WHY is there so much hatred towards whites from young men who weren’t even alive during the apartheid era?

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Please note: This is an opinion piece and does not reflect the views of TheSouthAfrican.com
Just before “liberation” in South Africa, the country was unquestionably becoming more and more ungovernable, and a full-scale revolution was probably only moments away. This could well have resulted in out and out civil war, and genocide on a massive scale.
But no one figured on the character of Mr. Nelson Mandela and the courage of F.W. De Klerk who released him and so, much to the world’s surprise, an extremely peaceful transition took place.
Or did it?
23 years later, racially-based crime has never been worse, and the inordinate amount of attacks on farmers is now being described as genocide.
Not to mention the enormous wave of racism sweeping the country.
But the strange thing is that much of this is being perpetrated by people who DIDN’T EVEN SUFFER UNDER APARTHEID!
So what’s going on?
Well, to put it simply, conditions in the current South Africa have resulted in a brand new type of crime. I call it REVENGE CRIME. It is essentially normal crime-for-gain, perpetuated by blacks on whites, but it has a brutal, sinister component to it. It is being used as an opportunity for blacks to manifest their hate for whites by viciously assaulting, torturing and murdering their victims while in the process of robbing them.
Everyone knows that it shouldn’t be too difficult to enter someone’s home with a gun in hand, rob the occupants, tie them up and leave.
But no, in many cases, foul, inhuman, savage injuries are being inflicted on the white victims at the same time.
So WHY is there so much hatred towards whites from young men who weren’t even alive during the apartheid era?
There are 3 main reasons:
- Like everything in any society, value systems, attitudes and common beliefs are passed down from one generation to the next. So in this way, the injustices of the Apartheid Era are being kept alive.
But in South Africa’s case a bigger problem exists. Sinister forces, including our own government, are fanning the flames of racism and white hate for their own gain. So what would normally be fairly natural prejudice is being deliberately turned into an inferno.
2. The South African Police Service is failing miserably on many levels to contain even the very worst types of crime. South Africa is fast becoming known as a lawless country where corruption and greed, even at government level, are seriously compromising law & order.
3. Certain drugs, like Whoonga, also known as Nyaope, make the users extremely aggressive and are therefore empowering young criminals to levels of violence which may not be a normal part of their personalities.
This month alone – February 2017 – 30 farm attacks have taken place, resulting in 15 murders of the most gruesome kind. One woman even had he eyes gouged out after being stabbed more than 20 times, and an elderly farmer was tortured for two days before dying in hospital.
This is neither civilised nor acceptable in any country in the 21st Century. In fact, it is a violation of human rights and a contravention of human order that not even wild animals would understand. The young black men (yes, they are black) who are perpetuating these hideous crimes have sunk to the lowest possible level a human being can go. They are no better than members of ISIS. No better than Adolph Hitler, Genghis Khan, common terrorists, or any other human monsters you care to name.
But here’s the REAL problem.
The resourcefulness of white South Africans, especially Afrikaners, should never be underestimated. If these dreadful criminals think – assuming that they think at all – that the whites who are under attack in this country will just accept the situation, or simply emigrate, they are sorely mistaken. It should be remembered that most whites living in South Africa today were born here, and consider this to be their only home. Especially Afrikaners whose entire identity and culture was established in this land.
So the whites will use everything in their power to defend and protect what is theirs. Especially if the police and security services are unable to do so. It must be remembered that many whites in South Africa have the resources, knowledge and acumen to arm themselves to the teeth and fight back.
And, sadly, I believe we are fast reaching that point.
If the current government allows REVENGE CRIME to continue at the levels we are seeing now, South Africa may well be on the brink of civil war.
Let me illustrate how bad it could get. The other day I heard an otherwise intelligent, sensible white man murmuring about a white vigilante organisation which will arbitrarily murder one black for every farmer murdered from now on. Yes, go out into the streets in the dead of night and take the life of ANY black person they come across!
As tragic as this may be, this is the essence of civil war. There is a very fine line between government control and uncontrollable civil disorder. It’s as simple as this: If the government doesn’t get the law in hand, the law will be taken out of their hands by the people. And much blood will run in our streets. Most of it the blood of these evil, young criminals.
This situation is closer than you think.
I personally long for the day when we can ALL put the past behind us and work together to save this great country.
Quite frankly, acting out of revenge for an injustice you didn’t even suffer from is a ludicrous as murdering people for the sins of their great grandfathers. And believe me, a full-blown civil war in this country will make the Apartheid era look like a church picnic.
So Mr Zuma, you and your ministers had better act against revenge crime fast. That’s if you even want to. Because on the ground there are far too many of your people burning with unreasonable hate, and your country is fast reaching the point of no return.