Front National
Afrikaners and whites from European descent have a legitimate claim for self determination. Making a breakthrough overseas, however, is not so easy. Front National had been told by the United Nations that we firstly needed adequate numbers as a registered political party, taking part in the process in South Africa; and secondly, that our plight must be supported by at least one member state of the UN.
FN is a part of 73 conservative political parties, mostly in Europe, and our deputy leader Lenel Cotty Wessels, is indeed one of the WCM’s executive numbers, while Daniël Lotter and Dean Dart also serve on some of their committees. Selling our idea even to these well-meaning people is very difficult.
We have a tainted past. Just like the Germans after World War II there is a certain perception of Afrikaners in the world. We readily admit that. Apartheid, as viewed by the ordinary, majority of white South African voters, soldiers and policemen, was a just system – the most modern of political developments in the world, ironically followed and imitated by the USSR and other nationalist countries even after we were branded racists and oppressors.
Unfortunately there is also truth in the fact that Apartheid turned us into the skunk of the world. It remains the albatross around our neck. Again we try and counter these accusations:
Apartheid was only oppressive in the hands of a few people who had turned the logical ideal into a murderous, barbaric system. These people know who they were; and the ordinary, majority Afrikaner know who they were. We are talking about clandestine units with unscrupulous leaders, feeling invincible in the folds of their government ministers and generals. Yes, they assassinated. Yes, they murdered. Yes, they even turned on their own kin on the right of the political spectrum – especially during the years of PW Botha and FW de Klerk, but also under Vorster’s leadership.
It is not long into any conversation with other countries and foreign activists before the attention is drawn to Langhendrik van den Bergh, BOSS, Vlakplaas, Knobel, Neethling, Rhoodie, Dr Wouter Basson, Magnus Malan, Adriaan Vlok, Eugene de Kock, Slang van Zyl and others. Front National, in mitigation, pleads that they were genuinely fighting communism and in such an environment it is natural to lose morality and ethics. “You’ll do it again”, is the response.
What we cannot defend, try as we may, is the fact that some of these government ministers and leaders of clandestine units, even turned on the own kin on the rightwing side of politics, just “for the hell of it”. There are no excuses for that. Nobody can defend people who trotted about as if above the law and all human behavior.
What we also cannot defend, try as we may, is that these selfsame invincible men, unscrupulous men, barbaric men; turned on their own loyal foot soldiers and policemen during the Truth and Reconciliation hearings, leaving them on their own and leaving them to take the punch.
This is our plight then: there is not a more just system than separate development for South Africa between people from western descent and people from African descent. Self determination is the only workable solution in South Africa. Selling the concept to overseas governments and activists, however, is not easy. The perception of the handful uncontrollable hooligans and scoundrels controlled by the State Security Council, and ultimately by the Cabinet and Broederbond; still lingers in the foreign mind.
This is one of the greatest challenges facing FN; conveying to people that our call for self determination is based on accepted principles with international codes of conduct, based in justice and freedom. It is NOT based on the less of 1% abusers of Apartheid, who never accepted responsibility and abandoned their own people. Self determination is just, fair and practical. We NEVER again want to take responsibility for any other ethnic group apart from our own Afrikaners and people of European descent. We want to protect our own and expect other groups to protect and respect their own. Nothing more, nothing less.
By Hannes Engelbrecht
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