and PRO of the National Press Club. She has recently given an interview to the Johannesburg daily Beeld who some years ago smeared the Potchefstroom campus of North-West University for having “too many white students” and therefore being “Nazi”. A photograph of some girls at a university residence waving their arms in the air was published in the newspaper, taken at a strategic moment to suggest that they were giving a “Nazi salute”.
Within the phantasmagorical imaginations of mainstream journalists, imaginary “white Nazis” are responsible for the wave upon wave of violence wracking South African society, instead of the real-life perpetrators.

Johann Botha (53)
Shortly after the murder of Hannah Cornelius, celebrity wildlife presenter Johann Botha was shot dead by blacks in a bar in downtown Johannesburg, the Zebra Inn. He was visiting a friend who also happened to be the owner of the Zebra Inn, an Austrian immigrant to South Africa known as “Swazi Werner” but whose real name was Werner Josef Perchtold. Both Botha and Perchtold were shot dead by two black men and a black woman who had ordered drinks at the bar, but then proceeded to rob the cash register. Police have managed to arrest them in Melville, another Johannesburg suburb.
According to a spokesman for the police ministry in South Africa, Vuvo Mhaga, “Botha died while pleading with the robbers” in favour of sparing his friend’s life. Mhaga continued: “This is similar to the incident of Mandla Hlatshwayo; where good Samaritans are trying to assist and these criminals do as they pleased. They kill people who are of great importance to South Africans.”
What the media neglected to mention was that the area in which Botha was killed, known as Maboneng, consists of a renovated “island” of real estate in central Johannesburg, which has been largely reduced to a slum as a result of immigrant and black migration into the city. On the police’s own crime statistics, Central Johannesburg ranks as the third most dangerous police district in South Africa.
When he was young, Johann Botha studied to be an opera singer and he remained interested in opera until his untimely death. However, by believing in the multicultural propaganda that everyone follows European norms of ethics which make criminality the exception and not the rule, he paid with his life. His visit to Maboneng, situated within a high-crime area, was one too many.
The fight in South Africa, as elsewhere in the world, is not only against the physical danger represented by deteriorating urban areas and inner-city slums, but also to free people’s minds of the illusion that “everyone is the same”, regardless of culture or ethnicity.
Perchtold was a collector of both books and African art. In the basement of his bar he had 200 000 books and many African wood carvings. His passion for African art did not prevent Africans from killing the Austrian in cold blood.
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