How much land is REALLY owned by the SA State? And how much land is REALLY owned by ‘Whites’?
“ We shall dismantle the apartheid-landscape: Jacob Zuma to SA parliament… “
” We shall dismantle the apartheid landscape, which dictated where people should live and work on the basis of the colour of their skin. To this day, we are still working to reverse this legacy, hence the review of the ‘willing buyer, willing seller’ principle in order to accelerate the equitable distribution of land. You will recall as well that the education system was also used as an instrument to ensure perpetual subjugation as stated by Hendrik Verwoerd…’
In February 2012, the ANC leaders again were claiming that ‘80% of all the land still belongs to ‘the whites’. They claimed in 1994 that ‘more than 90% of all the land stil belongs to the whites’.
But they were always lying: 41% of the entire SA land surface used to belong to the black homelands: and now is State-owned land.
However – where does the ANC-regime get their ‘facts”? The SA land registries are in such a shambles that thus far, they have for instance not even incorporated the 41% of the SA land surface which were owned by the former independent homelands. Those all are State Lands where millions of black people continue to live and run subsistence-farms:
The 2011 Land Registry survey shows that 64,976 of the former 85,000 commercial (white) farms were already owned by the State by then…
According to a March 2011 land-registry survey summary to parliament, the SA State – even before incorporating the 41% of the land-surface from the homelands — already owned 64,976 of all the 85,000 (+) ‘white’ commercial farms by then.
Land Registry Records STILL do not include the 41% (1,2million+ square km) of the total SA land surface which used to be the tribal homelands
The bottom line is that the ANC-regime doesn’t know the exact extent of its own state-land holdings because its Land Registry Records still by October 2013, do not include the 41% of the total SA land surface of 1,214,470 sq km which used to be the independent tribal homelands.All this tribal land now is also officially owned by the State although not lodged in any land-registries…
90% of all these ‘redistributed farms’ are idle:
 By March 2011 the State owned 64,976 farms, 5448 ‘agricultural holdings’; and 41% of SA’s entire land surface in the former tribal homelands – which are not as yet registered in the Land Registry office and thus are also not listed as ‘State-owned’ in their official land-registries. All their public pronouncements claiming that ‘Whites own 80% of all the lands’ are clearly inaccurate propaganda. The former home-lands remain available to farming — and are being farmed by millions of black people today; and the State in 1994 also inherited another1,085,084 state-owned urban sites: which are mostly municipalities and their parcels designated for township developments, as well as inheriting large military-holdings, forests and wildlife reserves.
In 2008 – only 0.79% of the country’s land surface was under permanent crops: only 14,980 square km was under irrigation
The CIA observations from space have also registered the fact that by the end of 2008, although SA previously had access to 12.1% ‘arable land’ of its total land surface — only 0.79% of the land was under permanent crops – of which 14,980 sq km were irrigated in 2008. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sf.html
ABOVE: In March 31 2011, a total 1,155,508 Land parcels were identified as State land – of which 1,085,084 were urban, 64,976 were state-owned farms and 5,448 were state-owned agricultural holdings. In addition 41% of the SA land-surface were former black homelands: now also owned by the State and occupied/farmed by millions of black people. Entire SA Land Deed Registration Survey report to Parliament, March 2011:
BELOW: Land-parcels formerly belonging to autonomous tribal homelands, and of course still occupied and farmed in 2011 by the same tribal groups, occupy some 41% of the total SA land surface – yet are not registered in the current Land Deeds Registry Office at all — and ‘cannot be reconciled’ as per below, per province: (so how can ‘whites own 80% of all the land?)

Above — Up to 41 % of all the SA land (private and state) was however also identified as being in the formerly independent black homelands – and which parcels could not be reconciled with the SA Deeds Registration System because this land was under the hegemony of autonomic black-tribal entities and was not registered in the SA Deeds office before 1994. After 1994, the homelands ceased to exist. However — Millions of black South Africans still maintain subsistence farms and settlements there in e.g. Gazankulu, Bophuthatswana, QwaQwa, Bantu trusts, Kwa-Zulu, Transkei, Venda etc.
Arable farm-land in South Africa occupied only 6% percent of entire land-surface which was proven to be suitable for renewable, irrigated food-cropping:
In 1994, the SA revenue registers showed that there were between 85,000 and 100,00 privately-owned, food-producing farms in South Africa, which employed more than 1,6-million workers – all taxpayers who lived on the farms with their families. These farms ever only produced this excess-food on less than SIX PERCENT of the entire surface of the country – although according to the CIA, 12,1 percent of SA is considered ‘arable’ land.
 The effect on the SA agricultural sector:
By 2010, there were only 1,000 grain-producing commercial farmers left : Grain-SA
By 2010, the Grain-SA Cooperative reported a membership of only 1,000 grain-producing farmers in the entire country. The rest of the members in the Transvaal Agricultural Union and Agri-SA produce many other food-crops and products from livestock – while many commercial farmers also generated extra income by turning to the lower-overhead wildlife-farming and game-lodge tourism and hunting industry.
2011: Only 14,000 privately-owned, registered commercial farms remain on the taxpayers-registry:
However what this careful survey of these disreputable records in the SA Deeds Registration Office did reveal, was that there’s considerably more land owned by the State than they realize or want to admit to:
from the original 85,000 privately-owned food-producing farms which used to be in the hands of ‘white’ owners – (“Boer farms”) , only about 14,000 farms and smallholdings in 2010 were still registered at the SA Revenue Office as being revenue-producing ‘white-owned commercial agricultural sites’-
all the other farms are in the hands of the State, including of course all the former homelands, the municipalities and huge parcels of unused military land and forests, wildlife reserves etc.
In 2008 – only 0.79% of the country’s land surface was under permanent crops: only 14,980 square km was under irrigation

Only 0,79 percent of SA’s 12.1% of ‘arable farm lands’ were actually under permanent crops by 2009
The CIA observations from space have also registered the fact that semi-arid South Africa’s crop production has dropped dramatically since 1994: by the end of 2008, SA‘s total land surface comprised of 12.1% ‘arable’ farmable land’ — but only 0.79% of this land was under permanent crops : of which 14,980 sq km were irrigated in 2008.
South Africa is a very arid country with irregular supplies of running surface-water in many regions. The country’s agricultural production is largely reliant on the eleven-year drought/excessive rainfall cycle caused by the El Nino/El Nina weather phenomenon in the southern hemisphere – which is linked to the sun’s eleven-year solar-flare cycles.
The commercial farmers over the years successfully adapted their production-methods to this phenomenon over the past two centuries, preserving water in farm-dams for times of drought, carting in tons of natural fertilizer from off-shore islands, using the crop-rotation system to replenish and enrich the soul, and devising other ways of increasing dry-land food production. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sf.html
Yet despite the fact that 90% of the ‘redistributed farms’ now lay totally idle and produce no food whatsoever – — the South African government is still going full-steam ahead with its land-nationalisation programme.
Transvaal Agricultural Union of South Africa: objections to proposed Land Tenure Tenancy Bill to committee on rural development and land reform:
Entire SA Land Deed Registration Survey report to Parliament, March 2011:
Transvaal Agricultural Union of South Africa, objections to proposed Land Tenure Tenancy Bill:
Intelligence General Laws Amendment Bill
We shall dismantle the apartheid landscape: Jacob Zuma:
Land use, South Africa, CIA:
Posted 16th October 2013 by A Stuijt