February 16, 20174

No one is safe in South Africa.
For those liberals who simply deny that anything is wrong in South Africa you guys simply live a lie and in a fairy tale land. I am a young South African abroad and feel ashamed to even touch a South African passport.
I absolutely defend what my forefathers built in that country but today it is unfortunately labeled as “colonialism”. I simply refuse to defend what has become of the new South Africa under the ANC government and so-called “democracy”.
Democracy has only alienated the whites of South Africa and enforced a reverse apartheid upon them. I feel for the younger generation of whites who suffer now. Were they part of Apartheid? Simply, no! Unfortunately world media is not doing the same job like when they portrayed and exposed only the worst of Apartheid. Where are you now? Did you guys find a new way of paying the bills? A suffering nation of whites under the rule of a barbaric society and evil regime won’t make your headlines now? SHAME ON YOU!
I invite those people who refuse to see that the whites in South Africa face a critical situation for survival to take a trip to South Africa and have yourself an extended stay. Just be warned you might be left for dead in a bush tied to a tree…
So let’s stop beating around the bush and face the facts of an ever increasing danger for white people in South Africa.
These are only recent incidents in the so-called “Rainbow nation”.
A mother of three was brutally murdered stabbed 21 times and her eyes were removed by the sick black savage. I invite you liberals to go and comfort those three children who lost their mother in the most inhumane way imaginable.
A family of four were shot in their heads execution style on a farm during a farm attack.
An eight-year-old disabled boy was stabbed 5 times during a house robbery.
Eleven farm murders occurred in 14 days.
In a shocking incident last year 9-year-old Kayla Meyer and 3 other family members including her mother, grandfather and stepfather were savagely murdered on their farm.
After shocking incidents like these all hope in South Africa is lost to live like a “rainbow nation”. Don’t dare to try and teach pride into me about my country. For me it is a war-zone and I am a target.
White people in South Africa can no longer allow another segment of South African society to reign over them. You can’t be a nation when another nation reigns over you.
I speak on behalf of most white South Africans, we are fed-up with our situation. I for one vote out of this mess!