South Africa’s richest woman and the white rebellious spokesperson ‘Magda Wierzycka’ never ceases to stay out of controversy. Magda’s outright racist comments on the SA natives and her biased and protective attitude towards her own white community is enough proof of it. She is currently serving as the CEO of the white owned Sygnia Assets Management.
Her years of experience as the boss of Sygnia which saw the company’s value skyrocket from R2 billion in 2006 to R150 billion in 2016 is a perfect exemplification of the white’s monopoly and looting of the South African economy. As per our authentic sources, many black exploitation cases have been reported within her organisation.
Magda Rubbishes The Concept of ‘BEE’ and Radical Economic Transformation
Magda’s personal vendetta and typical white oppressing tendency against the Zuma regime and the SA black community as a whole, is clearly visible through her outspoken statements. Among them, the most infamous one is “Ignore BEE points”. She had come out openly to dissuade all the companies to ignore BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) points, thus stating her clear intentions against RET and native blacks.
“We need more financial support for civil rights organisations fighting corruption such as Outa [Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse], Helen Suzman Foundation, Corruption Watch, Ahmed Kathrada Foundation and a number of others,” she said.
She also spoke of a “low-road scenario” that was at play in which “forces of greed and corruption” prevailed, bringing about a parallel security state, rigging of election results, intimidation and political murders – all to ensure a Zuma proxy was appointed as ANC president.
Magda’s White Oppressive Audacity To Buy Off President ‘Jacob Zuma’
In a recent interview few months back, Magda had audaciously expressed her desire to offer President Jacob Zuma as much money as he wishes to have in order to step down as the President of SA.
Speaking in an interview with CNBC Africa, Wierzycka said she believes that the country’s business community, capital holders and investors still have a very powerful voice and that it should be leveraged in opposition of President Zuma’s recent decisions.
(Here’s the video where Magda Wierzycka has openly challenged to buy off President Jacob Zuma)
“We are sitting in a situation which was completely and artificially created by one man’s whim to dismiss Pravin Gordhan,” said Wierzycka.
“Consequently I believe that if we stood up as a collective we could have a very meaningful impact, but what I’m seeing is corporate South Africa almost retreating from this debate in its entirety – and that is very sad to watch.”
This attitude of hers shows a clear plan to use her wealth to topple the democratically elected president and replace him with her own stooge, preferably ‘Pravin Gordhan’.
Magda’s Hypocritic & Unnecessary Defamation Lawsuit Against Wise Manyi
Her recent willingness to buy off President Zuma has extremely offended the black community, thus leading to many RET spokespersons such as Jimmy Manyi take defensive stance for Zuma and the native blacks.
Magda had filed an urgent application in the South Gauteng High Court a while back arguing that Manyi’s comments had defamed her, after Manyi wrote on Twitter and Facebook that she is guilty of “economic terrorism” and that she is a “downright racist” who “objectifies black people as things that can be bought”. It seems that Magda couldn’t bear to hear the actual truth.
Here’s the tweet:
Video: Magda Wiezycka takes Mzwanele Manyi to court | https://t.co/hUoVSysvMPpic.twitter.com/mPb9zvxfkD
— ANN7 (@ANN7tv) September 7, 2017
Arguments had been scheduled for 7th Sept, but Manyi then challenged Judge Dippenaar’s appointment.
Manyi was unhappy that the urgent motion had been suddenly switched from Judge Bashier Vally to Dippenaar, as Dippenaar comes from the same group of chambers as David Unterhalter, Wierzycka’s counsel. Manyi said he was totally disturbed that she could rule over his case. “This is aggravating circumstances. Not only is she from the same group, but she is Unterhalter’s junior. She will defer to her senior counsel on this. How can this not be biased? This means my case is killed even before its starts.”
Manyi’s counsel, Vuyani Ngalwana, informed him before court proceedings began that the case had been handed to Acting Judge Dippenaar and Manyi instructed his counsel to ask Dippenaar to recuse herself.
The court case is still pending, but the level of influence Magda goes in order to harm the RET worshippers like Jimmy Manyi shows a clear oppressive and exploitative tendency of the whites on SA natives.
In A Nutshell
Though anyone’s outspoken attitude is good enough to bring positive changes either personally or socially, utilizing it in a negative way to satisfy oneself’s personal vendetta can adversely affect the societal growth which is exactly being pursued by individuals like Magda Wierzycka. So it is high time to introspect into these scenarios and boycott the all views and gestures posed by such disgrace of a human being.
Magda Wierzycka – The Biggest Repulsor of BEE and Radical Economic Transformation