In a conference held at the European Parliament in Brussels, Nick Griffin MEP together with other MEPs, and representatives from the Flemish Parliament and other European bodies heard a harrowing account of the attempted genocide of the Boer farmers and other white residents in South Africa. We were shocked and moved by what we heard – and by the way the controlled media cover it all up.
Henk Van De Graaf, Vice President of the Transvaal Farmers Union, made a passionate speech which was supported by pictures and statistical evidence. He told us that it only took until January 3rd before the first murder of a white farmer occurred this year, and that during January 6 horrific murders have already happened!
“One Settler, one bullet” is one of the quotes from ANC leaders.
So far, since the African National Congress took power in South Africa, an estimated 1,554 white farmers and an estimated 20,000 white South Africans in total have been horrifically murdered. He told us it is estimated because no “official statistics” exist and they and the farmers have had to put together the figures themselves.
He told us most of the murders happen on Sundays as the farmers go to church with the full family and the killers first rob the farms and load all the valuables into their vehicles and then wait for the family to come home from church. Then they attack the family and usually gang rape the women and girls in front of the other family members before torturing and killing them all, usually leaving the children to last so they witness the abuse, rape and torture of their parents before they are then killed.
In 1980 there were 80,000 white farmers in South Africa and now there are only 30,000 left, feeding a population of 50 million.
South African authorities have now officially said that the murder of white farmers is “no longer a priority” and the call out rate from the police attending urgent calls for help during attacks is shocking , the screams and pleas for help are just ignored or feeble excuses given, such as “the police car has no petrol in it.”.
Another shocking fact is that 15,000 guns belonging to the South African police force have “gone missing” and have simply been sold to the black market where they find their way into the hands of the murderers so the murders are being committed with weapons from the actual police force.
Not surprisingly the besieged families are organising to defend themselves as no one else will, yet even here the ANC come into the equation as the police do then get involved and there has been a spate of arrests and imprisonments of whites for arming to defend their families and community themselves.
The reason behind the killings and the horrific nature of the murders is simple. LAND. The ANC have openly said it is their policy to have 30% of the land reclaimed by 2014 but this again is fiction from the ANC, as figures show that as far back as 2001 only 31% of the land was owned by whites. Another fact, we were told was that 95% of the farm land now owned by blacks is no longer used for agriculture and is just reverting back to scrub land.
The horrific facts just kept coming throughout the lecture but for me the most telling indictment of the whole lecture was that during the whole tournament of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. all the murders of farmers and white South Africans totally stopped! This is clear proof that these atrocities are politically motivated and controlled and not random acts of barbarism as the ANC would have the world believe.
But therein lies another huge issue in this tragic and shocking situation …….”the World” doesn’t know of these almost daily atrocities and the attempted genocide of a minority people. And here is where we come in. The world must be told about the plight of these people. The politicians and of the Western World must be made, I say made, to take notice, because clearly they intend to suppress this. And they must be made to act, to impose economic and diplomatic sanctions on the South African Government and we have a part to play in this.
The Vice President finished with a statement that the unitary state imposed on them in 1994 has been a disaster and has led to the brutal murder of over 20,000 white people. The survivors are are under siege and in a constant state of fear and like any other group of people in the world these people want the right to determine their own fate, to protect themselves and their community. In short the complex political solution of possibly a homeland for these people, needs to be found.
But in the meantime it is our duty as nationalists to publicise the continuing atrocities happening in South Africa and we intend to do just that. We will be screening a short 10 minute film made by a South African journalist, It was shown at the conference and it is graphic and frankly horrific but it needs to be seen by as many people as possible.
Mr Griffin is also joining other MEPs to press the EU to condemn these atrocities and to act, as they do in so many other cases, depending of course on the colour of the victims!