Die Vryburger
The decision by Standard & Poor’s to downgrade South Africa to junk status did not come as a surprise. The downgrade has long being a threat and has become a reality – under ANC rule.
The general secretary of the HNP, Mr. Louis van der Schyff, said in a statement it was fashionable for the ANC government to blame what happened to all, not because of poor governance and management, but rather to lay it at the door of apartheid. “Therefore it is now necessary, with this downgrade, to make a comparison between the governments of the ANC, and NP under the late Dr. HF Verwoerd with its successful policy of separate development.”
“In the sixties, South Africa was a first world country. South Africa counted economically among the top ten western nations and was the strongest economic country in Africa. The English press wrote that South Africa is suffering from a surfeit of prosperity and is a shining example of success on a troubled continent. (Rand Daily Mail, 30 July 1966) The economic growth rate was 6%, and the inflation rate was 2%, and 74% of new labor could be incorporated into the formal sector annually. Unemployment was almost non-existent. The economic growth rate among the white population was 5.7% and among the black population was 7.8%. It went well with all people in South Africa.”
The success story of Dr. Verwoerd has captured the imagination of the world. It’s all destroyed by an avaricious ANC rule. The latest “success” of junk status of the ANC, means more economic pressure on the taxpayer and which will mainly affect the European taxpayer.
The Afrikaner nation, when they had the political power, cited the success as above, obtained for all South Africa’s people. We are tired of being the economic milk cow of an incompetent government.
We would ideally like to be free as a nation and to govern ourselves, not to give up. Then we will again succeed and repair our nation,” said Mr. Van der Schyff.
Read the original article in Afrikaans on Die Vryburger
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