The Khoisan Once Were Kings Of The Planet. What Happened?
December 22, 20144:22 PM ET DIANE COLE  In Namibia today, members of the ancient tribe of hunter-gatherers still forage. New genetic research reveals they were once the largest group of humans. Stephan C. Schuster/Penn…
Khoi-San say SA is theirs. All of it
24.9.2016 07:30 am Amanda Watson  Khoisan people| Supplied Ifnasa wants legal standing for the premise that the Khoi-San were the original occupiers of the land, and therefore everyone else is the invader. This land…
South Africa’s forgotten bushmen fight for recognition
Khoisan, southern Africa’s first inhabitants, seek legal redress for ‘injustices’ and demand land rights as well as cultural protection  Khoisan rock art. The Khoisan are seeking legal redress for what they claim is ‘cultural…
First-nation status for Khoisan ‘unsustainable’
 06:06 27/11/2016  Andisiwe Makinana The government does not want the Khoisan people to be declared as the “first nation” of South Africa, warning this would create divisions in the country and would not…
UN General Assembly backs indigenous peoples’ rights
BREAKING NEWS UN General Assembly backs indigenous peoples’ rights September 13, 2007 UNITED NATIONS (AFP) – The UN General Assembly on Thursday adopted a non-binding declaration upholding the human, land and resources rights of the world’s…
Khomani Desert San – Northern Cape, South Africa
Khomani Desert San – Northern Cape, South Africa The San are the aboriginal people of South Africa. Their distinct hunter-gatherer culture stretches back over 20 000 years, and their genetic origins reach back over one…
Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill Hearings
WHERE IS OUR JUSTICE 8th December 2016 Summary We as the First Nation of South Africa want to acknowledge the innovative and creative leadership that was provided by South Africa’s liberation movement. We recognize…
South Africa: We Need a More Simplified Version of the Bill – Chief Daatjie Jafta
By Abel Mputing The third session of the public hearings on the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill in the Eastern Cape was held in Graaff-Reinet. In his opening address the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee…