Front National
July 30, 20172

Open letter to Zuma, Malema and Maimane – Front National
White South Africans (which is a misnomer, since the SA Constitution does not recognise white and black distinctions based on race) do NOT want to go back to Apartheid. With your constant references to “whites” you are the ones who are racist and unconstitutional. You are the ones keeping the embers of Apartheid glowing.
As a “white” South African seeking self-determination, we at Front National SA have moved past the point of racial classification years ago. We are ethnic. We are a people of Africa with a common history, language, culture and outlook on life, inherited from our forbears – we are the Afrikaners/Boers. We are a “volk”, one ethnic group, not a “nation” consisting of eleven ethnic groups, nine official languages, four major religions and four historical racial groupings.
You see, by stereotyping us as “whites” you are not only racist, you are also keeping neo-colonialism alive among your liberal friends (a la Zille and Hanekom) and stoking the embers of a superiority and paternal attitude towards “black” ethnic groups. We have long ago moved past that where we want to again take responsibility for ANY other ethnic group. In our past we HAD to take responsibility for your development and political future because of history. The liberal HAD to meddle in your culture, your struggles and your emancipation; because that is what liberals do to entrech their neo-colonial, paternalistic views.
You yourselves signed the accords on self-determination at the United Nations, you brought it before the Security Council regarding Namibia (SWA) and you yourselves negotiated Section 235 of the SA Constitution.
Yes, I am white. But more so – I am an Afrikaner and I have people of European descent associating with my description as an ethnic group. You, the ANC, DA, EFF, SACP and almost all political parties agreed to scrap “white” racial classification as unconstitutional, yet you keep on doing it in practice. There are more laws based on race in South Africa now in 2017 than in 1994. You are keeping racism alive because of your own inadequacies and for your own selfish political agendas.
I am a “volk”, an ethnic “volk” and I want self-determination to rule myself according to my own beliefs and my own culture… without interfering in your multiculatural system, your own set of beliefs, your own traditions and religions. We aim to do so without taking responsibility for others, without “westernizing” others, without being prescriptive or neo-colonial. You run your multicultural system according to your traditions and African theories; we will run ours according to ours.
Twenty-three years after 1994 you must surely be aware that the western value system and the African value system cannot co-exist in one system without discrimination. The only thing happening after 1994 was that there was a new set of rulers, but the discrimination and racism and mutual distrust remain.
We ask you – you were a small minority in your “black” context when you tabled self-determination at the Security Council and everybody thought you were naive and unreasonable and that it would never work. We are asking the exact same thing now, also as ‘n minority of the “white” population.
In the mean time, Zuma, Maimane and Malema, STOP demonizing a certain population group in contravention of your own Constitution. Do your own thing – don’t do mine! At this stage we regard ourselves not as subjects of the multicultural state, but as citizens who have a national and international right to be recognised as citizens and not subjects.
Read the original article by Hannes Engelbrecht on Front Nasionaal SA – blad
South Africa Today – South Africa News