By admin – May 22, 2017011943

While in Johannesburg, on Wednesday, Mmusi Maimane announced the DA’s strategy for the 2019 election. He will try to form a coalition government in an attempt to force the ANC out of power.
Besides the fact that the DA has never been able to defeat the ANC alone, it is also an indication that Maimane does not have the faintest idea what he is talking about. As usual.
Does he know what it means to put a coalition together? An attempt to put together a coalition government in the Netherlands failed because four parties could not come to agree – and they are all Dutch! In our Parliament, there are 13 political parties whose policies are as far apart as the east is from the west! And only one of these parties, the ANC, occupies 249 of the 400 seats! It’s far more than half.
In 2014, there was a failed attempt to form a “Collective for Democracy,” in which the FF +, PAC and the IVP including another bunch who tried to merge – it did not even reach the ballot box. Because what does the FF + and the PAC have in common?
A coalition of ALL the parties could not succeed in getting rid of Jacob Zuma on two occasions. Now they want to try again with a “secret vote.” If they cannot get enough votes to get Zuma out, how do they want to set up a government?
So imagine this scenario: It’s late 2019. Mmusi Maimane is president, and Julius Malema is deputy president. The Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform is an EFF person because Julius will not be satisfied with Postal Affairs or Transport or anything like those Ministries. The Deputy Minister is an FF + man. The Minister for Education is a PAC candidate with an ACDP candidate as deputy minister. At that time, the minister was one of the people involved in the St James Church shooting, while the Deputy Minister was a former Pastor. The FF + gets the deputy ministerial posts, where they have to agree with the minister until payday because deputy ministers are actually just placeholders with a higher salary than ordinary parliamentarians.
The coalition government of President Maimane has only 5 seats more than the opposition – the ANC of Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma. Barely a month passes, and the ANC decide its time to strike back. They take a motion of distrust in President Maimane. For this, they must have 50% plus one of the Members of Parliament – 201 seats. And right here, Deputy President Malema saw a chance. The EFF throw their weight with the ANC, President Maimane is fired because of the ANC’s 195 parliamentarians and the EFF’s 65 parliamentarians all vote in favor of the motion.
And Julius Malema is president … The next day he reshuffles his cabinet. Finance, Land Reform, Education, Defense – all become EFF ministries. All that the FF + gets is the Deputy Minister of Tourism Portfolio, and Anton Alberts becomes Deputy Speaker.
That’s how simple it is.
It is staggering that Mmusi Maimane, the DA voter and those who obstinately believe that the FF + could impact in a coalition cannot provide this simple scenario. The FF + could not make an impact when Pieter Mulder was deputy minister of agriculture, they could not make any impact with their Collective for Democracy in 2014 …and they will certainly not even be heard in a coalition where the EFF is also included.
The 2019 DA coalition government, if it happens with a helluva miracle, will not reach the end of 2019. And the person who cannot understand it has not learned anything about politics in the past 23 years.
Read the original article by Daniel Lötter in Afrikaans on Front Nasionaal SA – blad