Prof Gregory Stanton, research professor in Genocide Studies & Prevention, school for conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution at George Mason University in the USA visited South Africa as a guest of the FW de Klerk Foundation in July 2012. Prof Stanton is the President of Genocide Watch and their mission states: “Genocide Watch exists to predict, prevent, stop, and punish genocide and other forms of mass murder. We seek to raise awareness and influence public policy concerning potential and actual genocide. Our purpose is to build an international movement to prevent and stop genocide.”
According to Genocide Convention, Genocide is “the intentional destruction, in whole or in part, of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such.” They also address political mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and other genocide-like crimes. Genocide Watch has put South Africa on a level 6 of 8.
Charges of Genocide against the South African Government have been laid at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
The question raised is: Why do we not read or hear any of this information in the mainstream media, in spite of it being so widely available? Perhaps we should look for answers at the door of the company controlling mainstream media in South Africa. There is also a total Media Black Out in the UK and Europe regarding the stark reality of what is truly happening to White South Africans.
The biggest News provider in South Africa is Naspers. According to Wikipedia: “Naspers’ most significant operations are located in South Africa, from where it generates approximately 72.7% of its revenues, but other significant operations located elsewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa, Greece, Cyprus, the Netherlands, the United States, Thailand, Brazil, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, India, Turkey, China and Romania.” “Naspers is a South Africa-based multinational mass media company with principal operations in electronic media (including pay-television, internet and instant-messaging subscriber platforms and the provision of related technologies) and print media (including the publishing, distribution and printing of magazines, newspapers and books, and the provision of private education services).”
We have obviously arrived at the right location to start looking for answers. This might only lead to more questions which Naspers themselves need to answer. The big question posed is: “Why, with all this breakthrough news of Murder and Genocide is nothing said or printed in the mainstream media in South Africa?”
A huge sum of Naspers’ revenue comes from the approximate three million white Afrikaners. Many of Naspers’ newspapers and magazines are printed in Afrikaans. There are approximately five million white South Africans of whom two million are English speaking, many of whom supports Naspers’ other publications. These two groups (both White) are specific targets for farm murders and other violent atrocities which have now washed over into urban areas. They also publish for and target the black middle class.
Being the leader of the mainstream media in South Africa, they should be expected to present the news without judgement and be a company with authenticity and integrity at its core.
On their Website their mission is: “To build shareholder value by operating subscriber platforms that bring content, services and communication to paying users; to sell related technologies and be useful to the communities we serve.”
This Mission statement is very mushy and does not state in which way or what type of content is brought to the paying user. This also does not mean that there is integrity in what they present or that the whole story holds true as a well researched journalistic endeavour. One thing is clear in their mission statement; they aim to make money for their shareholders. As a sweetener at the end they do want to be “useful”. Can you get vaguer than that!
Their Vision states: “To create a personal reference world of entertainment, information and education, which is accessible wherever you are.”
Perhaps they want to entertain too much and veer away from the real news and actualities present in the new South Africa?
Before we go any further it is important to make it clear that this article is not to bash Naspers, but to ask the very pertinent question of why they are not broadcasting the news through all their various platforms and make the world aware of what is going on in South Africa. Any media organisation that so blatantly ignores prevalent news will be put under the magnifying glass.
In summary: Why is Naspers not reporting all of the news relating to the violent Black on White Attacks, Murders, Rapes and clear aim towards Genocide? Less than 20% of these attacks reach the public through mass media.
Is it because Naspers thinks it will decrease its revenue when publishing these facts? Are they more focused on entertainment and less on world news? The biggest and most sensitive question which they should answer is: Are they controlled by the ruling party, the ANC, who wants to dismiss, ignore and justify what is happening to the white people, especially the farmers, in South Africa? Are they too scared to publish facts that fly in the face of what the government of the day is saying that it is all part of crime in general?
“They can continue to whinge until they’re blue in the face, they can continue to be as negative as they want to or they can simply leave this country.” – Charles Nqakula told South Africans who complain about crime. He was Minister of Defence from September 2008 to 2009. He also served as Minister of Safety and Security from May 2002 to September 2008.
What can you do if you are also incensed by what is NOT happening to address the killing, rape and torture of innocent people? A good place to start is to follow a group that has started a new Facebook page: Boikot Naspers! Genoeg is Genoeg!
Please go and LIKE the page and stop buying Naspers’ products. A list of which can be found on their website or on the FB page mentioned above. When their revenue stream is choked, hopefully they will attend and listen to what their customers want and that is, in big part, to voice the troubles of a nation and to make the world aware of those that cannot speak for themselves any longer.