Posted on 27 Junie 2019 by volksvryheid
They always said they are landless, but it is a big lie and not the truth. How much land belong to the (ANC) government of South Africa and their own black/other supporters today? Land that do not belong to whites in South Africa … they always reported in the media, in “parliament” and to the rest of the world, that the minority whites in South Africa are the owners of 70-88% of land. Farming is only a small proportion of the land of white farmers (ownership), but that is not more than 22% of the land that is suitable for agricultural purposes. All parliament members do have more than one property and farmland, included Ramaphosa do have 3-5 farms and 31+ private properties.

How much land belong to goverment of South Africa today? Land that do not belong to whites in South Africa …
SOE – Eskom, powerstations, Denel,
army, harbours and airports, municipalities, 30-40 million immigrants
live on “municipal lands”, hospitals, most schools, rivers, dams and
infrastructure like rail and roads, special protected areas and wetlands
Government bought 5000 productive farms with tax money 90% of farms allocated to blacks failed
Game parks – Sanparks
Currently South Africa do have
8840 traditional leaders, that stay either on Trustlands or registered
CPA’s. Some Trustlands and CPA’s are huge.
Old Homelands – Trustlands
Landclaims – CPA’s
Mining and explorations – permits given to private companies by government. Thousands of mines closed down with any rehabilitation, a nomandsland
There are 7.6 million blacks already have title deeds
PLUS the 30-50 million of immigrants in South Africa also live on municipal government properties
What is SOE?
Gordhan SOE’s speech May 2018
A few of Eskom’s photo’s and also coal mining
Pollution: South African HOTSPOT – Eskom power stations – Witbank
Agricultural land in South Africa is 22%
90% of farmland bought since 1994 and allocated to black farmers failed
Grond geskik vir landbou-doeleindes
Goverment ANC bought 5000+ productive farms after 1994 and are still the owners.
Grond eienaars: ANC regeringsplase
The termm, Homelands changed to Trustlands and ANC / FW de Klerk
created new legislations during Codesa. Those areas were smaller
before 1930 and farms were taken (bought) from whites farmers and give
it to blacks to include land into the reserves.
“Caretaker President Ramaphosa” (SA)
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AND THE FIGHT IS STILL ONGOING IN PARLIAMENT, TO CHANGE THEIR OWN CONSTITUTION TO EXPROPRIATE WHITE PROPERTIES, WITHOUT COMPENSATION AND TO SPILL THEIR HATE ON THE BLACK POPULATION OF SOUTH AFRICA In his reply to the debate in parliament that followed his third state of the nation (Sona) address, President Cyril Ramaphosa downplayed Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema’s accusation that the president and ANC adopted the policy of land expropriation without compensation for votes, without “meaning it”. “I agree with honourable Malema that we will not solve the social ills confronting South Africa without addressing the question of land,” he said.
He then committed to making good on delivering changes to the constitution which would explicitly allow for expropriation without compensation. “Parliament will have to deal with the Land Expropriation Without Compensation Bill to achieve agrarian reform and spatial justice. We want to make all rights visible,” Ramaphosa said.
“Given the chance, our people are able to rise to the top and that is what we are seeking to do,” he continued. “We are establishing an institutional basis to remove constraints in accessing land. Land should be distributed to those who work it.”
This follows Malema issuing a “warning to the ANC” during his debate responding to Ramaphosa’s Sona, that “we cannot use the land question to encourage people to vote for us, it is an emotive issue and when we speak about it we must be meaning it, not what you did to the electorate”. If we do not change the patterns of property ownership in South Africa, white people will continue to think that they are superior because they own the means of production,” Malema said. Elsewhere in his speech, Malema issued a stronger warning.
“We must, therefore, warn you that if you do not expropriate land without compensation and return it to its rightful owners, the democratic project remains under permanent threat,” Malema said.
“Our people are going to engage in an unled revolution because there will be fighting for what rightfully belongs to them.” While the president does claim to agree with the opposition leader on the necessity of expropriating land, they may well disagree on the method.
Ramaphosa has repeatedly told people not to “panic” about the constitutional change, promising that it would not be a “smash and grab” attempt, and many consultations would still take place to ensure the process would not harm food production, jobs and the economy as a whole.
The president has attempted to calm investors jittery at the prospect of land expropriation on multiple occasions, pleading with groups that have been trying to warn other countries and investors that property rights were under threat in South Africa not to panic or spread fear, but to rather embrace the positive spirit of the legislative change, which he believes could still bring benefits to the country.
The EFF leader says ‘white people will continue to think that they are superior’ unless the pattern of land ownership is changed. After painting a bleak picture of the lives of young South Africans today, Malema said the “issue of resolving inequality” will never “happen in South Africa … if we don’t resolve the land question”.
Malema has made similar “unled revolution” comments before. In June 2018 during an in-depth interview with Turkish-based 24-hour news network TRT World, the firebrand politician issued the same kind of warning, saying South Africa would descend into an anarchic revolution if things continued the way they have.
“I can’t give you a guarantee of the future,” Julius Malema said. “Especially when things are going the way they are.
“If things are going the way they are, there will be a revolution in this country. I can tell you now. There will be an unled revolution in this country, and an unled revolution is the highest form of anarchy,” Malema said, in comments with parallels to his controversial statement that he and his party were not calling for the slaughter of white people “for now” – comments that saw him taken to the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC), although the complaint was dismissed.
“We make no apology, neither are we ashamed to repeat the call that the land must be expropriated for equal distribution,” he said. The only way to ensure a “quality life for our people is by giving them the land,” he added, expressing what he saw as the urgency of amending the constitution to allow for expropriation without compensation.
In March, the National Assembly adopted a report that delegated the task of drafting an amendment to the constitution to explicitly allow expropriation to the sixth parliament, which is now in session following the May 8 elections.
The report was agreed to by 210 votes to 61 with support from parties including the ANC and EFF, with the Democratic Alliance (DA), African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) and Freedom Front Plus (FF+) signalling that they would continue to fight the proposed constitutional amendment.