11 April 2016
By Mike Smith
11th of April 2016
What is with Thabo Mbeki lately? The media is full of his longwinded rubbish. It is as if this paranoid conspiracy dingbat of a former president thinks he is eligible for the job again. I honestly wish he would just STFU and STFD before he embarrasses himself any further.
There was a time when Mbeki was the darling of the liberals.
A pipe smoking Sussex university graduate who speaks English in poetic tones, quoting Yeats, he fooled all of them. They were convinced he was going to prove all the conservatives wrong once and for all and show the world that a black man can indeed govern South Africa. They even made him an honorary Knight of the Order of the Bath and a Knight of Malta.
Oh how the wheels came off.
Hardly did he take over from Mandela or it was clear that Mbeki was finished with the reconciliation politics of Mandela. He was out for revenge on the whites and delivering their jobs and property to the blacks. He introduced Affirmative Action, Black Economic Empowerment and told whites to shut up, because the ANC could have exercised the “Jacobin Option” on their asses, but didn’t.
Of course the Jacobins were known for the “Reign of Terror” during the French Revolution and when the Guillotine was not fast enough, loaded their enemies on barges; man and woman tied together in a “revolutionary marriage” and sunk the barges in the Loire River.
That is what Thabo Mbeki wanted to do to whites.
Mbeki is the idiot who went and wrote an AIDS denialist letter to the White House, 10 Downing Street and other world leaders. It was such laughable junk and conspiracy bullshit that Washington had the letter verified to check if it was a hoax. They then tried to keep it under wraps to not embarrass Mbeki, but the letter leaked out.
According to Mbeki AIDS doesn’t exist and it is all a lie told by white Nazi eugenicists who want to depopulate Africa and steal its riches from blacks.
His crackpot Minister of Health, Dr Manto Tshabalala-Msimang not only believed South Africa’s AIDS pandemic could be treated with easily accessible alcoholic beverages like Kaffir Beer and vegetables such as garlic and beetroot, she went to an AIDS conference in Toronto, Canada and opened a stand there promoting her quackery.
This is the woman who went on booze binges in a hospital when she was in Botswana for a shoulder operation and after stealing another patient’s items was deported from Botswana and declared a prohibited immigrant.
In May 2000 Mbeki’s spokesperson Parks Mankahlana criticized Glaxo Welcome for poisoning pregnant black women with AZT. Seven months later in October 2000 Parks Mankahlana, died of AIDS at the age of 36. Mbeki was at his death bed at his parent’s house in the Eastern Cape.
Peter Mokaba, the ANC Youth League leader, known in the 1990s for his use of the slogan “Kill the farmer, kill the Boer”, died of AIDS on the 9th of June 2002. Mbeki attended the funeral of this outspoken AIDS denialist.
Yet in 2003 at the Plaza Hotel in New York, where Mbeki was attending the opening of the United Nations General Assembly this lying sack of shit said in an interview with the Washington Post: “Personally, I don’t know anybody who has died of Aids”.
Asked whether he knew anyone with HIV, he added quietly: “I really, honestly, don’t know.”
Nevertheless…Peter Mokaba died of AIDS along with 365,000 people on Mbeki’s watch. The ANC named a football stadium in Pietersburg (Polokwane) after him.
It is fairly well known and was even acknowledged by Mandela himself that during the Mandela presidency, Thabo was running the show. During that period and during the presidency of Thabo himself, Eskom warned him several times that we would run out of electricity by 2008. Thabo chose to do absolutely nothing. He just sat back and for the next seven years we experienced rolling blackouts and load shedding stuffing up our way of life, our businesses and people died in our hospitals.
In 2000 when Mugabe seized white owned farms, Mbeki praised him and supported him. He called this “Quiet Diplomacy”.
When people started complaining about skyrocketing crime, Mbeki called them “White Racists who want to see the country fail”.
Instead, Mbeki put a moratorium on crime statistics and gave instructions to the police to massively massage and fudge crime statistics before releasing it six months later.
When the newspaper The Citizen, and other commentators challenged the apparent fall in crime, Mbeki described them as “pessimists who did not trust black rule”.
In 2007 the Head of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), Vusi Pikoli, was suspended by Mbeki after Pikoli obtained an arrest warrant for the corrupt Commissioner of Police and head of Interpol, Jackie Selebi, whose best friend was Mafia Boss, Glen Aglioti.
In 2008 when the local blacks started fighting with the foreigners in Xenophobic attacks, Mbeki downplayed it and did nothing.
He also believed in a bullshit conspiracy theory based on an affidavit by the former ANC Youth League leader, James Nkambule that thre prominent ANC leaders, Cyril Ramaphosa, Tokyo Sexwale and Mathews Phosa wanted to assassinate him. At the time James Nkambule faced more than 70 charges of fraud. Paranoid Mbeki’s inner circle became smaller and smaller the more he went off the rails.
No, it cannot be said enough. Mbeki was an embarrassment of a president just like any and all presidents the ANC produced so far. Mandela was a puppet who knew nothing about governing a country and left it all to Mbeki to do behind the scenes whilst he went around smiling and saying “Viva my people!” to all and sundry.
Mbeki I described above.
Now we have Zuma…the worst President in the history of presidents on planet earth and Kgelema Motlanthe who was interim president for seven months supports and protects Zuma.
In the Sunday Times of March 2012 the paper stated that Gugu Mtshali, Motlanthe’s partner and wife since 2014, was involved in a R 104 million bribe to obtain support for a South African company that attempted to sell helicopters to Iran in violation of sanctions.
See what I mean? How can any sane person still want the ANC in charge of South Africa? They must go.
The ANC has shown over and over that they cannot govern South Africa. They have proven to the public and the world that their so called “leaders” are nothing but corrupt, racist, lying and thieving scum out to enrich themselves and a small elite at the top. They should be kicked to curb as soon as possible. South Africans cannot allow them to misgovern the country a single day longer. My advice is…Get rid of the ANC. Start new. The sooner the better.