By Mike Smith
24th of November 2015
Julius Malema is on his way to England and when you look who he is going to meet and address there, then it certainly raises a few eyebrows…Royal Institute of International Affairs, Oxford Union, Pan African People’s Movement in Tottenham and attend the African Enterprise Awards at the London Capital Club…all affiliated or connected to Rhodes/Milner’s Round Table Group.
Malema’s UK visit “sends a message”
Just exactly what message would that be?
Malema is being hosted by the “Who’s who” of the Illuminati in London where the corrupt South African ambassador Obed Mlaba, a Zulu and former mayor of Durban, is seen as a Zuma crony. The message to the ANC is simple: Your time is up.
Mlaba is the man who was investigated together with Mike Sutcliffe for gross corruption and the destruction of the once beautiful city of Durban.
Mayor and city boss to be probed
“The auditor-general found that the city had irregularly spent R535-million and the Ngubane audit implicated Sutcliffe and three officials in irregular housing contracts of R3.5-billion over the past 10 years.”
“Mlaba allegedly had shares in a company that nearly landed a R3-billion tender to convert the city’s waste to energy.”
For a long time now Malema has been threatening to nationalize the Illuminati’s gold mines, businesses and seize their land. His latest stint was to threaten to occupy all the ABSA banks. ABSA was created by the Afrikaner Broederbond and the Pierneef paintings in its head office belongs to the Afrikanerbond. ABSA is of course the biggest bank in South Africa and belongs to the British Barclays Bank, the Illuminati’s personal bank. Circles within circles, like Russian dolls. We are going to occupy all the ABSA branches: Malema
If I was the ANC I would get very worried about saving my skin.
The message here is that the ANC is so corrupt, greedy and busy stealing the country into bankruptcy that they have not noticed that they have fallen out of favour with their Round Table Illuminati bosses in the UK and the US. The ANC’s love affairs with criminal and terrorist scum like Sudanese dictator Omar al Bashir, Hamas leader Kaled Mashaal and their general reluctance to toe the line doesn’t help much either.
Of course “Kiddi Amin” Malema can easily be taken out like they did with Verwoerd, but why not use him to further your agenda? He is corrupt enough. Something Verwoerd wasn’t.
The worst thing that can happen to the ANC’s Illuminati Round Table, Rand Lords in England is to have the gold supply from SA dry up, because they need gold to create Ormus aka “Monatomic gold” or “The Philosopher’s Stone”…a white powder the Bible refers to as “Manna” that ensures eternal life and boost your intelligence by a thousand percent. That is how you are able to control people.
That is why they have this insane fixation with gold…an otherwise useless metal hardly good enough to make jewelry from.
…and of course they are worried about their other properties and businesses being threatened. Malema will be their new House Slave, controlling the masses and ensuring that steady supply of gold.
But Malema or anybody who wants to become president of SA will have to fulfill another Illuminati goal and that is to commit genocide and mass murder. Something Rhodes, Verwoerd and the ANC, at least to date, has failed to do…at least in sufficient numbers.
Of course three of the ten guides (1;2 and 10) on the Georgia Guidestones deals with population control and keeping the world’s population under half a billion, which means that about 6.8 billion “useless eaters” will have to die.
This is not some bullshit conspiracy theory. Professor Carrol Quigley Wrote it all in his monumental book, Tragedy and Hope: A history of the world in our time
Quigley was Bill Clinton’s mentor and an insider of the Round Table group founded by Rhodes and Milner in South Africa. In fact he had no problem with the agenda of creating a NWO with a one world government. He fully supported it. The only problem he had was that the Round Table tried to hide it from the people.
This is what he wrote in “Tragedy and hope”:
“There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the Radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other group, and frequently does so. I know of the operation of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies… but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.”
You see? Once you know the Agenda, you cannot be fooled anymore.
That is why Africa was decolonized by the Illuminati Round Table and despots like Bokassa, Amin, Mugabe, Machal, the ANC, etc were brought to power. Nobody kills blacks better and faster than other blacks. That is why Rhodesia, Angola, Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa today are all run by Communist dictatorships and the mass murdering dictators are heaped with medals, awards and even knighthoods.
They are serving the NWO agenda. In the bigger scheme of things, these few white colonists like us in SA are nothing. Just collateral damage. In fact whites still keep blacks alive by giving them jobs, food, clothes and healing them in hospitals. It is a disaster for the Illuminati.
When the whites go the agenda will go into overdrive and accelerate. How the whites go…willingly, forcefully or by death does not matter. All that matters is the Agenda…And this is what Malema is being groomed for.
As for the poor ANC? They are gone. It is what happens when you get too greedy, too big for your shoes and do not have a cooking clue as to who you climbed into bed with and who pulls your strings.