Opinion & Analysis / 7 August 2019, 10:37am / Muhammad Omar,

With the change in President Cyril Ramaphosa taking charge, one would have hoped to have seen a fresh and more business-like approach to solving South Africa’s various issues.
However, it seems either the problems are insurmountable, lack of understanding as to what is important, or finally, just that there is no political will to get to the bottom of serious issues and take decisive leadership and action.
Standards of municipal services have dropped. You hear of ratepayers placed in Third World conditions. You have politicians facing criminal charges, but still holding office.
No foreign investor is going to invest when you have Third World service delivery and First World expenses and regulations.
Vietnam, Bangladesh, the former Eastern Bloc and Soviet Republics probably represent far better and safer options than investing in SA.
Today, in SA, you do not know if your electricity is guaranteed or if, halfway through a project, a vigilante community group will halt work and threaten contractors and force you to abandon it.
SA’s political leaders need to show a strong bias for action and to eliminate the dead wood in order to ensure consistent delivery and acceptable standards of governance.
Failing this, SA is another Third World country in no-hope Africa.