“The Dutch government ‘has a very special responsibility towards all South Africans of Dutch descent’” – said Kees van der Staaij, chairman of the Staatkundig-Gereformeerde Party (SGP) – in response to a petition to Dutch MP Geert Wilders from terrified Afrikaans residents, pleading for a safe haven in the ‘country of their roots’…
Below is:
- 23 April 2010 news report by Casper Naber of the Daglikse Algemeenblad, Bange Zuid-Afrikanen smeken om Wilders’ hulp(Translation by Adriana Stuidt)
- 21 March 2010 Human Rights Day, letter to Queen Beatrix of Netherlands; RE: For the Record Memo: ‘Beyond Milgram Belief’: 140 of SA’s Political, Academic and Media Elite; say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law
- 21 April 2010 letter to Geert Wilders of the Freedom Party (VVP): Req: Freedom Party Help for African White Refugees who are descendants of Dutch Citizens
Terrified ‘S.Africans’ of Dutch descent Appeal to Dutch MP for Safe Haven from Violence Targetting Whites
“The Dutch government ‘has a very special responsibility towards all South Africans of Dutch descent’ – said Kees van der Staaij, chairman of the Staatkundig-Gereformeerde Party (SGP) – in response to a petition to Dutch MP Geert Wilders from terrified Afrikaans residents, pleading for a safe haven in the ‘country of their roots’…
April 23 2010 – A 450-strong group of white South Africans with Dutch roots this week lodged a formal petition with Dutch MP Geert Wilders – asking urgently for his help to flee the country because of the growing violence targetting white families.
This violence has soared since the gruesome murder of the leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging Eugene Terre’Blanche on April 3. However while Mr Wilders has not yet responded to the petition from Mrs Lara Johnstone and her Facebook group, another Dutch MP, Mr. Kees van der Staaij of the Staatkundig-Gereformeerde Party (SGP) has responded most positively to the group’s request to be allowed to return to the country of their early forebears.
In an article in the Dutch daily Algemeen Dagblad today, journalists Caspar Naber and Axel Veldhuijzen report the contents of the petition and also quote the initiator, Mrs Lara Johnstone, 43, of George in the Western Cape, as saying that her forebears, surnamed Bosman, were sent to the then- Cape of Good Hope in 1707.
“And although she, her two brothers, 37 and 41, and her parents, now in their seventies, were born and bred in South Africa, they all want to return to their European root-country: the Netherlands. And as quickly as possible – because they are terrified, reports AD in its page 3 report, writing:
“The family Johnstone wants to leave South Africa because of their fear of the increased violence targetting whites. And Lara Johnstone is not the only one.”
Lara launched a petition with Dutch MP Geert Wilders on Tuesday.
And while Mr Wilders – who just launched his election-manifesto for the forthcoming June parliamentary election yesterday — had not yet had time to comment, the mooted chairman of the SGP party, Kees van der Staaij, did react very positively.
“The violence against whites in South Africa in a large problem,’ he said. “If they are targetted by violence, they should also be accepted as asylum-seekers in the Netherlands…”
Mr van der Staaij’s conservative-protestant party moreover reportedly also believes that The Netherlands has ‘a very special responsibility towards the often very religious South Africans of Dutch descent. ”
Van der Staaij was quoted in AD as saying “If those people do not feel safe in their own country and want to settle here in The Netherlands, our country should consider those requests with a positive approach. Especially those South Africans who themselves have been victims of violence and who have family members who were targetted by violence, should be able to ask for and receive help from the Dutch government”, he said.
“And if these people are genuinely being threatened (with their lives), as far as I am concerned they would also be positively considered as as asylum-seekers,” he said.
The article also quoted Len van Eeden, 40, from Durban, whose forebears left the Netherlands for “the Cape” around 1800. The murder on Eugene Terre’Blanche also had him reconsider things, reports AD. “We are getting very worried,’ he said. His family also is investigating all its options for fleeing the country.
“We are stuck in South Africa. Many other South Africans are doing the same thing. We aren’t extreme-right wing Afrikaners like the AWB but moderate whites.’
He visited Europe several times on vacation and as do many South Africans of Dutch roots, he said – and he too wants to try and obtain Dutch nationality.’
Mr Wilders has not yet responded to the petition from Lara Johnstone’s group.
Kees van der Staaij contact.
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» » [Algemene Dagblad: Bange Zuid-Afrikanen smeken om Wilders’ hulp]