After reading a piece of what happened on the day of 28 March 1994 (shell house massacre ) I could not find peace but had many questions and less if not none answers. The incident where ANC security guards shoot and killed Zulu speaking people who were marching approaching ANC headquarters.
We heard about the ANC explanation that the IFP supporters were storming the building, or that they had received a tip-off that this was planned which was later rejected by Nugent Commission of Inquiry. The commission’s conclusion was that the shooting by ANC guards was unjustified. But then as usual no one was hold into account and yet as well not enough means were made to get to the bottom of the issue.
The people who shot these people some of them were never disclosed, justice to the families of the deceased never saw the light. These are what our country has become where we prioritize peace over justice. Our country has forever had a sense of containing issues rather than resolving them. This is why we will forever see the coming generations raising past issues. Even with apartheid we did the same. We just rush to talk about peace which has become a word forever used when we decide to run away from facing real issues.
The youth of today, our youth will forever dig up the past, Elders who have been leading us must get ready, because we are a generation that has took a stand of questioning their actions in a quest of redressing the past. We want to know what happened at Shell House, I think justice was never done to the families of these people and those who were left with lifetime scars.
When I met an elder who was part of the marchers sharing his side of the story it came clear to me that what is recorded as history where we read is fallacy. We need to really close the case and move forward but we can’t just left it hanging. We talking about people who died there not rats, but people. ANC and IFP leaders must come open about this issue. We the youth must never be denied a chance to know what was true, above all we need to see justice. Because according to me the issue is hanging.
I challenge the SA government to re-look on the issue, Human right commission must look to the issue, the families of people who died are still grieving and there was no justice at all. It a pitty that they don’t have powers to speak louder so to be heard.
In June 1995, former President Nelson Mandela claimed that he had given the order to defend Shell House, I challenge current ANC leaders and IFP leaders who were involved to come out and follow the suite by testifying and tell us what really happened for these families to find peace and for the souls of these men who were shot down to rest in peace.
The souls of our people who were killed like rats at Shellhouse will never rest if this case is not closed properly. We demand to know what really happened?
Sthembiso ka Shandu
Tshwane University of Technology Vice President ,Soshanguve .
Pan African Federalist of IFP
0789164200 \mbathasg(AT)tut.ac.za