“The very day after #BlackMonday, it was reported that three more farmers had been felled, one of whom was black. I wondered what media response would be to the murder of three journalists in a single day. It appears South Africa’s food producers are simply not afforded the same level of concern or even respect for their efforts.”
Marie-Louise Antoni Politicsweb 5/11/2017
“They beat him with a pole… and you could hear the bones breaking,” said Debbie Turner as she recounted her husband’s murder in a slow, defiant voice.
She refuses to talk about him in the past tense and sleeps with a photo of him close by.
Debbie Turner is scathing of the police who have yet to catch her husband’s killers – or even take a statement from her.
“It shows that what happened that night doesn’t mean anything to these people,” she said.
Racially charged farm murders rock SA News 24 26/12/2017
The National Party justifiably earned world opprobrium after 1948 for its political policies.
In seeking redemption F W de Klerk – now widely derided along with Nelson Mandela by some as a sell-out – guided the Afrikaner towards two achievements unique in the history of humankind.
- He ceded political power while still retaining control of the army and the police force.
- He de-fanged the National Party government’s weapons of mass destruction.
In a previous article, I speculated on why the ANC defends, idolises and venerates its leading criminals while the National Party did its best to distance itself from its MPs whose criminal activities brought the party into disrepute.
In this article, I would like, as an English-speaking South African, to highlight the ethos within the Afrikaans community which allows it to counter the unspeakably evil barbarism of farm murder hate crimes with calm and stoic dignity which sets an example for all humankind.
Here’s a brief chronology of recent farm attacks that took place within just three days:
30/10/2017 Vryheid: Bokkie Potgieter (73) hacked to death with a panga, his face so badly mutilated that he was unrecognisable
31/10/2017 Fochville: Willie Barnard (57) fatally shot
31/10/2017 Griekwastad: Willem van der Westhuizen (35) fatally shot
31/10/2017 Ficksburg: Barry Baars (55) fatally shot
2/11/2017 Ficksburg: Arend Corbett (26) shot in the face and one of his employees, Lenyara Tostetsi stabbed
Hardly a week goes past without yet another farmer being murdered, yet Max du Preez questions the motivations of the Black Monday marchers and the justification of their cause.
And in their symbolic protest against the primeval bestiality which spares neither the frail aged nor babes in arms, they are denigrated by Kevin Ritchie, former regional executive editor, Gauteng, for Independent Media, whose ethnic slurs included words like ‘mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, two-tone khaki, kak haircut, vellie’ and who urges them to emigrate.
In support of my contention that the white Afrikaans farmer has responded with stoic dignity to pervasive evil, I would like to use three case studies:
- Two year-old Wilmien Potgieter was shot in the back of the head at point blank range in December 2010 on their Lindley farm, this while her mother’s throat was being slit on the 11th anniversary of her marriage to her murdered husband Attie who succumbed to 151 stab wounds – most caused by a pitchfork. To celebrate this, their murderers left a note written in Sotho on a piece of cardboard saying “We have killed them. We are coming back”.
That’s not just a crime, that’s a hate crime.
- The blood of 86-year old Rachel de Villiers was used by her murderer to write a satanic message on the walls of the home she shared with her murdered husband on their Barkly East farm in October 2013. The primitive savagery of her murder, made headlines as far afield as China.
That’s not just a crime, that’s a hate crime but, like all the other farm murders, it was deliberately ignored by the ANC-controlled and manipulated state broadcaster.
- On 15 May 2010, Johan Strydom was attacked on his farm outside Potchefstroom. He would probably have succumbed to the injuries suffered in the attack – which included a savage beating with an iron bar – but post-mortem results provided in a subsequent court case showed that was still alive when his sadistic attackers indulged themselves a little further. He was attached by a chain to his bakkie and dragged, while still alive, to what must, finally, have been a merciful death.
“Johan Strydom’s liver burst, the back of his skull was crushed and there were drag marks all over his body. He lay with his face to the ground and there was a chain around his left ankle,” said Warrant Officer Kevin Pretorius on Thursday during the bail application of two of the three accused, Simphiwe Tueng, 19, and Soul Letsie, 21, in the Potchefstroom Magistrate’s Court.
All that was taken was his cellphone and his wallet.
That’s not just a crime, that’s a hate crime.
So what has the white Afrikaans farming community done in response?
They have, in response to their bereavement through unspeakable and utterly sadistic torture and murder, built memorials to their dead.
- Close on 1700 white crosses dot a grassy hillside of a farm near Pietersburg. Locals call it “Treurgrond” – Place of Sorrow.
- The names of murder victims like the Potgieter family, the de Villiers couple and Johan Strydom are inscribed on a memorial at Nampo Park in Bothaville.

Here’s what the white Afrikaans farming community has not done:
- It has not murdered anyone in retaliation
- It has not torched schools, libraries and community centres in retaliation
- It has not barricaded roads with burning tyres and stoned passing vehicles in retaliation
- Why? Because ‘the Smoke that Calls’ is not part of its ethos

The evidence of un-denied historical record shows that, as a deliberate matter of policy, former President Thabo Mbeki, well-knowing that this would make farmers more vulnerable to attack, did away with the efficient Commando farm protection system in 2003 and then reneged on a promise to replace it with a system of equivalent efficiency.
In October last year, Joubert Conradie was murdered in yet another attack by debased degenerates.
In response to this appalling and never-ending evil, his friend Chris Loubser in his bereaved sense of loss, posted a clip on social media calling for an appropriate response.
The response was the Black Friday march and we are indebted to Marie-Louise Antoni for showing how leading commentators abused their media influence and reach to voice their contempt, blatantly lie and openly express their ethnic hatred of the white Afrikaner.
I would like to issue a challenge to the African National Congress, to the country’s Race Merchants and, most specifically to Derek Hanekom who has never publicly condemned the murder of people like Wilmien Potgieter, Rachel de Villiers, Johan Strydom or Joubert Conradie but never misses an opportunity to further persecute and immiserate an elderly woman who has never physically harmed anybody or advocated harming anybody.
- Can you give one instance where white people in general or white Afrikaners in particular have invaded a home occupied by black people, murdered the husband by inflicting more than a hundred wounds with a pitchfork, slit the throat of the wife and blown the head of a two-year-old child apart with a shot fired at point-blank range and then left a note saying – ‘We have killed them – we are coming back – as happened to the Potgieter family in December 2010?
- Can you give one instance where white people in general or white Afrikaners in particular have invaded a home occupied by a black family, murdered an elderly couple and attempted to blind the physically handicapped son and then used the blood of one of them to write a satanic sign on the wall of their home as happened to the de Villiers farming family in Barkly East in October 2013?
- Can you give one instance where white people in general or white Afrikaners in particular have savagely beaten a black man with an iron bar and then, while he was still alive, savagely indulging themselves a little further by attaching him by a chain to a vehicle and dragging him to his death before leaving, taking with them his cellphone and wallet as happened to Johan Strydom in May 2010?
They will not respond because they cannot.
To the immense anger of the Race Merchants, the Black Friday march was an undoubted catalyst to the statements of Australian MP Peter Dutton which, whatever their merits or otherwise have focused world attention like never before on the savagery visited on South African farmers whose vulnerability to hate crime attack increased exponentially after the Thabo Mbeki decision in 2003.
In 2012 Christiaan Bezuidenhout, professor of criminology at the University of Pretoria stated that the number of farm attacks in South Africa is estimated to be 700% higher than in any other country in the world and according to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry each farm murder costs the economy more than R2 million.
What makes these murders unique is the gratuitous cruelty and torture which accompanies these hate crimes.
In a May 2006 column in Business Day, headlined ‘Evil depth of SA’s crimes calls for drastic measures’ Rhoda Kadalie wrote:
“A Bloemfontein farming couple aged more than 80 and 70 years respectively was assaulted by five armed men. The old man was dumped in a scolding hot bath until the soles of his feet fell off and the guys jumped on the chest of the woman, breaking her ribs and damaging her lungs and heart. I read and re-read this story simply because my brain could not absorb such evil.”
In November 2015 the Freedom Front Plus and Afriforum made a submission to the United Nation’s Forum on Minority Issues in Genève about such ethnic hate crimes.
The African National Congress was furious and did its best to block this submission.
Now, at last, thanks to the tearful appeal Facebook appeal of Chris Loubser and the subsequent events, the mask has been ripped away from the African National Congress and the Race Merchants.
Now, at last, the world knows.
Hopefully the stoic dignity with which the white Afrikaans community has responded to the unspeakable savagery which accompanies so many hate crime farm murders will now also be recognised.
Stoic Dignity in the Face of Bestial Depravity: Farm Murders in SA