South Africa is a country that lives on the continent of Africa. It is one of the countries with the most history in the world.
South Africa was ruled by an “Apartheid era” in the years 1948 to 1991 where Blacks and White could not be together and the black majority were treated unfairly. When Nelson Mandela took over power the black and white could live together and work together for the first time.
But what the world does not know is that after the ANC took over (Mandela’s Party) the white South Africans were left out of business deals and many other things in South Africa. In recent years, the white South African farmers have been murdered and their government has released a system called “BEE”. Basically not allowing the white people of South Africa job opportunities and businesses.
South Africa is currently driven into the ground by a president that believes a shower could cure aids.
South Africa is also the country where the most rapes and sexual assault on women take place. The reported rape rate a few months ago was 110 women getting raped every single day. Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) has found that sexual offenses, including rape, increased by 117% in 2017.
If you want to travel the world, this is one place you should never travel too as a number of tourists have been attacked in South Africa over the past year.
Before you even decide to go to South Africa, you should really consider anywhere else in the world. And if you are white, you should probably never travel to South Africa.
The attack on white people and especially farmers has increased greatly and the future for white people in South Africa is unknown at this point.
Please see photos below of the brutal attacks that take place in South Africa on farmers. These photos are brutal and not for sensitive readers.
These are just a two images out of thousands. The people are getting slaughtered while their govenment sings songs such as “kill the Boer”. See the South African president singing “kill the boer”, it translates basically saying kill the white man.
There are also other South African politicians calling for the slaughters on white farmers, a man named Julius Malema said “We are not calling for the slaughter of white people, YET”
It doesn’t seem like there is a future for white people in South Africa. The big question is, will United Nations draw the line or will South Africa get rid of their small white population.