On Saturday Afrikaner singer Steve Hofmeyr, addressed a crowd of Afrikaners, at Church Square in Pretoria to declare that their “volk” (nation) must stand together and establish unity among Afrikaners.
Hofmeyr said that 2016 was a year that all the dead weight dragged around for years must come to an end.
“Do you know how much DEAD WEIGHT subsidizes your taxes?
The yoke of transformation: DEAD WEIGHT
The duty to reconcile: DEAD WEIGHT
My guilt about the history: DEAD WEIGHT
My guilt about my national patriotism: DEAD WEIGHT
My duty to give the mainstream media respect: DEAD WEIGHT”
“In 2016, I shook it off,” said Hofmeyr and here are a few highlights from his speech.
“My highest calling is perhaps a tolerance and respect for other people, but it must be earned. In addition, I see too little that can be respected. This monument behind me alone is a miracle. Poor Uncle Paul died 50 years before apartheid and see how much he experienced.
There are three important characteristics that a nation should have:
1. A distinguishing of the cultural character
2. Interests and values that you will die for
3. You shall reign over your own interests and values
“Ons word regeer deur ‘n analfabeet. Wat is ons ander keuses? ‘n ‘n Manteldraaier in die DA en ‘n werfbobbejaan in die EFF” (“We are governed by an “illiterate”. What are our other options? A “chameleon” in the DA and a “yard baboon” in the EFF.”)
We have a sports minister who has forever extinguished the competitive spirit in South African sport and destroyed rugby with politics. There are only two types of countries, those who cannot wait to forget us and those who cannot wait to play rugby against us.
If the will to win, study or perform is hijacked by political correctness or selective patronage, you will always be happy to score a point against the best. South Africa was once the crown prince of the planet, the cream of the continent, and now currently competing economically for the third place in Africa.
I’m detached from this mismanagement and incompetence and only pay their taxes because they force me. Yet, they will still beg for that tax when Donald Trump tightens his grip on Africa and champions again for separate development.
However, this country cannot work when you elevate the mischief of two boys in Middelburg above the mortality rate, above the rape rate and above the most brutal farm murders in the world, all predominantly, and by far, black-on-white. I repeat that I cannot for the life of me find the statistics of white boys scaling the fences of black owners to rape their children and burn their elderly with hot irons while eating a Marmite sandwich. How is it that Mmusi Maimane cannot see this? Because a 6-year-old can. He wins one or two metros for his non-racist party and what does he do, he goes to Middelburg to discover that he is a stone-throwing black.
How is it that a thousand-year-old metaphor from a white person (Penny Sparrow) gets more attention than a black man pouring petrol down an old man’s throat? If I cannot call destructive people MONKEYS, filthy people PIGS and sly people JACKAL, and wise people OWLS, what use is language to you and me? Do metaphors and similes offend you? Do you want a cry-room? Do you want a tummy rub or a free speech-free zone? Super-entitled black millennials, the semi-illiterate, narcissist, selfie-obsessed, smartphone freaks, dominate us; the emotionally fragile, hash-tagging zealots, instagramies, snap chatting, whining, ill-informed, lazy, politically correct, gender confused, twerking, group-hugging, cry-room dwelling snowflakes.”
It was a speech for the Afrikaner nation to fight for the opportunity to have self-determination. Hofmeyr defended the late apartheid prime minister HF Verwoerd and said “the world will realize he was right … more right than what he gets credit for … it is a right to develop separately without interference.” Hofmeyr said that the entire process of apartheid was never to oppress anyone.
Perhaps a fundamental point of Hofmeyr’s speech was the part addressed to Malema:
- I will NOT give up my land/ground or house because more than enough men, women, and children died there before, and it’s hard enough to pay it off.
- I will NOT fall for this substandard nonsense you dish up as normal. Not on my shift, no.
- The fact that I am a good, tolerant, and friendly Christian neighbor does NOT mean that we allow people to walk all over us.
- I will NOT allow my monuments to be destroyed by the devastating looters that we know. Not on my shift, no.
- I will NOT be prescribed to WHERE and WHEN I may be proud. I will sing, write, and rhyme as my heart leads me.
- I will NOT hide my symbols until others deem it fit to behold. The hell with what others think of my church, my faith, my flag, my folk songs, and my cultural treasures.
- I will NOT be silent because my vocabulary is criminalized. Not on my shift, no. I’ll scream until I am heard.
- We will NOT sit around and wait until there is nothing left. The old definition of genocide is something that has ALREADY HAPPENED, that is gone, and which is too late to stop. Not on my shift, no. The world will know.
The time is ripe for our mobilization. This time Malema must know he does not scare me, we will live, and it’s a welcome call for preparation. Do not confuse us, who are seeking peace, with a pair of scared mountain goats stuck in a kraal.
For the first time in 21 years, I’m not going to be pessimistic. More so than any time in the last 21 years, I see hope on the horizon, my political conservatism, and national pride may be the norm and maybe that the world of the Boer-Afrikaner will be understood in 2017.
Remember this. Be safe. Be proud. Stay with me. Thank you.
Read the original in Afrikaans on Steve Hofmeyr Facebook page:
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