Articles by Admin

The Khoisan Once Were Kings Of The Planet. What Happened?

December 22, 20144:22 PM ET DIANE COLE In Namibia today, members of the ancient tribe of hunter-gatherers still forage. New genetic research reveals they were once the largest group of humans. Stephan C. Schuster/Penn State…

Khoi-San say SA is theirs. All of it

24.9.2016 07:30 am Amanda Watson  Khoisan people| Supplied Ifnasa wants legal standing for the premise that the Khoi-San were the original occupiers of the land, and therefore everyone else is the invader. This land…

Khoisan group to wait seven more days for Zuma meeting

Poloko Tau2017-12-12 13:47 The group outside the union buildings. PIcture: MORAPEDI MASHASHE Related Links ‘Recognise us’ – Khoisan Chief vows to camp at Union Buildings until Zuma agrees to meet The Khoisan revolution Traditional leadership…

South Africa: Why the Battle of Blood River? Rewind…

February 28, 2013 Henri Le Riche Afrikaner, General, Military, South Africa, South Africa History Comments We so often hear about Blood river where the Voortrekkers defeated 10 000 Zulus. The Voortrekker monument is a testimony to their sacrifices. But what you don’t hear is…