The March for South Africa
Yesterday, a march was held in Brisbane, in support of White South African farmers who are facing the injustices of being murdered at the hands of criminals, and confiscation of their lands by the South African government. There were at least two thousand people participating in the March, of diverse backgrounds, who had banded together to thank Peter Dutton for his efforts to offer refuge to those who are facing violence and murder in South Africa.
The March for South Africa started at Roma Street, and made its way to Parliament House on Alice and George Streets. Once everyone had arrived, cries of “Save South Africa”, “Save our farmers”, and “Thank you, Australia” went up from the crowd.
The organisers of the March were grateful to the attendees and wished them, and Minister Dutton, thanks. There were placards written in both Afrikaans and English, saying “thank you, Australia”, and “thank you, Minister Dutton”. At the rally, it wasn’t about politics, or race; the people who marched did so for justice, and against the reverse racism of the South African government in its aims to expropriate farmlands held by White South Africans.
One of my friends, known as “The Dusty Bogan”, interviewed a man whose family grew up in South Africa, but had to leave after his father was murdered by criminals. He spoke of how his best friend growing up was a Black South African, and how he missed his friend when his family was forced to flee to Australia. His story was one of sadness, not of hatred, and when he was asked if he hated them, he explained that he did not blame all of them for the actions of a few.
It can reasonably be said that the “Rainbow Nation” promised by Mandela is now a majoritarian dictatorship oppressing the White minorities, by turning a blind eye to violent crimes committed against the White community, The crimes started under former President Zuma have ramped up since President Ramaphosa succeeded him, with encouragement from Julius Malema, a Marxist agitator who controls the third-largest party, (the Economic Freedom Fighters) in the South African parliament.
The lack of consideration of the White community in South Africa was highlighted by the summoning of Australia’s High Commissioner in Pretoria to a meeting with the Foreign Ministry, demanding that Dutton retract his comments about how there should be consideration – only consideration, mind you – of expediting the processing of White South Africans within our humanitarian visa program. The reprobates in the Greens, however, claim that everything is fine in South Africa, and that Dutton is a “racist” and a “fascist” for wanting to rescue White people from what is starting to look like a genocide.
Member for Bowman, Andrew Laming, addressed the rally yesterday, and echoed the feelings of those who marched regarding the lack of political will of the South African government to protect its White community. While he stopped short of calling it a genocide, he made it clear that he was angry on their behalf at the injustices that they are suffering daily.
Following Laming, Senator Fraser Anning was less circumspect when he spoke about the atrocities occurring and called it the beginning of a genocide. Last week, he tabled a motion in the Senate to raise awareness of the White South Africans’ plight. Sadly, the mainstream media has been somewhat reluctant to cover what is going on in South Africa, preferring to focus on ball-tampering in Cricket.
Some readers may be aware that there have been acts of violence towards White South Africans for the past few years, but the fact that alt-media has been reporting on the violence while the mainstream media has remained silent should make anyone ask questions about the impartiality of the fourth estate.
The Greens, and other progressive groups, claim to be in favour of refugees, yet they couldn’t care less about the plight of White South Africans. There was another rally held yesterday, regarding the detention centre on Manus Island. There was nothing said at that rally about the plight of the White South Africans, only the usual platitudes of “they should be let in so that they can have a better life”. By that logic, why not allow the White South Africans? Or don’t they care? The progressives’ double standard is utterly abhorrent in this instance. They have always been notoriously hypocritical, but their preferencing of people who have been statistically shown not to integrate as well into Australia, over those who would have no problems integrating, shows that their supposed compassion is very much limited at the best of times.
The organisers of the March for South Africa will be holding another rally in Perth on April 8, and given the large South African community that has settled there, the numbers are likely to be even bigger. Eventually, the Government will have to listen, and as they should, grant humanitarian visas to the White South Africans who need them.