This is an open letter to the media houses and reporters of the world such as BBC and CNN and also the United Nations and various governments around the world, the blood of the white South African is on your hands! By refusing to report and take action against the brutal farm murders, rape and torture of white South Africans you have become an accessory to the fact!
What will you tell your children, what will you tell your parents, brothers, sisters, grand parents and friends when they ask?
Will you just simply say sorry or its not my problem, maybe you will hang your head in shame, while another child and his/her parents are raped, tortured and murdered because you did nothing!
Let us imagine for a minute that these barbaric actions are happening to you and your family and friends, while your president sings song of killing you, what will you say or do, will it become headline news, will mass action be taken?
2500 people died in 911, the American government sent 250,000 troops to Iraq and Afghanistan as a measure of revenge!
Xenophobic attacks takes place in South Africa, 10 foreigners die and the world goes crazy, CNN and BBC and RT International have none stop reports, various governments strongly condemn these attacks.
Almost 70.000 white South Africans have been murdered under the most vicious circumstances since 1994, where bodies are even mutilated and yet you are silent?
The Blood of the white South African is upon you, you are accessories to the fact, may God have mercy upon your soul!
Its is said it is more evil for a good person to do nothing, than it is for a bad person to do evil!
By Mike Pericic
South Africa Today – South Africa News