From 1 January to 31 July 2017 there have been 257 farm attacks, and 53 farm murders reported, in South Africa. It’s terrifying, it’s shocking, it’s routine. In 212 days, 53 people were brutally killed, many tortured, and families torn apart forever.
From January 2017, MSVS and Vonkmedia began to keep track of attacks and murders on farms, and in particular attacks and killings on white people in urban areas. Yes, you have read correctly, specifically attacks and murders on white people.
And before all the liberal people become hysterical, I’d like to say in advance, that I know it’s not just white people in South Africa who are killed, and yes, I know everybody lives with fear and violence all the time. Nobody denies it. Please keep your own statistics on whatever form of violence affects you.
Our research is about farm murders and farm attacks of all demographic areas, as well as killings and attacks on white people in towns and cities. Any other group is free to investigate any other attacks and murders, and we all want is to see the correct statistics revealed.
How do we get our information? We work closely with several Commandos, CPFs and community information groups nationwide who provide information to us. These people do incredible work, and without them, many more people would have lost their lives. All information is verified to make sure the information is correct and can be substantiated.
What does the situation look like after the first 7 months of 2017?
Bad. Heart broken. Frightening. Should you talk to the men and women of commandos and safety groups, you will feel the pain, because then you realize what’s really going on in South Africa. Many nights in a row, these men and women hide on farms, where they safeguard the farmers and their families. Where they wait for signs or information sent to them of possible attacks. Where they work with policemen and women to stop offenders, wiping out their families.
While you and I sleep soundly, these are the volunteers who try to prevent an attack on a farm. You see the trauma and despair in their eyes. Eyes that have seen too much death. If it were not for these people, the statistics would have been much higher, and the tragedy much bigger.
But great …. is the tragedy, yes great, 257 attacks in 212 days leading to 53 funerals. For most people, these statistics are something of a shock for a few minutes and the feeling of sadness, but then people move on. Forget about that. But how can we forget? We must not forget. We CANNOT BE INDIFFERENT ABOUT THIS. WE CANNOT SIGH AND MOVE ON, and we must NOT forget the victims.
What can we learn from the statistics?
• On average, the attackers come in groups of 3 – 4.
• The average age of farm attack victims is 58.
• The average age of victims of farm murders is 60.
• The oldest victim who survived an attack 89. Youngest victim who survived, a farm attack 6.
• The oldest victim of farm murders in the first six months was Bob Gawler (88) who was killed in Natal on July 28 on his farm De Mist.
• The two latest victims killed are CT Steyn (32) who was stabbed on a farm in Warden and Bafana shot dead on a farm in Heidelberg.
• 65% of the victims of farm murders and attacks were over 70 years old.
• In the first 7 months, 45 attacks took place during Friday nights and 44 nights during Thursdays.
• 28 attacks occurred during Sunday nights.
Attacks by province
Gauteng – 53 attacks
Limpopo – 48 attacks
North West – 41 attacks
KZN – 39 attacks
Mpumalanga – 25 attacks
Free State – 22 attacks
Eastern Cape – 14 attacks
Western Cape – 11 attacks
Northern Cape – 4 attacks

The Agricultural Newspage claims that more than 20 000 South African farms are currently in the market. It’s the highest amount of farms in 20 years that farmers want to get rid of. So if 20 000 farmers no longer farm, and the rest are left to be killed … .. what’s the future for South Africa.
Farmers are the food suppliers. Without farmers, whether they stop farming or be killed, a country cannot feed the people. Why doesn’t anyone shout and argue about this?
In 1980 there were about 128 000 commercial farmers in SA. 2007 SARS records show that 39 966 farms are active commercial farms, of which 2 167 belong to large enterprises, 2 259 to Close corporations, 874 family trusts and 33 249 to individual farmers. Not google or StatsSA can tell me exactly how many farmers are left, but some sources speculate that the number of farmers is currently between 40 000 and 70 000.
Whatever the number, the fact remains that there is a total onslaught against our white farmers.
Save the Farmer …… Save the country ……
By Amor Gerber
Read the original article in Afrikaans on Vonkmedia
South Africa Today – South Africa News