A daily occurence in South Africa: Abandoned black newborns. Hundreds of black mothers keep them just long enough to register their births so they may collect grants.
As soon as they are logged on the grant system, the mothers either literally dump their newborns on rubbish heaps, drown them in toilets, or feed them to dogs.
A grant is worth R330 per month.
Another abandoned newborn baby was found alive near a police station in Molweni near Durban on Sunday morning, KZN paramedics said.
ER24 spokesperson, Werner Vermaak, said medics were called to the police station shortly before 08:00.
“It is understood that a member of the public found the little girl close to the police station and took her to there to call for help,” he said.
Vermaak said they had rushed to the scene but by the time they arrived, the baby had been taken to a nearby clinic.
“Upon arrival, nurses were caring for the baby. She had to be transported to a hospital as she was in a serious condition. Paramedics from ER24 arranged with Hillcrest Private Hospital to assist with the stabilisation of the newborn.
The baby was only a few hours old, News24 reported.