“Your flags are racist.” “White people should give their possessions to us because we’re black.” “We don’t track race in crime statistics.” “Whites are killing blacks.”
These phrases should sound familiar. They’re often heard in the United States these days. However, these phrases are not being said just in America, but in South Africa. In South Africa, on a regular basis, white farmers and their families are murdered, raped, and tortured. The crimes often go covered up by the government either through non-reporting, number shifting, or outright lying.
Thousands of farmers blocked traffic on October 30, 2017 protesting the high rate of the murder of almost exclusively white farmers in South Africa in an action that was tagged #BlackMonday. Black Monday was started by a man in response to his friend and fellow farmer, Joubert Conradie, being murdered on the farm he was raised on in the Western Cape. Joubert was a father of two and was shot to death by intruders. He asked people to wear black in remembrance of the farmers who had been killed. Within less than a week after posting the video that started Black Monday, there were at least eight more attacks on farms and four men killed. Even during Black Monday, another farmer was hacked to death in Vryhied, and during the protest, a truck plowed into farmers and their supporters in an attack that is very reminiscent of the ones Muslim terrorists use. These farm attacks are not just attacks, however. Often women and children are raped, at times babies have been placed in boiling water in front of their parents, and other forms of violent torture and savagery have taken place.
The government has been complicit in the attacks on white farmers. In 2003, the government disbanded the Commandos which provided defense for the farmers. As a result of this, farm attacks shot up. Their own Institute of Security Studies reported a 112% increase in farm attacks and a 33% increase in farm murders between 2012 and 2016. In the country as a whole, the murder rate is 32 per 100,000 and the rape rate is 127.6 per 100,000. Under the ANC, it has become a country of lawlessness, rape, and murder. Just in early 2017, 70 white farmers had been killed in 341 attacks on farms. A farmer has a 4.5 times more chance of being murdered than an average South African.

We may ask ourselves, “Why should we care about South Africa?” The simple answer is: because it is a foreshadowing of here.
The Confederate flags that are to many a symbol of Southern pride, brotherhood, and culture are now decried as “racist.” During Black Monday, the South African government and leftist organizations used the same ploy with the original South African flag: “The BBC’s Pumza Fihlani in Johannesburg says the protests are already causing racial divisions after some demonstrators were seen carrying the flag from the apartheid era.” The Arts and Culture Minister tweeted, “We strongly condemn the racism on display at the #BlackMonday protest with the brandishing of the apartheid flag. This is unacceptable.”
Likewise, South Africa has its own version of Antifa. During Black Monday the hard-left group, “Black First Land First” (BLF) – that eerily resembles “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) here in the States – was busy with a propaganda campaign saying that white farmers deserved it, while at the same time wanting reparations in the form of taking land from white farmers, land that had been in the hands of some families for hundreds of years, and giving them to blacks. In fact, many of these groups get funding from the same organizations that fund leftist groups here.
In many ways, the war we see occurring here had its flashpoint in South Africa. Just as we see the thuggery of the Left here, leftists in South Africa used – and continue to use – brutal tactics. Winnie Mandela used to “necklace” people – that means putting a tire filled with gasoline down around their chest and arms and igniting it. In 1986 she said “With our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country.” Of course, this was brushed under the rug because it was mostly done to blacks by other blacks who for one reason or another believed them to be “traitors” to the leftist cause. Intimidation is a big part of the tactics used in South Africa. Many of the farm attacks are not simple robberies, but forms of intimidation to try to get white farmers to leave their land so it can be distributed to blacks. That is why the men and children are murdered, but the women often left alive after being raped and brutalized. And, as we see going on here, monuments were taken down, streets and towns renamed to something more “appropriate”. It’s the same ideological war in South Africa as it is here.
We should learn from South Africa what could happen, and, if we don’t step up, what will be happening here. Further, we should not sit idly by while another group of people whose roots are in Western culture and Western civilization are subjected to genocide. By helping to cast a light on what is happening in South Africa, we are not only helping South Africans, but ourselves as well. In the coming days and weeks more will be forthcoming on what is going on, the history of the matter, how it applies to us, and what we Americans can do to help both the South Africans and ourselves.