Racial and other myths of the new South Africa
Sara Gon | 23 November 2015 In the first of a series Sara Gon writes on the concept of demographic representivity There are many myths perpetuated in South African politics. A myth is a “widely…
Sara Gon | 23 November 2015 In the first of a series Sara Gon writes on the concept of demographic representivity There are many myths perpetuated in South African politics. A myth is a “widely…
By SAPAJune 26, 2014 Public service managers are being encouraged to keep posts vacant rather than fill them with whites, an SA Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) consultant said in a newsletter this week. “In…
Posted January 24, 2013 by LucAversa Location Cape Town, South Africa By LucAversa | Posted January 24, 2013 | Cape Town, South Africa South Africa is the only country in the world where the government…
January 18, 2016 This morning Alec Hogg wrote about Brazilian economist Edmar Bacha, who used a mythical country called Belindia to explain his nation’s challenge. He described Brazil as akin to a merger between a…
Racist BEE (BLACK ONLY) rules are getting stricter The roll out of the updated Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) codes that will come into effect from the on the 1st of May 2015, is…
August 24, 2015 Protea Media During apartheid, one of the reasons the whole world opposed the régime was that it legislated racism into being. In a very real sense, apartheid made it legal to discriminate,…
Sara Gon | 23 November 2015 In the first of a series Sara Gon writes on the concept of demographic representivity There are many myths perpetuated in South African politics. A myth is a “widely…
Broad-Based Black Empowerment (BEE) is the South African Government’s set of policies intended to lift employment and business participation of previously disadvantaged communities. The strictly enforced policies have caused a huge number of problems…