Few recent texts have illustrated the increasing insanity around European immigration as abysmally as the editorial published in France’s Le Monde newspaper on 25 October 2016. Entitled “La ‘jungle’ de Calais, image du futur?” (Calais’s ‘jungle’: image of the future?) it essentially pleads for an open-borders policy for the entire European continent when it comes to immigration from Africa and the Middle East.
Published: October 30, 2016, 4:22 pm
The establishment French daily read by the political elite, as well as most government employees and teachers, also wants a “reform of the (French) welfare state so that it may adapt to this beautiful but difficult mission which is integration. The rest, in its entirety, is secondary.”
Le Monde used to pride itself on being a literary paper, often reporting on the French literary scene or carrying opinion pieces by famous French philosophers and intellectuals. One may therefore be excused for doing a bit of “explication de texte” or “close reading” of this monumental piece of immigrationist evangelism, requiring us to suspend all of our rational faculties in favour of accepting the belief in total immigration into our hearts.
I use the term “evangelism” advisedly, for Le Monde specifically refers to “integration” as a “beautiful mission” with all its connotations of making converts for the faith. When Alexander the Great, one of the ancient defenders of our civilisation against Persian imperial power, penetrated far enough into Asia Minor, he came across cults that practised self-immolation as a means of attaining nirvana or eternal bliss. Alexander and his men stood agape as Orientals committed suicide during macabre rituals by setting themselves alight.
It is almost a cliché, but Le Monde requires Europeans to literally sacrifice themselves on the altar of “integration”, a politically correct policy which – like communism – has worked nowhere. In the USA, Britain, the so-called “New South Africa”, Brazil and Europe itself, where integration has been prescribed for years as a panacea to the problems of multiculturalism and incompatible differences, it has failed spectacularly. America has six or seven decades of sometimes forced integration behind it, with no sign that it has contributed to social peace. If anything, the USA represents an anomic dystopia in which a small super-rich, all-powerful elite lords it over a subject population consisting of riotous ghetto-dwellers and a declining white middle class.
Le Monde‘s suggestion that the French welfare state should transform itself into one vast “Reception and orientation centre” (as the country’s current centres for processing migrants are called) for African immigrants represents a leap into the unknown which makes some of the more extreme communist experiments of the twentieth century look appealingly tame and rational.
The newspaper tritely concludes:
“Immigration will not stop. It is only beginning. Over the next thirty years, the active population of an aging Europe will go from 270 to 200 million. From now until 2050-2060, the population of Africa – one billion inhabitants today – could double…”
The only positive aspect of Le Monde‘s opinion piece is that it no longer negates the demographic reality facing Europe, which I previously described in a two-part article published in the USA, An African Planet? According to the Unites Nations’ demographers, Africa will indeed be “rising” with more than 4 billion inhabitants by 2100, vast numbers of which will seek their future in Europe, as opposed to their own continent with its distinct lack of infrastructure to support them. At least the future is now being depicted in unambiguous terms: one in which Europeans in most countries will become powerless minorities. Not only wil they lose their right to self-determination but they will also be ruled by hostile immigrants, those who are today burning their cars and rebelling against modern, secular values. In the coming dystopia, the “new majorities” will draft racist laws discriminating against the autochthenous European populations, as South African blacks have done against that country’s indigenous white population.
Le Monde‘s tiny ray of truth about population numbers is, however, overshadowed by the dismal pall of defeatism that hangs over its “solution” to the problem, which is to spend more and more European taxes on “welcoming” the migrants. This will only accelerate the inflows of people. At what point will Europe itself implode under the burden of “integrating” ever-increasing numbers of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East?
There is something very unEuropean about Le Monde’s folly that the future will look after itself, if only we continue to place our faith in yesterday’s platitudes, such as integration. After all, Europeans revolted against religious dogma and invented rationalism, as well as all the scientific disciplines it gave birth to. Now it seems we have to return to the Dark Ages of dogmatic thought and placing one’s faith in a utopian future contradicted by present reality.
Perhaps it is time to banish a few socialist journalists from Le Monde and other mainstream media to African countries where they may experience first-hand the misrule of its potentates, the corruption of its officials, the blind fatalism of its citizens, living in squalid slums that make Calais’s “Jungle” appear fairly civilized by comparison.
Why recreate Africa in Europe, when those who prefer African conditions may already experience them first-hand by simply getting on a plane? But as Americans have so often argued about their infamous “liberals”: they usually live in the whitest, most Western neighbourhoods, send their children to majority-white schools, thereby sermonising on integration from a safe distance. It is the same with Europe’s elite that live in a rarefied world of “grand luxury” as the French say, so far from the problems of ordinary Europeans that are already suffering under immigration.
While, to borrow Le Monde‘s ominous phrase, “it is only beginning”.
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