Monday, June 10, 2019 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: anti-white, badmedicine, badscience, bigotry, black, brown, crybulies, culture, deception, education, entertainment, evil, left cult, Leftists, lies, mainstream media, Medicine, racism, Racists, real history, regression, revisionist history, science, skin color, slavery, Twisted, white, White Genocide, white people

(Natural News) In case you haven’t noticed, anti-white racism is rapidly becoming an accepted cultural norm throughout the United States and much of the Western world.
Mainstream entertainment, news, education, and even science and medicine, have all but completely been infiltrated and subverted by nefarious entities that are hellbent on pushing endless, white-hating propaganda and revisionist, anti-white history on the masses – their goal being, well, you can probably figure it out.
It’s suddenly no longer okay to be white in countries where white people are the majority, as the subverters that now control the narrative have successfully brainwashed and indoctrinated a sizable segment of their populations into believing that being white automatically means that you’re evil, and being black or brown automatically means that you’re good.
Using lies and deception as their catalysts for change, these wicked subverters have successfully poisoned the well. They’ve convinced a disturbing number of useful idiots, many of whom are white themselves, that all white people are inherently racist against black and brown people, and have systematically taken advantage of these people groups all throughout history in order to build thriving civilizations.
All of it is a complete lie, of course. But this is what’s being taught to the next generation of “open” minds through movies, television, and in the classroom, with little resistance from guilt-complexed whites, many of whom seem to be accepting the lie that they’re evil because of the color of their skin.
“The Western presstitutes and politicians have demonized Putin, Maduro, Iran, and Trump to the same extent as the patriotic propagandistic Western court historians have demonized Adolf Hitler,” writes Paul Craig Roberts from the Institute for Political Economy.
“But no one is as demonized as white people, and the curious thing is that it is self-demonization – whites demonizing whites.”
In Scandinavia, white people can’t even report crimes committed against them by third-world migrant invaders for fear of being dubbed “racists”
As horrific as the situation has become for white people living in the U.S. who don’t hate themselves for having white skin, it’s in many ways even worse for white people living in Western Europe – and especially in Scandinavia, which is being completely taken over by white-hating, brown “migrants.”
As Roberts explains, native white people living in places like Scandinavia are becoming increasingly fearful about reporting crimes committed against themselves by brown migrants because they don’t want to be falsely accused of committing a “hate crime.”
That’s right: If you’re victimized as a white person by a brown or black person while existing in Sweden, you could be accused of “racism” for reporting it and seeking justice.
We can expect this same type of anti-white racism to eventually reach the U.S., should things continue on as they’ve been going without organized pushback.
Schoolchildren are already being taught lies about American history that paint white people as the sole racist aggressors responsible for black slavery, when in fact it was actually other blacks, Jews, and various other non-whites who were, in many cases, the real perpetrators.
“Black studies avoids the fact that the British sea captains who brought African slaves to the British colonies that later became the United States purchased the black slaves from the black king of Dahomey, who captured his fellow blacks in slave wars against other black tribes,” Roberts explains.
“The United States has raised entire generations on the fake history that white people hated blacks and decided to capture them in Africa and make slaves of them in order to beat and abuse them.”
Be sure to read Roberts’ full article, “White Peoples and Their Achievements Are Headed for the Trash Bin of History,” at this link.
You can also read more stories about the systemic, anti-white racism that’s taking over America at LiberalMob.com.
Sources for this article include: