BuzzSouthAfrica has confirmed that the Black First Land First (BLF) movement laid 22 criminal charges against FW De Klerk for apartheid crimes.
Also, BLF laid 16 criminal charges against Adriaan Vlok. The movement laid the charges at the South African Police Services (SAPS) in Buitekant Street, Cape Town, Western Cape.
According to them, the charges are for the apartheid crimes De Klerk and Vlok committed against blacks. Apart from the charges, BLF lodged 2 complaints of racism against South Africa’s last head of state under the apartheid era.
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The first complaint was about De Klerk saying apartheid wasn’t a crime against humanity.
“On May 29 2015, De Klerk told the Bondsraad at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria that apartheid was not a crime against humanity. This declaration by De Klerk is an act of racism,” read a BLF document.
The second complaint was about the ex-leader reporting racist comments to SAHRC.
“FW De Klerk’s complaints to the SAHRC on 15 January 2016 against black people who made certain comments in 45 social media posts that he alleged to be racist – is in itself an act of racism,” stated BLF.
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Meanwhile, BLF called on South Africans to reject Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa’s apology for Marikana saying it’s fake.
To the movement, Mr Ramaphosa is an agent of white monopoly capital and a direct beneficiary of the Marikana massacre.
“Our people do not want apologies. The Marikana workers died in the struggle for a minimum living wage of R12 500. We demand reparations for those who died in the massacre as well as for those who survived it.
“Only a minimum living wage plus reparations for Marikana is an acceptable apology. Until this happens, the empty rhetoric presented as an apology is rejected,” BLF asserted.
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Afterwards, the movement indicated that Ramaphosa has shares with Lonmin. As such, BLF called on the mining outlet to pay reparations immediately and give the workers R12 500 minimum living wage or leave South Africa.
Apartheid Crimes: 22 Criminal Charges Laid Against FW De Klerk