The basic tenet of black consciousness is that the black man must reject all value systems that diminish him and reduce his basic human dignity, especially when dark forces emanate from the political systems in power.
There has been an awakening felt by millions of blacks in South Africa. Until recently, it was not fully understood that the enemy was from within.
For most black people, the definition of progress has been advancing their education, their standard of living, and access to services and other freedoms. This has been partially achieved over the last twenty years, but recent progress has stagnated, and in many instances reversed.
With our black people’s over-eagerness to achieve their freedom and dignity, dark forces were born.
The minority elite ANC government became drunk with power – their priorities became focused on stealing and creating wealth for themselves, instead of worrying about the millions of people who desperately needed them.
Out of this evolved South Africa’s version of the house Negro – yes, the corrupt ANC parliament members have housed Negroes, succumbing to their new master of material greed and debauchery, turning their backs against their own people. All whilst constructing the perception that they are still the good shepherd.
The definition of progress mutated and became defined by how many people could be brainwashed to be part of the political order. Blacks were drafted into the ANC College and inducted into the black social order to be used as a bourgeois buffer zone in the mass deception created to numb the masses of black people.
The black masses were “dumbed down” and kept compliant while the ANC criminals and their bourgeois sinfully redirected and “consumed” the money and privileges that were promised for restoring the black man’s dignity.
Black people were encouraged to abandon their religion and convert to that of the bourgeois oppressors.
The cracks are now gaping holes, and common people see the ANC-laced bourgeois for what they really are – Thieves.
Our people have the clarity they were looking for. They are strong and now are awakened in the most positive call to be heard from the black world in a long time.
For those still being oppressed by the dark ANC-laced bourgeois forces, it is a peculiar sensation – this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at oneself through the eyes of others…one feels a strange twoness – two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings, and two warring ideals in one dark body.
We must use our dogged strength to tear the destructive ANC influence out so that our true consciousness can be purified.
This raised level of consciousness is no longer relegated to a race, culture, or creed, it is now a collective consciousness that has united all South Africans, and all those who share a common outrage at the deception pulled over our eyes by the minority-black-ANC-elite for so many years.
The false system forced on us by the ANC bourgeois has become our new oppressor.
This is a call to all South Africans to purify your consciousness, open your eyes, and let those dark forces know that they have stolen our dignity, and for that, they will pay.
A unified South Africa will bring the fall of the criminals in government who have stolen and lied to us, and allowed our country to deteriorate unashamedly.
By: Menzi Solomon Shange
South Africa Today – South Africa News