August 26, 2017 0

STATSSA is saying that there is no poor white people in South Africa. Photo: Boere Gemeenskap Transvaal
We were shocked by Statistics South Africa’s (STATSSA) report on poverty in South Africa. What shocked us even more was the denial of white poverty.
How can any decent report state that white poverty is non-existent? In other words, STATSSA is saying that there is no poor white people in South Africa.
It is clear that the perception is being created here that poverty of white South Africans is something that does not exist.
ToekomsVONK rejects this report at all costs. It is time for South Africa to take note of the large percentage of whites living under the breadline. We know of many cases where whites earn less than R 500.00 a month and are living in dire circumstances.
While the government invests billions in black townships and finances development plans for blacks, poor white people are getting poorer in informal settlements.
However, we expected this kind of arrogance and realize that this is just one of many attacks on the whites of South Africa.
ToekomsVONK is a new civil rights organization that focuses on white poverty and the establishment of structures to create jobs for our own people.
Poor whites deserve better treatment of the state, but it is clear that we have a black Nazi Government with hidden agendas!
White poverty – a product of black hatred!!
Press Release
From: ToekomsVONK
Wessel Basson 0826555395
Marius Coertze 0820578400
Related: Poor white people in South Africa
South Africa Today – South Africa News