3 days ago
The land war is reaching its tipping point, the Boer Afrikaner Volksraad warnedthe ANC, adding that it’s a war against Afrikaner boer people.

The activist group said it will not acknowledge a any law that makes nationalisation of land without compensation legal.
The organisation, who released a statement in Afrikaans, said it will consider the removal and occupation of the country in terms of any law as an act of war against the Boer Afrikaner people.
The group warned it will defend its land against this and strike back with internationally accepted means and methods to make sure their ownership and recovery.
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The group lashed out after the EFF called on Parliament for the expropriation of land without compensation.
Briefly.co.za learned from The Citizen that the party’s controversial leader, Julius Malema, called on balcks to unite to make sure section 25 of the constitution is revised to make it constitutionally possible to nationalise land without payment.

Meanwhile, Phumuzile Ngwenya-Mabila, an ANC MP, said she and the ANC understand the history of land dispossession, adding that the idea of land expropriation without compensation remained unconstitutional.
Ngwenya-Mabila indicated she did not agree with the proposition by the EFF to amend section 25.
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Currently, this section of the constitution states it’s illegal to take back land without payment.
At the same time, the constitution says the payment amount should be just and equitable and that is should reflect an equitable balance between the public interest and the interests of those affected. All relevant circumstances should also be regarded.
The Boer Afrikaner Volksraad said it considers the lack of action taken against the country’s high number of farm murders can be seen as hostile acts against while people.
The group said in its statement that South African land ownership and occupation has been greatly researched several times throughout history, but said the ANC continuously claims the land they own was stolen from black people.
“Therefore, any act of Parliament that allows expropriation of our land or any other property without compensation, will be deemed legalisation of theft of our property.”