26 May 2017
By Mike Smith
27th of May 2017
Over the years we have seen several amnesty periods for “illegal guns” in South Africa. The latest one is the one that started in April and will run for six months until September.
Since the new laws came in on the 30th of June 2009, the ANC regime wanted to declare all firearms illegal, criminalize 1,3 million legal South African gun owners and wanted people to go and reapply and reregister legitimate firearms and produce competency certificates, etc. Basically just a totalitarian scam by a totalitarian Marxist regime to find out who owns what type of gun and how many. Many people did not bother and just handed the damn firearm in.
Here is a good rule of thumb: Never trust a government that does not trust its citizens with guns.
Nevertheless, these “illegal” firearms are not just those owned by criminals, but also those inherited by normal law-abiding citizens or people whose licenses expired. BTW your license cannot expire if it does not have an expiry date on it. SA Hunters takes SAPS to Court about Firearm Licence Renewals
Renew in time or lose your gun
Unfortunately, what normally happens in these cases is that law-abiding citizens are the only ones who hand their firearms in. The criminals and gangsters don’t. It is not rocket science.
Read the comments on this article for instance: ‘Turn in your guns’ – Firearms amnesty announced by Police Minister
However the question is, “What happens to your firearm after you have handed it in?”
Here is a report that tells you exactly what happens to your gun. The police sell it to gangsters and criminals who then go about killing children and innocent people.
Exclusive: Confidential info leak in stolen cop guns case involving 3028 dockets
Police Colonel Chris Prinsloo of Vereniging was in charge of the police armoury and stole 2400 over a period of ten years.
These weapons had to be kept locked in sealed steel boxes at the confiscated firearms store in Silverton, Gauteng, before being destroyed. Police were meant to destroy all these discarded, redundant, and obsolete firearms.
Colonel Chris Prinsloo sold these firearms to Rondebosch businessman Irshaad “Hunter” Laher via a middleman, Vereeniging arms dealer Alan Raves. In June 2016, Prinsloo was sentenced to 18 years behind bars after entering a plea and sentence agreement with the State. He pleaded guilty to 11 charges, including theft, racketeering, and money laundering.
Laher offered Prinsloo R2m in exchange for stolen firearms and ammunition that were meant to be destroyed. Raves allegedly offered Prinsloo and another police officer R100 000 for firearms and ammunition. Prinsloo was charged with stealing parts of firearms – between 300 and 400 rifles, and up to 20 000 rifle cartridges.
Netwerk24 previously reported that 89 children had been shot dead on the Cape Flats between February 2010 and December 2015 with firearms stolen by Prinsloo. In that same period, another 170 children survived after being shot with the same firearms. The incidents were linked via ballistics to more than 800 firearms that Western Cape detectives had traced so far.
Major General Peter Jacobs who headed the province’s crime intelligence unit, was demoted and appointed Wynberg cluster commander when he discovered 250 firearms in a house in gang ridden Valhalla Park in October 2016. He and Major-General Jeremy Vearey , despite their expertise and probes into illegal firearms, were told to leave the scene. They said the instruction apparently came from the head of the Western Cape’s Crime Intelligence division, Mzwandile Tiyo. Since then both were shifted sideways and they have been subjected to constant smear campaigns.
General Jacobs, in an affidavit in the matter, has referred to the firearms case, saying 888 of the 2 000 firearms Prinsloo supplied, were forensically connected to 1 066 murders. This was for the period between 2010 and May 31, 2016.

Lets hang these fucking criminals.
USA have a 2nd amendment which legalize all his citizens to have guns to protect them, because the government cannot protect all his citizens at once. It is illegal for any government to ever try and refuse his citizens guns, because it is impossible for them to protect each citizen who could have protected him/herself if they had a gun.
If a government creates legislation to disarm his citizens, then they are busy to prepare for a mass destruction sometime in the future. There is no other way out. We know how that works out , all criminals have illegal guns and the law abiding citizen gets robbed raped and murdered by them without anything to defend himself.
God ordered Moses and Joshua to learn these Israelites to make their own weapons. Who are these governments to disarm or forbid people to arm themselves. Unheard of. If USA can have guns, then the whites in South Africa can have guns too.
Where have you ever seen such BS. Go and disarm all cat species of their guns too. Pull out their teeth and nails first before you disarm the whites in South Africa. If you can’t do that, then you can’t dis arm them too.
How many whites who have died from 1994, could have defended themselves if they were not disarmed by the stupid gun legislation. What is the difference between direct murder and indirect murder. In both cases you are guilty.
Now look at this. Direct case, ZUMA takes a gun and pot you right between the eyes. You are dead and the court finds him guilty of murder.
Indirect case, ZUMA take your gun away by legislation, Sipho breaks in, because he knows you don’t have a gun, he rapes you and then he pot you right between the eyes. You are dead. The law stipulates that you, who shares in the crime is just as guilty as him who commits it.
So, in this case the government helped Sipho to break in, rape you and then kill you. The government has incapacitated you by legislation to defend yourselves. They cannot guarantee your safety and therefore they cannot or have not any right to incapacitate you to defend your selves against Sipho. Therefore, the government is illegal to enforce such laws upon his people.
If any Sipho killed your beloved ones where you were incapacitated by legislation to defend yourselves, then you can either sue them, or take any illegal gun and shoot the president and all of them who made and implemented such legislation. Illegal is illegal, no difference. They are all participants in that case and are guilty according to law which punished thousands of other criminals for participation of crimes.
Gun legislation should only go as far as buying a gun legally and register it on your name. No other legislation to make it difficult to protect and defend yourselves where the government can’t do it.