Posted on 17 Maart 2019 by volksvryheid
The point to the fact that Mandela was not imprisoned for opposing the so-called apartheid, or segregation, in Africa, but for being a communist terrorist murderer-bomber in service to the Soviet Union (or those others behind it) – He was also trained in Russia but also Mossad. “Apartheid” – segregation, is there since 1840 where ethnic groups made war with each other (mfecane wars) and then they and the British Empire created the separate areas called it reserves. It was not created by the Verwoerd regime but by the blacks and british themselves. Shepstone Policy. It became homelands after 1961 but by choice of themselves and elections. Furthermore, after 1994 it was again their own choices, all the homelands became separate Trustlands or CPA’s (landclaims) – all different areas apart from each other and under new legislations and the “constitution”.

The ANC’s guerrilla force, known as uMkhonto we Sizwe—MK, or “Spear of the Nation”—was founded in 1961 by Mandela and his advisor, the Lithuanian-born communist Jew Joe Slovo, born Yossel Mashel Slovo, who was officially named secretary general of the South African Communist Party in 1986 – (Sionists)
Slovo had been the planner of many of the ANC terrorist attacks, as detailed in the book Victory or Violence: The Story of the AWB of South Africa, including the January 8, 1982 attack on the Koeberg nuclear power plant near Cape Town, the Church Street bombing on May 20, 1983, which killed 19 people, and the June 14, 1986 car-bombing of Magoo’s Bar in Durban, in which three people were killed and 73 injured.
In 1962, Mandela was arrested along with 19 others, half of whom were White communist Jews, in apolice raid of ANC headquarters at a farm owned by Andrew Goldreich, also a communist Jew, at Rivonia, a Johannesburg suburb. They were mostly Sionists.
In the Rivonia Trial, which took place between 1963 and 1964, the defendants were tried for 221 acts of sabotage designed to overthrow the government and conspiring to aid foreign military units, when they invaded SA to further the objects of communism.
The prosecutor, Percy Yutar said at the trial that “production requirements for munitions were sufficient to blow up a city the size of Johannesburg.”
Escaping the death sentence, Mandela was given life in prison.
This is a quote from Mike Smith:
…on the 11th of July 1963, a week before Nelson Mandela’s birthday, the police arrested a string of top Communists and ANC members on Lilliesleaf Farm, Rivonia, North of Johannesburg.
They were manufacturing bombs and planning the violent overthrow of South Africa that would have lead to an invasion by foreign communist forces.
The shocking details of this evil plot called Operation Mayibuye (A Zulu word meaning, let it return, as in let the country return to the blacks), the brainchild of Arthur Goldreich, came out during the trial and are extremely well documented in the book “Rivonia Unmasked” – Lauritz Strydom available at Ostara Publications
The Rivonia trial was open to the scrutiny and criticism of the media of the world and highly regarded as a fair trial…[…]
The goal of Operation Mayibuye was to unleash 7000 armed and trained Marxist terrorist onto the country, who would then recruit more members and launch sabotage and terror campaigns murdering millions of white people including blacks suspected of being collaborators or informers to the white government.
The country would then be plunged into chaos and under these conditions several communist countries would invade South Africa.
Mandela and his co-conspirators were sent to life imprisonment by Judge Quartus de Wet, judge-president of the high court of the Transvaal.
The judge said that they were actually guilty of high treason for which the punishment would have been the death penalty (by hanging) , but because the state prosecutor, Percy Yutar did not prosecute them for high treason, rather the four lesser charges of sabotage, conspiracy to commit sabotage, recruiting and training terrorists and soliciting funds from communist countries for a terrorist onslaught against the country, they got life in prison.
On page 89 of “Rivonia Unmasked” it says “The State had elected, ‘for reasons which need not be detailed here’, to indict the accused on counts of sabotage; but in reality, Dr Yutar declared, the case was a classical instance of high treason.”
Dr. Yutar, for some or other reason decided that high treason would have been too difficult to prove and rather pursued the lesser charges of sabotage, etc.
In Rivonia unmasked, Dr. Yutar said himself that the documents seized and produced as evidence was enough to get a conviction.
He also had more than 200 people he could call as witnesses. Yutar
also said that the munitions and weapons found were enough to blow up a
city the size of Johannesburg.
As an excellent lawyer he would have had no problem to get the high treason conviction.
Problem was that of the 19 arrested, Goldberg, Bernstein, Hepple, Wolpe, Kantor and Goldreich were Jews, Kathrada and Nair were Indian, and Sisulu, Mbeki, Motsoaledi and Mhlaba were Xhosa, while Walter Sisulu had a Xhosa mother and a white father.
If they were all convicted of high treason, Dr Percy Yutar, a Jew himself, would have sent six fellow Jews to the gallows and the National Party of South Africa would have hanged six Jews which would have been a PR disaster and would have caused an outcry and possible accusations of “Nazism” against the SA government.
So a Marxist plot, started by a Jew (Talmudist), they get caught but are not tried and sentenced for the crime they actually committed because of blatant pro-semitism (which is a form of racism in itself).
This operation and it’s intended aim was to wipe out whites in South Africa. The ANC government today is COMMUNIST, do you think that Communism can ever be pro-white or even simply pro-humanity?