May 13, 2017 by Baron Bodissey
In the following interview, a writer named Tidiane Ndiaye talks about the African slave trade, and the central role played by African Muslims in taking and selling slaves.
What doubleplus ungood words! Surely that makes Mr. Ndiaye a WAYCIST…? No, wait; he’s not white, so he can’t be! Aieeeee! (head explodes).
Many thanks to Ava Lone translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:
00:00 We’re now going to Senegal, where your correspondent Sarah Sakho went to meet
00:04 one of the slavery specialists, historian Tidiane Ndiaye,
00:08 author of several historical surveys, one of them ‘Veiled Genocide’
00:12 about the slave trade carried out by Muslim Arabs. He gives us his opinion on the memory work
00:16 done by France in the last couple of years. —One needs
00:20 to treat [all] history in exactly the same way. Remembering
00:24 abolition of slavery in the Atlantic trade is a very good thing.
00:28 But also remind people that it wasn’t an isolated phenomenon in
00:32 human history. This is the reason for this book
00:36 that was published by Gallimard, ‘Veiled Genocide’, to remind everyone that if
00:40 the Atlantic trade involved about
00:44 9-11 million individuals, the one practised by the Arab Muslims
00:48 involved 17 million; and because of the massive castration,
00:52 they have almost all disappeared in those regions, while
00:56 concerning the Atlantic trade, today 70 million of the descendents
01:00 of Africans or of mixed blood populate the New World. From the USA to Brazil
01:04 through the Caribbean. So there was no will to destroy a people;
01:08 but it is a crime against humanity that had to be denounced
01:12 and France went up to vote this law. —There is a debate about reparations.
01:16 Are you for reparations in principle, and if yes,
01:20 in what way? — The question is whether you can repair the past.
01:24 Those people were saying that this crime was irreparable.
01:28 Who are the victims? The descendents of the victims
01:32 are identified today concerning the Atlantic trade, who live
01:36 in the overseas departments [French]. So taking into consideration the economic policy
01:40 put in place by France; I think there are forms
01:44 of reparations more subtle than financial ones.
01:48 So you are against reparations on principle. — You cannot talk about reparations
01:52 in the same way in the Antilles as in Africa; since the
01:57 African was also the perpetrator: he was a victim and a perpetrator. It’s true that
02:01 those perpetrators were a minority, regardless of the enormous masses
02:05 of people who were dragged away. Much more victims than perpetrators,
02:09 but there is also this African responsibility, which somewhat prevents
02:13 the talk about reparations. —Should colonization be considered a crime
02:17 against humanity? We all remember the huge controversy started in February 2017
02:21 by Emmanuel Macron, the new president of the Republic, who during his
02:25 campaign called colonization a crime against humanity in Algeria,
02:29 even if he later took it back. What do you think about it?
02:33 Wanting to describe French colonization as a series
02:37 of crimes against humanity isn’t very honest, since the historical
02:41 truth couldn’t be elucidated by that. For example, if you read my book
02:45 ‘Veiled Genocide’, you’ll see that it was precisely French colonisation,
02:49 especially on this side [Senegal], that put a stop to the
02:53 slave trade carried out by Muslim Arabs. Colonel Archinal went in to
02:57 create “freedom villages” for all the captives who managed to run away.
03:01 And in Tunisia abolition was very effective,
03:05 and in Morocco. This is why this is very complicated,
03:09 and you cannot investigate only the negative aspects
03:13 of colonization. — Mr. Tidiane Ndiaye, thank you.
This entry was posted in Africa, Counterjihad, Culture Wars, Europe, History, Islamic Atrocities, Latin America, Middle East, News, North Africa, PC/MC, USA by Baron Bodissey. Bookmark the permalink.